The little bastard stared at him, then raised his hand to attack Shen Zhiyi again, "Damn it! What are you shouting for, and then calling me to kill you..."

Before the last syllable was pronounced, the wrist was suddenly clamped, and then it was bent backwards, followed by the sound of bone dislocation.

Shen Zhiyi thought she had misread it, and widened her eyes, "He Jingyao..."

He Jingyao kicked the man away and patted the dust off his hands, "Shen Zhiyi, why do you like to make trouble so much?"

" careful!" Shen Zhiyi exclaimed.

Someone had already swung a steel rod and threw it at him. The man moved nimbly, and he leaned back. The steel rod rubbed against his tie, causing a gust of wind in the air.

Shen Zhiyi's heart dropped.

According to He Jingyao's skills, her worries are unnecessary.

The two groups of people don't know the origin of Cheng Yaojin who suddenly came out. Anyway, they are here to carry out the mission. One group asks for money and the other for important people. Now that someone ruins their good deed, they naturally refuse.

The opponents add up to a dozen or so, and He Jingyao sees the tricks.

Shen Yichun hid behind the green belt, watching all this indignantly.

Why is there so many high-quality men around Shen Zhiyi, and they are all willing to show up for her, and she finally met a reliable one, but she turned out to be a big liar, cheating money and sex, and selling her out Go to the small vault to accompany the man.

They both have the same surname Shen, so why should they be treated differently? Why should Shen Zhiyi like her?
If she hadn't been a hindrance, the three of them would have been expelled from the house again?
Blame this bitch!
The scene was chaotic, Shen Zhiyi was a woman after all, with limited physical strength, she was overwhelmed.

She was shot in the back, and the blood was about to be forced out.

Probably because they were afraid that they would not be able to keep up with their superiors, this group of people became red-eyed and ruthless.

Shen Zhiyi watched helplessly as someone approached He Jingyao with a wine bottle.

"He Jingyao!" she roared.

The man turned his head when he heard the sound, and in the next second, something hit him hard on the head.

The body froze, a hot current rolled down the forehead, and all eyes turned red.

I don't know who called the police. The police car drove into the community with lights flashing. The two gangs lost their things and fled angrily.

By the time the police arrived, the two gangs who were making trouble had long since disappeared.


Shen Zhi thought about it, but still followed.

First, He Jingyao was injured because of her, so he must bear the responsibility.

Second, Party A is God. If she leaves him at this time, what will happen to her?

He Jingyao's face was so outstanding, even in this state, it still didn't lose half of its beauty, but added a touch of unruly wildness to him, so that the nurses and female doctors rushed to bandage his wound.

In the end, the dean appointed a female doctor to deal with him. Not only was the female doctor gentle in appearance, but she was also very gentle in her techniques, but her face was a little red, and she didn't dare to look at He Jingyao from the beginning to the end. of.

Shen Zhiyi, who was accompanying her at the side, wished she could make room for the two of them now, since she was not needed here anyway.

"Stop, why are you going?" Just as he moved a step, the man seemed to have a pair of eyes on the back of his head, and immediately grabbed her.

Shen Zhiyi smirked professionally, "Go out and get some air!"

"Don't know who I hurt for? Stay here for me!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"Hiss!" The man frowned and took a deep breath after he finished.

The female doctor suddenly became nervous, "I'm sorry sir, did it hurt you?"

"Are you new here?"


"Did I say you were an intern?"

The female doctor blushed and replied shyly, "No, I'm from this hospital..."

"Is this the level of a working doctor? You can't even do the most basic disinfection and bandaging. I think you should learn from the little nurse!"

He Jingyao's mouth was never forgiving, and the female doctor's eyes turned red with a few words, "I'm sorry sir, I... I was a little nervous just now, can I be lighter later?"

"Are you kidding me? A professional doctor should have no distractions during any operation. I didn't do anything and you are like this. If it's a life-threatening situation, wouldn't you kill a life!"


"Let your leaders replace someone, now!" He Jingyao didn't give up an inch, keeping a straight face the whole time.

The female doctor covered her mouth and ran out.

Shen Zhiyi shook his head, He Jingyao has such a bad temper, anyone who gets serious with him will end up like an emo.

To deal with him, it should be treated as if you didn't hear anything or see anything. As long as all poisons don't invade, who can he do?
After the dean got the news, he rushed over tremblingly, and brought along a director of surgery. Finally, the director of surgery performed the disinfection and bandage for He Jingyao himself.

It's all over at eleven o'clock in the evening.

Seeing that He Jingyao was alive and well, and his bad temper was not affected at all, Shen Zhiyi secretly let go of his hanging heart.

She couldn't shirk responsibility for any concussion or something.

He's parents and grandsons have such a noble status, she probably can't afford to pay ten of them, but fortunately, it's just a little bit of skin, God bless.

"Mr. He, thank you for what happened tonight. I will double the medical expenses and various expenses. Do you think 2 yuan is enough?"

Shen Zhi wanted to go home, so he was ready to finish.

The money must be paid, and I am afraid that people will look down on her, but at least it proves that her intentions are not right.

He Jingyao held his forehead and looked at her through gritted teeth, "What? 2 yuan? Shen Zhiyi, I'm worth this in your heart?"

Shen Zhiyi let out a foul breath, and knew it would be like this, so it was a bit difficult to handle.

Taking a deep breath, she said in a good voice, "Then how much you say, and the number you say, is my responsibility after all, and I have an obligation to bear it!"

"Hmph, you also know that you have an obligation!" He Jingyao opened and closed his long legs, walked to the bench in the corridor and sat down.

He was too tall and his legs were too long, so he looked a bit cramped sitting there, but it didn't stop him from being cool at all.

"Do you think I look like a person who is short of money?" He seemed to think about it, and he chuckled.

"Then what do you want?" Shen Zhiyi glanced at the time, it was already 11:30, Xiaobao was still at home, she was not at ease, "If not, I'll go back first, you can think about how to make up for it, As long as it's not too much, I agree!"

He Jingyao hugged his shoulders, with a cold expression, "You agree?"

"Yes, agree to everything!" After saying hello, she hurriedly left the hospital without thinking about the meaning of He Jingyao's retort, let alone seeing the corners of his lips curled up as if he had succeeded...

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