
Huang Runian had multiple soft tissue injuries all over her body, including two broken ribs, while He Jingyao was fine except for some scratches on his head.

Both Huang's parents came, and they felt very distressed for their daughter.

"Those people are simply lawless and despise the law. Your father has already called the police. When these people are caught, he will definitely uphold justice for you!"

Mother Huang held Huang Runian in her arms and was reluctant to let go. As soon as the couple received the call, they rushed to the hospital before dawn.

"I thought about it carefully just now, and I can't call the police. Although they didn't do anything to Xiao Nian, if it gets out, our Xiao Nian is a girl, how can she marry in the future?"

Hearing Huang's father say this, Huang's mother suddenly realized the seriousness of the situation, "Yes, you can't call the police, and you must not call the police. Oh, my family, Xiao Nian, it's really a hard life. Tell me, why are you a girl? ..."

Speaking of this, Mother Huang glanced at He Jingyao helplessly.

On this end, Qiu Wanqing didn't know what to say.

"Ah Yao, Xiao Nian saved you again this time. Tell me, if it wasn't for her these two times, you don't know what you would have become. Even she didn't even want the reputation of a girl, so she had to protect you. You are thoughtful, look at how she is hurt now, did I say your eyes are blind? Why can’t you see her? Let me tell you, if you don’t give someone an explanation this time, I won’t be able to forgive you!"

He Jingyao frowned with a headache, "I understand everything you said, but please give me some time to think about it!"

"Brother Jingyao!" Huang Runian looked over here.

When He Jingyao passed by, there was a different emotion in his eyes, "Say it!"

Huang Runian bit her lip, "My parents are here today, so I'll say something clearly in front of everyone!"

"Dad, Mom, and Auntie Wanqing, I know you all want to feel sorry for me and pity me, but you can't force it when it comes to feelings. Yours is willing to accept me, but he doesn’t have me in his heart and doesn’t like me, so isn’t my love life very sad? I know you are doing it for my own good, but one size fits the other, you can’t be kidnapped morally like this!”

He Jingyao suddenly raised his eyes to look at her, and there was something inexplicable in his deep eyes.

Appreciation, guilt, and distress.

This girl is far more sensible and enlightened than he imagined, but he...

"Xiao Nian, you don't have to be so inferior. No matter what, you are worthy of our family Yao. It is Yao who is unlucky and has no vision. He will regret it!" Qiu Wanqing said in front of Huang's parents. , had no choice but to keep praising Huang Runian.

Mother Huang sighed helplessly, waved her hands and said, "Wan Qing, forget it, it's because we Xiao Nian didn't have this blessing, it's about the two of them..."

"I am willing to associate with Xiao Nian!"

He Jingyao's sudden statement shocked everyone.

When the elders all retreated, only two young people were left.

Huang Runian's face was anxious, "Brother Jingyao, don't worry about what they say, just follow your own ideas, don't worry, I won't use what happened last night to ask you to do anything for me, to protect you I did it willingly, even if I was given another chance, I would do the same!"

"Why? Why do you want to protect me even if you don't want your own comfort and reputation?" He Jingyao stared into her eyes, deep and cold.

Huang Runian bit her lower lip until she was about to bleed. She thought He Jingyao was really angry, so she timidly explained, "I, I like you because you don't know, let me watch you being beaten by them." , I really can't do it!"

"So you can be stupid and let them handle it? Huang Runian, I'm not worth it, do you understand?"

"No, it's up to me whether it's worth it or not, you're worth everything I've given!" Huang Runian corrected her like a stubborn child.

He Jingyao suddenly felt a splitting headache, this sentence was like a bolt of lightning, splitting his brain suddenly.

So familiar, so profound, as if someone said it to someone.

Who is it?
He couldn't remember.

He Jingyao stood up from the chair and stuffed the peeled oranges to Huang Runian, "What I just said was serious, let's date!"

When the orange fell to the ground, Huang Runian blinked her almond eyes and stared at the man in front of him, "Brother Jingyao, you, are you serious?"

"You said it yourself, if you don't try it, how will I know if I like you or not, unless you don't want to!"

"No, no, no, I am willing, I am willing!" Huang Runian answered faster than anyone else, fearing that he would regret it in the next second.

"Then start tomorrow!" the man said and left.

Huang Runian was already so excited that she couldn't help rolling on the bed.

Suddenly realizing that her ribs were broken, the pain made her want to cry and laugh at the same time.


Brother Jingyao finally agreed, finally agreed!

Huang Runian lived in the hospital for a week, and He Jingyao didn't come to the company for a week.

Everyone guessed that the two of them had something to do.

"Wow! Guess who I saw just now? Damn, Huang Runian actually came in the car of our big boss, and the big boss even opened the door for her himself, it's so spoiled!"

"Nani? Is it true or not? I have worked so hard for so long, but in the end I was cut off by a newcomer. The concubine can't rest in peace!"

"The big boss's new love and old love are in the same company, damn it, this is too exciting!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down, be careful not to be overheard by the boss's old love, she is a ruthless character, Xia Meng can't even beat her!"

Shen Zhiyi heard all of their conversation, and fell silent for a while.

Are He Jingyao and Huang Runian together?

They've been together before, haven't they?
Handsome men and beautiful women are well matched, and it is only natural to get together.

Very good, very good!
Shen Zhiyi walked towards her office step by step with heavy steps, her back looked lost and lonely.

Ben was already determined to keep a distance from He Jingyao, but work didn't allow it.

No, there was a document in her hand that had to be signed by He Jingyao.

Taking a deep breath, she raised her hand and knocked on the door of the president's office, "Mr. He, this document..."

There was a man and a woman sitting inside. Huang Runian peeled the egg shells and fed them to He Jingyao who was having trouble typing on the keyboard.

But He Jingyao, who was so particular, opened his mouth to cooperate.

This scene is completely sweet scene.

And the intruder, like a light bulb, shouldn't be here at all.

Shen Zhiyi didn't withdraw, nor did he stand here. For a moment, the scene was very embarrassing.

"Sister Zhiyi!" Huang Runian stood up reflexively, and explained with a blushing face, "Well, brother Jingyao didn't eat breakfast, so I... oh, by the way, have you eaten? I still have breakfast here. There are soy milk and steamed buns!”

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