"Thank you, I've eaten it!" Shen Zhiyi pinched his palms fiercely, raised an official and most standard smile, and handed a document to He Jingyao, "Mr. He, please sign it!"

He Jingyao stared at Shen Zhiyi for a few seconds with dim eyes, signed his name without looking at it.

"Then don't bother you two, you continue!" Shen Zhiyi nodded, and then walked out of the president's office with the door. The whole process was generous and natural, without any awkwardness.

"Brother Jingyao, sister Zhiyi doesn't seem very happy, I think I'd better go over and explain to her!"

He Jingyao pulled Huang Runian back, "We communicate normally, and we don't need to explain to anyone!"

She didn't explain to him when she was fooling around with other men, so why should he explain to her?

Huang Runian stopped talking, but she still felt a little guilty.

I hope Shen Zhiyi will not be angry with her.

Shen Zhiyi didn't know how he walked back to the office, he was in a daze, as if his soul had been pulled away.

Her eyes were piercing, her nose was sore, and her throat seemed to be stuffed with wet cotton, which made her almost suffocate.

They really are together!

Yeah, what else could she expect?There was no possibility between her and He Jingyao.

She should be relieved to have such a pure and kind girl like Huang Runian taking care of him by his side.

That's it, it's a good result for everyone.

Throughout the day, Shen Zhiyi was absent-minded, broke a mug, sent a wrong message, threw an important document into the trash can and so on.

She felt that she must have fainted to make such a low-level mistake.

Today's work ended early, Shen Zhiyi didn't want to stay any longer, so he packed his satchel and left.

dong dong!

Huang Runian is here.

Shen Zhi expected it.

"Is your health better?" Shen Zhiyi looked around her with concern.

She heard what Ah Shen said about her rescue of He Jingyao, and she was shocked at the time.

He would rather be bullied than allow them to touch He Jingyao.

Shen Zhiyi felt ashamed, she might not be so brave and selfless.

She deserves to be loved and cherished by He Jingyao.

Losing to her, Shen Zhiyi was convinced.

Huang Runian turned around on the spot, with a relaxed tone, "Look, it's much better, oops, it's actually not that serious, don't listen to their nonsense!"

Shen Zhiyi nodded, "That's good!"

He lowered his head and glanced at the time, "If you have anything to say, just say it! I have something to do later!"

Huang Runian licked her lips, a little hesitant.

To be reasonable, she shouldn't have come to talk to Shen Zhiyi about this at this time, but anyone with a small mind would think she was showing off and provoking.

But she really can't hold back, some things can't be said, it's good for everyone, she doesn't want to be so uncomfortable when interacting with He Jingyao.

"I, Brother Jingyao and I are dating now!" is a declarative sentence.

Shen Zhiyi's hand holding the water glass tightened, with a calm expression on her face, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

"Really? Then I would like to congratulate you, Mr. He finally got his name!"

Huang Runian kept staring into her eyes, not missing any details, "Is sister Zhiyi sincerely blessing us?"

"How do you say that?"

"Don't you, don't you hate me? Don't you hate me? After all, you and Brother Jingyao..."

"Stop!" Shen Zhiyi put down his water glass and put his arms around his shoulders, "He Jingyao and I are in the past tense. Now who he falls in love with or marries has nothing to do with me. You don't have to worry about my feelings, and neither will I. If you have any feelings, there are many men chasing me, why should I spend so much time on this man? Wouldn't that be very tiring? "

She took two steps forward, put her hands on Huang Runian's shoulders, and said in a sincere and serious tone, "Miss Huang, you are worthy of being liked by a good man. If you like someone, you should bravely chase after him and always accept it. You don't have to care about other people." In love, everyone is selfish, and whoever gets it gets it. The man you like is not a plaything, how can you let him come and go? You have to hold him tightly, understand?"

Shen Zhiyi said these words from the heart.

She is not He Jingyao's, and Huang Runian doesn't need to care about her feelings. It is the most perfect result for lovers to get married.

Huang Runian's eyes were full of surprise and emotion. She thought that it would take a lot of effort to do Shen Zhiyi's ideological work well.

She didn't want to lose him as a friend.

But after hearing these words, she realized that she seemed to be thinking too much, and the burden in her heart was finally unloaded, and she could go on a date with her brother Jingyao with peace of mind.

At the same time, she also sincerely wishes Shen Zhiyi to find her other half, because she also deserves to be liked by better men.


Because Shen Zhiyi often works overtime, Xiaobao has been going home by himself recently, cooking and sleeping by himself.

When the little girl went to school, Shen Zhiyi went to work, when the little girl finished school, Shen Zhiyi hadn't left work, and when the little girl was sleeping, Shen Zhiyi came back.

Therefore, the mother and daughter have not seen each other for several days.

Shen Zhiyi was in a bad mood, she tossed her high heels, dropped her satchel, and fell onto the sofa with all kinds of wine and snacks from the refrigerator.

The TV changed to a random channel, and a variety show was playing on it, and everyone laughed at the scene, but Shen Zhiyi's nose was sour, and her eyes were stingy, as if something hot was about to rush down.

She finally couldn't hide it anymore, her heart twitched, as if she wanted to drain all the oxygen.

That's right, that man He Jingyao no longer belongs to her. From now on, he already has another person by his side, and he doesn't need her anymore.

that's nice!

Xiaobao is back.

Seeing that there was no light in the living room, the little girl couldn't help frowning.

As the chandelier was turned on, the scene at the scene made the little girl's eyes widen.

I saw Shen Zhiyi sitting on the ground, leaning back and forth on the sofa, lying motionless, holding a half can of beer in his hand.

Xiaobao raised his forehead, oh my god, what happened to Shen Zhiyi?
"Hey, Shen Zhiyi, wake up!" The little girl patted Shen Zhiyi's face, trying to wake her up.

With difficulty, Shen Zhiyi lifted her eyelids and glanced at her, then giggled, "Huh? Xiaobao, are you back?"

"Why are you drinking?"

"Oh, me, I just drank a little, a little..." Shen Zhiyi squeezed her fingertips and gestured, and couldn't help hiccupping.

The little girl pinched her nose in disgust, and fanned her face with her hand, "No way, Shen Zhiyi, why did you degenerate like this?"

"What is depravity, do you know that you are in a good mood?" Shen Zhiyi pouted and muttered, "Forget it, forget it, what do you know as a little brat, get hungry, for your mother, for your mother, go and cook for you go!"

She squeezed the flesh on the little girl's face, just about to stand up, but before she could stand still, she fell back with a thud.

Xiao Bao put his arms around his shoulders, and a flock of crows flew past his forehead.

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