Shen Zhiyi didn't expect Qiu Wanqing to come to her.

In the small living room, Qiu Wanqing sat gracefully on the sofa, looking around with a dissatisfied expression.

"You and Xiaobao really live here?"

Shen Zhiyi put the brewed tea in front of her, and used her hands to scoop up the broken hair on her cheeks, "Auntie, are you concerned about my private life?"

Qiu Wanqing pursed her lips, and expressed her worry, "If you really let go of my A Yao, you shouldn't stay in Hangzhou, take your daughter away, and never appear in front of us again. I will believe you, but what are you doing now? It’s just a change of house, and you’re still dangling in front of A Yao?”

Shen Zhiyi sneered, "Auntie's words are wrong. It's just a divorce. We can be strangers, but there's no need to kill me, right? On the contrary, why don't you move your family? Instead, come to embarrass us?"


Shen Zhiyi interrupted her words, "One more thing, your son is very good, but my own conditions are not bad, right? He Jingyao is not the only man in the world, and you know the man who chased me. Why should I turn my back on me again? ? If you're really worried about your son being missed by others, then just keep him at home and don't go out, so you won't have to worry about it, right!"

" did you talk to me? Sure enough, you came from a small family, with no cultivation at all. When we A Yao married you, it was really bad luck for eight lifetimes, because you got into a car accident, and because you were smashed Your stepmother and the others are right, you are a bastard, and whoever gets close to you will be unlucky!"

This morning Qiu Wanqing went to visit Dashu in He's mansion, and only then did she learn that He Jingyao had suffered a head injury. She knew that her son would not talk so much, so she called Ah Shen, and under her "extorted confession", Ah Shen Only then did the truth be told.

Qiu Wanqing was on fire in her heart, and went to Shen Zhiyi's door early in the morning.

She really wanted to know what kind of spell this woman cast to make her son hurt again and again because of her.

Shen Zhiyi held the tea water in his hand, and slowly blew the white smoke above, as if he heard it, but he didn't seem to hear it.

After fighting openly and secretly with Liu Xiang's mother and daughter for so long, she has already learned to control her emotions. Qiu Wanqing's words caused a wave of fluctuation in her heart.

She had heard the word broomstar more than once or twice from Liu Xiang.

As if she was born with this reputation, these people put all the responsibility on her. She doesn't wear this hat.

"Auntie, I am also very sorry that Mr. He was injured, but it happened suddenly and no one can control it. But you are wrong about some things. First, I didn't call him to come over to help. Mr. He came by himself. Yes, and he was willing to help others on his own initiative. Second, natural disasters and man-made disasters cannot be avoided. Mr. He's injury is beyond my control. To put it bluntly, he is unlucky. , you shouldn’t call me a bastard, but blame your son for meddling in his own business!”

She pressed the water glass on the table, and issued a eviction order with a cold expression, "Auntie, you have this little time, you should go back and educate your son more, I don't have any relationship with you, sorry I can't follow your arrangement , well, I have to go to work later, Auntie, please go back, please walk slowly!"

Shen Zhiyi got up, and respectfully made a "please" gesture to her.

Qiu Wanqing opened and closed her mouth, she was speechless, snorted angrily, picked up her handbag and left.

Shen Zhi's polite smile disappeared instantly as the door closed.

She let out a foul breath on her back, He Jingyao, He Jingyao, you did a good deed, but you brought me trouble instead.

When Shen Zhi came to the company, he heard that He Jingyao hadn't come, and some official business was handled by Ah Shen.

She handed the document to be signed to Ah Shen, and asked casually, "Mr. He...why didn't he come?"

She pretended to be confused, and Ah Shen also followed her to pretend to be confused, "Oh, sir is not feeling well, the doctor suggested to rest at home for a few days!"

"Are you uncomfortable? Does it matter?" Shen Zhiyi became nervous.

Wasn't he still alive and well when he left the hospital yesterday?Why did I start to feel uncomfortable again.

First of all, she is not worried about that guy, but because of her injury, she is jointly and severally responsible.

Ah Shen rolled his eyes and said seriously, "I heard from the doctor that it seems to be quite serious. Sir, I don't even want to eat. I went to He Mansion in the morning and saw that he couldn't even get out of bed. He seemed to be resting for three days." It's been five days!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

I don't want to eat, and I can't even get out of bed, how could it be?
According to what she knew about He Jingyao, if this guy didn't get something back from her, he wouldn't be called He Jingyao.

What should I do, go and see?

"You really told Shen Zhiyi that?"

"Okay, I see, you are busy!"

After talking on the phone with Ah Shen, He Jingyao hung up contentedly.

That's enough, now the news that he was seriously injured at home has been spread through Ashen, Shen Zhiyi is the culprit, anyone with a conscience will definitely come to visit him.

So, he just waited for her to take the initiative to come to the door.

Time passed by, from morning to afternoon, he didn't wait for Shen Zhiyi.

Strange, why haven't people appeared yet?

"Father, are you waiting for someone?" Dashu didn't know when he came down, and his little head came to He Jingyao curiously.

He Jingyao was taken aback for a moment, as if his privacy was being pryed into, a flash of embarrassment flashed by.

He rubbed the top of the little guy's head and asked tentatively, "Why do you think so?"

The little guy tilted his head, nibbling the tip of his index finger in his mouth, and thought hard for a while, "Uh... Dad seems to be looking forward to it, very anxious, so, is dad really waiting for someone?"

"How is it possible, Dad is only thinking about work!" He Jingyao lied and said seriously.

Just kidding, how could he let his son know his secret?

"That's it, okay!" The little guy twitched and shook He Jingyao's arm, "Then can dad promise me one thing?"

"What to say first!"

"I want Little Treasure to come to my birthday party, is that okay, Dad?" The little guy blinked his starry eyes, full of anticipation and nervousness.

He hadn't seen Xiaobao and Shen Zhiyi after drinking, because Qiu Wanqing told him not to see them again, otherwise there would be no grandma like her.

Dashu didn't want to cause conflicts in the family, and he didn't want to make grandma angry, so he could only agree to her temporarily.

However, he missed Xiaobao and Shen Zhiyi so much, he even dreamed of seeing them soon.

"Yes!" He Jingyao almost didn't think about it, and blurted out.

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