Chapter 384 Give a Name

Qiu Wanqing gave her husband a white look, "What do you know, wait for him to express his opinion, the Year of the Monkey is just around the corner, and Xiao Nian was born and died for him, if he is so unclear, he is worthy of him, no, I will take care of this matter! "

"Hey you..." Seeing that he couldn't persuade his wife, Father He shook his head helplessly.

"Mom, why are you here again?" He Jingyao frowned.

Qiu Wanqing closed the door of the room, and said with a serious face, "Ah Yao, listen to your mother, she is your own mother, and she will never harm you. You are in your twenties today, and Xiao Nian has also joined He's as an intern. For a long time, when people joined the He family, it was actually because of you. Although you are dating now, everyone can see your attitude. You are neither hot nor cold. How can you be dating? I don’t think it’s better than this, pick someone The day you got engaged, this way you can silence other people's mouths, and at the same time give Xiao Nian an explanation, what do you think?"

"It's not good!" He Jingyao rubbed his forehead with a headache, "Several projects in the company are not over yet. At this time, I don't want to be distracted!"

Qiu Wanqing looked at her son with a penetrating look, "Are you not wanting to be distracted, or are there other reasons, mom knows better than you, A Yao, this is how people are in this life, man, marrying a good wife can bless you If you have a successful career, it doesn’t matter if you like her or not. The important thing is that she likes you very much. At worst, after you get married and you feel bored, you can go outside to be lively and lively, but the position of wife has to be like a little girl. It is most suitable for this kind of girl!"

He Jingyao raised his head in awe, staring at his mother incredulously.

He didn't expect his mother to have such a fallacy.

Qiu Wanqing was stared at by her son with an unnatural expression, coughed twice, and said, "In short, what I mean is, quickly give Xiao Nian's family an explanation. Dispelling my thoughts about you can also be regarded as solving your own troubles, killing two birds with one stone!"

He Jingyao never gave Qiu Wanqing a clear answer to this matter.

Speaking of which, when he agreed to associate with Huang Runian, he was also moved by her enthusiasm, so his brain became hot.

However, he did not regret it afterwards.

Huang Runian is sincere, kind, and simple-minded. She is a good girl. Just like what his mother said, she will be a good wife in the future. However, he still can't feel the love between men and women for her.

Can a marriage without love last?

He wasn't sure, and it was precisely because of this uncertainty that he didn't dare to go any further after giving Huang Runian a chance to date.

Now he seems to be standing at a crossroads, the road is wide, but he doesn't know which one to choose...

Dashu's birthday is coming soon, and Xiaobao yells to go to the mall to pick out a gift for him.

What Shen Zhiyi didn't expect was that the little girl invited He Qingyan over.

From an angle that He Qingyan couldn't see, she mouthed questions at the little girl.

The little girl spread her arms out, expressing her innocence, as if she was saying, Shen Zhiyi, I'll find a man for you, it's fine if you don't thank me, and you still question my love?Ignore you!
Since he came, Shen Zhiyi didn't want to say anything, so he could only welcome him with a smile.

Xiaobao said to choose a set of toys to give to Dashu, Shen Zhiyi thought that the little guy has countless toys, so it is better to have some meaningful ones.

At He Qingyan's suggestion, the three of them came to a pottery workshop together.

Xiaobao and Shen Zhiyi each DIYed a piece of pottery, and prepared to give it to Dashu.

Although the mother and daughter were a little clumsy when playing with this kind of thing for the first time, they still did it by themselves, which is very memorable.

"do not move!"

He Qingyan spoke out suddenly, and Shen Zhiyi froze for a moment.

Then, the former took out a beige handkerchief from his trouser pocket and wiped it gently on her forehead.

It turned out that Shen Zhiyi accidentally stained his forehead during the pottery making process.

By the time she reacted and wanted to back away in embarrassment, the man had already withdrawn.

"Wow, Uncle Qingyan is so caring!" Xiaobao held his chin in both hands, looked at Shen Zhiyi, then at He Qingyan, with crooked eyes, like a parent who has finally resolved the important issue in his child's life.

Shen Zhiyi glared at her with her eyes, a stinky girl is troublesome.

Carrying the packed pottery, the three of them came out of the shop together.

The clerk quickly gathered together, "Did you see that? A family of three, with incredible looks, isn't it a celebrity family?"

"Are you going to watch it? I'm just a friend, okay? Didn't you hear the little girl call that handsome uncle?"

"I'll go! I've already dreamed up a romantic love story of a rich man chasing a divorced young woman!"

"Cut! Couldn't it be that this woman cheated on her and hooked up with a beautiful boy?"

The three people in front walked around the mall for a while, Xiaobao clamored for ice cream, but Shen Zhiyi refused.

The little girl has recently dried up all the ice cream in the refrigerator, if this continues, sooner or later she will spoil her stomach.

Shen Zhiyi refused, so she had no choice but to turn to He Qingyan for help.

He Qingyan expressed that he received it, and went to Shen Zhiyi's side to intercede for her, "Well, just buy one, she eats half, and you eat the rest. I don't think there will be any problems, what do you think?"

He Qingyan had already spoken, and Shen Zhiyi couldn't help but show off his face, so he let go.

The little girl took He Qingyan's hand, one big and one small, happily rushed towards the ice cream window.

Shen Zhiyi shook her head helplessly, this smelly girl will be spoiled sooner or later.

She sat on the bench and checked her mobile phone, and the two of them came back after a while. The little girl held up a tall cone in her hand, and her mouth couldn't close her mouth happily.

"Mr. He, this way please, this floor is the boutique clothing area, which gathers the hottest luxury brands at the moment!"

"Oh, by the way, the accessories area interspersed with Nakajima was decided by unanimous votes of customers, especially female customers. Seeing accessories will definitely stimulate their desire to buy, and it happens to be a one-stop shop for clothing accessories!"

He Jingyao was dressed in a black high-end suit, surrounded by several senior executives from the shopping mall.

Hearing their explanations, he sometimes frowned and sometimes became serious. It seemed that the executives were in a state of anxiety, and he was not sure what the big boss was thinking.

Everyone is obviously in black suits, but he is the only one who looks like a gentleman and scum, crushing all the lifeless and old-fashioned executives to the extreme, making people see him at a glance even if they are several meters away. can see him.

"Look, Shen Zhiyi, it's a handsome uncle!"

Xiao Bao yelled in surprise. In fact, Shen Zhiyi had noticed it a long time ago. He wanted to bury his face in his neck and pretended not to see it, but who knew that the little girl's yelling immediately attracted He Jingyao's attention.

This is good, she can't hide even if she wants to.

The man's footsteps stopped as he passed them.

(End of this chapter)

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