"Forget it, forget it, who told you to be my own mother, hey! I did it myself!" The little girl sighed helplessly, and then turned her little buttocks and went to the kitchen.

After a while, she made herself a bowl of noodles, and also cooked hangover soup for Shen Zhiyi.

It's not easy being a kid these days, you have to be a child and a mother at the same time.

Whose mother is still like her, she has to let her children take care of her, hey!

If she could choose to reincarnate again, she... Forget it, let's choose Shen Zhiyi's daughter, at least she has good looks.

"Shen Zhiyi, drink this!"

Shen Zhiyi frowned like a child, then shook her head, "It's poisonous, I don't want to drink it, I, I have a daughter, you guys, don't try to harm me!"

Xiaobao: "..."

Should she be touched or should she be speechless?
"Be obedient, good boy, you'll feel better after drinking!" the little girl coaxed her with all her might.

Fortunately, this trick worked, and Shen Zhiyi opened her mouth obediently.

After feeding the hangover soup, the little girl used all her breastfeeding strength to help Shen Zhiyi fall on the sofa, and it was impossible to help her into the bedroom!

Then she took off her slippers, lifted her legs onto the sofa, and covered her with a blanket.

In the end it took half an hour to clean up the living room.

Done, perfect!
The little girl sat on the single sofa with her legs crossed, staring at the sleeping Shen Zhiyi, while rubbing her chin to think.

Shen Zhiyi is not an impetuous person, so if he drank to drink away his worries today, he must have encountered something again.

No, she had to find the reason.

You said being a daughter is easy, you can't finish worrying about it every day.

"Hey Aunt Jiaojiao, let me ask you something. Shen Zhiyi recently..."

The next day, early morning.

The feeling of a splitting headache is really uncomfortable, this is Shen Zhiyi's first feeling when she wakes up.

Checking the time, she sat up with a puff.

Damn, how did you fall asleep at this point?

It's over, it's over, He Jingyao hates people who are late, and this time he will catch him again, damn it!

"Xiaobao, hurry up, hurry up, I'm going to be late..."

Shen Zhiyi grabbed her hair and ran out of the room to call Xiaobao.

Suddenly a discordant voice sounded from behind, "Xiao Bao has already gone to school!"

Shen Zhiyi's back stiffened, then slowly turned around, "Qing, young master Qingyan?"

She rubbed her eyes, that's right, it's He Qingyan, why is he at her house?
He Qingyan closed the newspaper and put it aside, clasped his hands on his knees, was still dressed in black, but couldn't suppress the astonishment on his face.

Like He Jingyao, his super good looks always make people ignore his other advantages.

"Don't look at me so surprised, I'm Xiaobao's request to help take care of you!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

That girl Xiaobao...what the hell was she thinking? She can't find anyone, even Song Jiaojiao. How did she find He Qingyan? I don't know if it would be embarrassing for a mature man or a mature woman?

He Qingyan was still looking at her, so she could only give him an embarrassed and impolite smile, "Then, thank you, Young Master Qingyan, but I'm such an adult, I don't need to take care of you, if you have In terms of things..."

"It's nothing!"

Shen Zhiyi's smile froze for a moment, yes!There is no way out.

"By the way, Xiaobao left you hangover soup when he left, drink it while it's hot!" He Qingyan brought over the hot hangover soup, "Xiaobao is really sensible, you are lucky to have such a daughter! "

Shen Zhiyi smiled dryly.

There was always a tinge of ridicule towards her in this sentence.

No, she is such an adult, and she still has to ask her daughter to cook her hangover soup, and anyone else would feel sorry for Xiaobao.

However, her daughter's independent ability is really strong, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

After Shen Zhiyi drank a big bowl, she didn't have to eat breakfast. She leaned on the sofa with her bulging stomach, and squeezed her forehead with one hand to relieve the discomfort caused by the hangover.

By the way, why was she drunk last night?It was still for that stinking man He Jingyao.

He might be somewhere with his girlfriend, you invite me, it's sweet and sweet, only she is the stupidest, find awkwardness for yourself.

It's all right now, after being drunk, only sobriety remains.

He Jingyao, goodbye!

"Master Qingyan, thank you for coming, I should go to work, or... we go out together?"

He Qingyan shook his phone, "I've already asked for a day off for you, you can't work in this state, take a good rest!"

"Ah?" Shen Zhiyi opened his mouth as wide as possible.

Suddenly, he saw the shadow of another man on this man.

If she remembers correctly, He Jingyao also likes to make his own decisions.

"If you feel bored, can I watch a movie with you?" He Qingyan glanced at the time and suggested casually.

Unexpectedly, Shen Zhiyi agreed, "Okay, let's go to the movies!"

Shen Zhiyi couldn't remember the last time she watched a movie, nor what was the last movie she saw.

Now that I enter the cinema again, time seems to go back to the carefree days a few years ago.

Because it was noon when they came, and there was only one pure love movie.

Shen Zhiyi was a little confused, watching pure love movies with friends of the opposite sex, is she out of her mind?And it doesn't quite fit either.

But when people come, they just leave, as if there is really something between the two of them.

"Okay, then this one, two!" Shen Zhiyi made a decision.

There were still 10 minutes before the opening, and the two sat in the rest area and waited.

There were also other couples sitting around, chatting flirtatiously together, with milk tea and buttered popcorn in front of them.

"Sit down, I'll be right back!"

Shen Zhiyi turned her head, He Qingyan had already left.

After a while, I saw him walking with a bucket of popcorn and two cups of milk tea in his arms.

The tall man of 1.9 meters, with a cold and introverted handsomeness, hugging these heart-warming things, the girls around him are almost dying of hunger.

"Wow wow wow! Look whose male ticket this is, I'm so jealous!"

"It's lucky to be his girlfriend. Look at my house again. What should I do if I want to change my male ticket?"

"It seems to be asking for a contact information!"

As a result, some girls were really encouraged to ask for contact information.

Shen Zhiyi shook her legs and watched from a distance, she really wanted to see He Qingyan's embarrassment when he was embarrassed.

He Qingyan has always been cold and aloof, let's see what he does now.

In the end, he and the little girl pointed to Shen Zhiyi's side, and then said something, and the girl finally left with regret and disappointment.

"You just went to buy these?" Shen Zhiyi picked up a can of milk tea and took a sip. It tasted pretty good.

"Yeah, isn't this standard for watching movies? If others have it, you should have it too!"

There was an inexplicable warmth in Shen Zhiyi's heart.

Although she has no sexual desire for this man, she has to admit that he should be a good boyfriend.

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