When I got out of the car, I happened to bump into a few neighborhood aunts.

They originally wanted to come up to say hello, but they felt the cold air on He Jingyao's body that no strangers should enter, so they dodged away resentfully.

The look in her eyes is also a little more intriguing.

Last time it was He Qingyan, this time it was He Jingyao, and sometimes it might be Lin Yu...

Shen Zhiyi didn't dare to think about it any further, the aunts must have misunderstood her and thought of her as a flirtatious woman who hooked up with men all day long without doing her job properly.

Before getting off the car, He Jingyao's car swished and drove away quickly.

Shen Zhiyi was speechless.

Is he so afraid of her pestering him?
Pulling the bag strap on her shoulder, she walked towards the corridor, and suddenly a person jumped out from behind the green belt next to her.

"Shen Zhiyi, save me!"

With the help of the weak light, Shen Zhiyi looked and looked, and then recognized the person, "Shen Yichun? Why are you like this?"

The color of the white coat wrapped around her body has long been unrecognizable, and her bare legs are exposed underneath, with no shoes on.

The hair should have not been washed for many days, sticking into strands and hanging in front of the cheeks.

It's summer now, and the indescribable rotten smell is blindfolded before it even gets close.

Shen Zhiyi pinched her nose reflexively, and took several steps back to distance herself from her.

"You are responsible for the way I am now. I don't care. You have to be responsible, otherwise I will drag you to be my back!" Shen Yichun was like a rabid dog, staring straight at Shen Zhiyi, tearing at her throat Growl.

Shen Zhiyi shook her head, "Why are you so stimulated to go crazy? I don't have time to talk to you today, go away!"

Seeing that she was going to leave, Shen Yichun was anxious and panicked, and rushed to grab her arm, "You can't go, what should I do if you go?"

As soon as the words fell, a seven-seater car quickly stopped beside it, and then four or five men who looked like punks jumped out, some of them were carrying ropes, some were carrying sacks, as if they were here to catch dogs.

Shen Yichun looked terrified, and immediately hid behind Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi could even feel the trembling from her body.

"She is Shen Zhiyi, the eldest lady of the Shen family. She holds shares in Shen's company, as well as various luxury cars and villas. If you want money, you can go to her. Anyway, I don't have any money for you!"

Suddenly, Shen Zhi turned his head and questioned her with his eyes, "Shen Yichun, what the hell are you doing?"

"You are the eldest lady of the Shen family?" The little gangster looked at Shen Zhiyi unkindly.

Shen Zhiyi raised her chin, "So what? What does it have to do with you? Since the person you are looking for is Shen Yichun, she is here, you can do what you want!"

A few punks stood in front of her, blocking the way.

It seemed that he was not going to let her go.

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyelids, her air was threatening, "What do you mean?"

The little gangsters looked at each other and laughed, "What do you mean? It's only natural that the father should pay the debt, and now Shen Yichun owes us 400 million yuan. Since you are her sister, you will naturally pay the debt!"

"Fart!" Shen Zhi pointed at Shen Yichun, "Let me declare that although we both have the surname Shen, we have nothing to do with each other. We are still rivals. She owes you money. You are looking for her, why are you looking for me? I'm not doing charity!"

The little gangster fixed his vicious eyes on Shen Yichun.

Shen Yichun shook her head crazily in horror, "No, don't believe what she said, she is my half-sister, and all the Shen family's money is in her hands, even if you kill me today, I won't get a penny , you ask her for it, as much as she wants!"

The gangster turned his target to Shen Zhiyi again, and as soon as they made eye contact, they surrounded Shen Zhiyi.

"Don't be fooled by Shen Yichun. She is the one who set up black paper, not me. Do you think you can get money from me? Impossible!"

"Your home is here, right? That's easy, let's go, brother, please go up and sit down!"

Before the little bastard even touched Shen Zhiyi, he threw her over the shoulder.

Several people fought immediately.

At this moment, another group of unknown people came.

"Shen Yichun is there, grab her!"

When Shen Yichun saw that Lao Tan's people were also chasing him, she was startled in an instant, and desperately hid behind Shen Zhiyi.

"I don't care, Shen Zhiyi, you must save me, or I will really die!"

Shen Zhiyi laughed, "It's just good for you to die, but it's a disaster to keep you!"

"Shen Yichun, come back with us obediently. If there is anything you can discuss with Mr. Tan slowly!" Old Tan's people didn't want to make too much noise outside, so they tried to coax them first.

Shen Yichun took a sip, and only poked out half of her head from behind Shen Zhiyi, "You are lying, whoever wants to go back to that hell on earth will go back, I will not go back, I tell you, you are illegally imprisoned , I can sue you, let you go back and tell that bastard Old Tan, I, Shen Yichun, will definitely make him pay the price!"

"Don't you guys want to catch me? My sister doesn't allow it, and I have to pass her test first, otherwise she will definitely let you all die!"

Shen Zhiyi didn't care about Shen Yichun drawing the flames towards her, at this moment, she became the target of everyone except Shen Yichun.

Old Tan's people believed it was true, fearing that Shen Zhiyi would really hurt their boss, "Then arrest these two women and take them away!"

Shen Zhiyi couldn't beat four hands with empty fists, got kicked on the back, and fell to the ground.

Before she could react, she was pulled by her hair, and her scalp was so painful that Shen Zhiyi's eyes burst into tears.

Shen Yichun was also pushed to the ground, she struggled and screamed, completely ignoring that her clothes were torn to reveal most of her body.

A poor person must have something to hate, Shen Zhiyi doesn't feel sorry for her.

Some people want money, some people want their lives. In short, Shen Zhiyi was dragged into this muddy water by Shen Yichun.

The person who asked for money stopped Lao Tan's subordinates, "Stop, you have to introduce us to ask for the money before we can take it away. We always pay attention to first-come, first-served!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward and pinched Shen Zhiyi's jaw, "Bitch, hand over your bank card!"

Shen Zhiyi thought it was funny, "Is there something wrong with you? You can call everyone mom on the street?"

The little gangster slapped Shen Zhiyi across the face, causing her to turn her head away.

"Smelly bitch, don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine!"

"Oh, brother Gao, my sister is just a bit stubborn and has a bad temper. You should be gentle, but you can't break people!" Shen Yichun pretended to be affectionate, "By the way, don't you want to money?"

She pointed upstairs, "Her house is on the tenth floor, and there is a little girl at home. As long as you catch her, don't worry about my sister not paying me!"

"Shen Yichun!" Shen Zhiyi warned in a low voice.

Shen Yichun was very proud, waiting for a good show, anyway, her life is not easy now, and she won't let others have a good time.

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