Chapter 369 Who am I and where am I

"Hey, look, this pair of CP is also very eye-catching, how do they look, how can they be so good-looking!"

"Good-looking is good-looking, but I still like the pair just now, especially the aloofness of that handsome guy!"

Holding the milk tea, Shen Zhiyi subconsciously looked in the direction of the girls' discussion. This was so unbearable that she almost choked on the milk tea and coughed for a while.

He Qingyan was in a hurry as he handed her tissues and patted her on the back over and over again.

This pair of emotions is none other than He Jingyao and Huang Runian.

The former still had an iceberg face, while the latter had the shyness and joy of a little girl, staring at him with satisfaction.

Shen Zhiyi's heart ached.

He Qingyan also saw it, he subconsciously looked at Shen Zhiyi's reaction, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

It turned out that she had never forgotten him...

"Sister Zhiyi, Master Qingyan, you are here too!" Huang Runian was stunned when he saw them, and then greeted them with a smile.

Shen Zhiyi and He Qingyan also responded to her.

Huang Runian looked at the two of them, and suddenly came up with an idea, and said with an ambiguous expression, "Aren't you..."


He Qingyan interrupted Shen Zhiyi, "It's been a long time since I watched a movie, I just came here when I was bored!"

There was a sneer in my ear, "Boring? Could it be that I forgot that Shen Zhiyi didn't ask for sick leave?"

When He Jingyao heard that Shen Zhiyi had taken sick leave today, he was even a little worried, but now it seems that he thought too much.

There is already someone accompanying her, and this is not sick, it is clearly a leave of absence for a date.

This woman is really hateful!

He Qingyan curled his lips, "It's a combination of work and rest, relaxation is also the best way to recuperate!"

"Yes, yes, it's good to take a break. Sister Zhiyi has been working overtime for a long time!" Huang Runian smiled to smooth things over, "By the way, Sister Zhiyi, what movie are you watching today?"

"Not yet in love!" He Qingyan answered for her.

Shen Zhiyi said, hurry up and start, so that you don't have to face He Jingyao's face that deserves to be beaten.

As a result, Huang Runian was pleasantly surprised in the next second, "Ah! Coincidentally, we are also watching this!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." God!On purpose?How can you do this?

The movie started quickly, and the four of them entered the scene together.

Shen Zhiyi was glad that he didn't have to sit with them, otherwise it would be so embarrassing.

She dared to say that today's point is the worst time in her life.

God step mother knew that the positions of these two people were next to them.

The four looked at each other.

The current situation is like this, Huang Runian and He Qingyan sit on the farthest sides, while He Jingyao and Shen Zhiyi accidentally sit in the middle, that is, next to each other.

Shen Zhiyi: Who am I?where am I?
Shen Zhiyi couldn't do it if he watched a movie with the pair next door in this way.

Especially when she felt a pair of eyes staring at her deeply in the dim light, which made her restless.

She deeply doubted whether this was He Jingyao operating in the dark, how could it be such a coincidence?Afraid he was messing with her?

You said she just went out to watch a movie with He Qingyan, why couldn't she have a good time?
"My viewing angle is better from this position, why not change it!" He Qingyan saved her like a god descending from the earth.

Anyway, Shen Zhiyi didn't see how dark He Jingyao's face was.

A soul-stirring pure love movie was staged so earth-shattering that Shen Zhiyi was distracted the whole time, seeing that there was something going on.

Many girls were moved to tears by the sincere love of the hero and heroine. Even Huang Runian couldn't hold back, but Shen Zhiyi's face was numb.

If you say she is cold-blooded, it's really not true, but she didn't watch the movie at all, and the hero and heroine didn't even match up.

I didn't even have time to watch the Easter eggs at the end of the movie. Once it was over, Shen Zhiyi withdrew faster than anyone else.

Hurry up and save yourself from being entangled by He Jingyao again.

She admitted that Huang Runian was a good boy, innocent, cute, approachable, kind and sensible, but... the more innocent, the more heartless.

Just like now.

"Sister Zhiyi, you are walking so fast, we can hardly keep up!"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes with her back turned: My child, what do you care if you can't keep up with me?Please, don't follow me anymore, okay?
"Sister Zhiyi, where are you going now? How about we..."

"Zhizhi, didn't you just say that you saw a dress in Yinyue Shopping Mall? I'll accompany you to try it on!" He Qingyan looked into Shen Zhiyi's eyes, their eyes flickering.

Shen Zhiyi nodded with comprehension, "Yes, yes, let's go to see the skirt, you guys can play with that, we'll go first!"

Seeing that He Qingyan was usually silent, he understood her quite well.

Who knows, at this time the boss spoke again, "Is it Yinyue Shopping Mall? I just want to give Xiao Nian a gift too, let's go together!"

Shen Zhi's mind split.

She wanted to slash this man to death with one palm, did she intend to make things difficult for her?Please, can you stop hanging around in front of her, it's okay to give gifts if you want, can you not be together?
Huang Runian was flattered, her face was full of the shyness of a little girl.

"Eh? Sister Zhiyi, you're not feeling well, why do you look so bad?"

After Huang Runian asked such a question, the two brothers of the He family looked over at the same time.

Shen Zhiyi squeezed out a bit of embarrassment instead of smiling politely, "It's okay, it's okay, maybe I'm a little tired!"

As soon as the words fell, her feet suddenly flew into the air, and she was hugged horizontally.

"Master Qingyan!"

"Aren't you tired? I'll carry you into the car!" He Qingyan blinked.

Shen Zhiyi didn't know what message he wanted to convey, he seemed very mysterious, so he was quiet.

"Wow! Master Qingyan is indeed in love with Sister Zhiyi. Brother Jingyao, do you think they are a good match?" Huang Runian clasped his hands together, looking at the backs of the two of them with blessings on his face.

He Jingyao's handsome face was covered with frost, as if he was going to freeze everything around him. No one saw his hanging hands clenched into fists, and his voice was even colder, "Is it a good match? I don't think so!"

When she arrived at Yinyue Mall, Shen Zhiyi didn't buy a skirt. She usually wears overalls at work, and she couldn't wear these fancy skirts. Instead, she picked a shirt for He Qingyan to try on.

He Qingyan looked at the light gray shirt in front of him and frowned slightly.

His shirts were all black, and he had never tried this feeling before.

"Go ahead and try it, how will you know if it's suitable if you don't try it?"

Unable to withstand Shen Zhiyi's repeated recommendations, He Qingyan went into the fitting room.


"Brother Jingyao, how about I wear this?"


"What about this one, I really like the color!"

"Not bad!"

"Then help me choose, as long as you choose, I like it!"

"All right!"

He Jingyao was absent-minded, all his attention was on Shen Zhiyi's side.

She actually chose a shirt for He Qingyan, don't you know what it means to give a shirt to a man?

He didn't have the slightest sense of propriety, and he kept saying what he said had nothing to do with He Qingyan, only ghosts would believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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