Helpless, Shen Zhiyi had no choice but to bite the bullet and say hello, "Mr. He, what a coincidence!"

"Big brother!"

"Handsome uncle!"

He Qingyan and Xiaobao also spoke out one after another.

He Jingyao's gaze immediately turned to Xiaobao again, and then He Qingyan said, a cloud of cloud appeared on his face, and the air-conditioning suddenly appeared.

How could he believe that this woman had nothing to do with He Qingyan?
You see, the family of three are all out shopping.

Speaking of it, it's kind of like that.

Maybe He Qingyan has already moved into their house, or they are in a place where no one can see, they will hold hands, hug, kiss, and even...

He Jingyao didn't dare to think about it anymore.

But what does this have to do with him?Even so, he was full of taste and jealousy.

She wished she could drag Shen Zhiyi away and stay away from He Qingyan.

Seeing that this guy had a bad expression, He Qingyan subconsciously stood in front of Xiaobao and Shen Zhiyi, as if what He Jingyao would do to their mother and daughter next time.

His cousin doesn't have a very good temper, just in case he does something impulsive to hurt others.

He doesn't allow anyone to hurt Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao.

Seeing his actions, He Jingyao gave a smug smile, the smile didn't hit his eyes, he didn't say anything, and left with a group of people in a mighty way.

Shen Zhiyi's hanging heart instantly let go.

"Hmph! Just wait and see, ignore me, I'll ignore him!" Xiaobao, who was left out in the cold, exclaimed angrily.

When the three of them left the shopping mall, Xiao Bao was taken aback again, "Huh? Isn't that Aunt Jiaojiao?"

On the huge electronic display frequency, a piece of entertainment news is being rolled out.

[Artist Ms. Song's new top-notch fresh meat at the night party, the two kissed intimately, envious of fans! 】

At the same time, Song Jiaojiao was in a state of desperation.

A large group of black fans gathered downstairs of her house, all of them came to crusade against her.

The hot search comment area also exploded.

"My Fanfan, Song Jiaojiao ate such a good cabbage, I am not reconciled!"

"I don't like Song Jiaojiao for a long time. A young artist who is born as an Internet celebrity anchor still thinks about old cows eating tender grass. It's disgusting!"

"Don't you want to use our family Fanfan to become famous? This is popular in the entertainment industry!"

The black fans downstairs were still shouting slogans, "Song Jiaojiao, give me back Fanfan!"

"Song Jiaojiao, return me, Fanfan!"

Hearing that Song Jiaojiao really wanted to retaliate against them, did I take away Fanfan from your family by force?

But now she can't go down, the black fans are crazy, no one can predict what will happen, once she shows up and is attacked by them, and then is photographed by the paparazzi, then it will be a certainty.

"Sister Jiaojiao, don't worry, those black fans have poisonous mouths, so I'll go down and explain to them right now, I won't hurt you!"

Song Jiaojiao grabbed Zheng Fanxing, "Farewell, just stay here obediently, you are not allowed to go anywhere until the company comes, do you hear me?"

Zheng Fanxing nodded his head.

This thing has to start from last night.

Originally, after Song Jiaojiao had finished filming a commercial, and Zheng Fanxing came to visit the set, everyone went to eat together.

The managers and assistants of the two left one after another. Song Jiaojiao was not good at drinking, so Zheng Fanxing was worried, so he sent her home.

When they got off the bus, Song Jiaojiao couldn't even walk in a straight line. Zheng Fanxing helped her, and the two of them touched each other.

Who knew that Song Jiaojiao seemed to be in a daze, or maybe she was not feeling well, so she immediately hugged him.

Unfortunately, this scene was captured by the paparazzi who had been following him for many days, and it made headlines the next day.

Song Jiaojiao, an ordinary artist with an Internet celebrity background, actually has no commercial value, but Zheng Fanxing is not. He is in the limelight, has top traffic, and has a lot of male and female fans.

As long as they hook up with him, the news will explode.

Female fans wouldn't want their idol to be yelled at by a third-tier artist like Song Jiaojiao, who would attack her in a threatening manner after being raped at her address.

Fortunately, the property security guards blocked her downstairs in the unit, so she couldn't go up, otherwise Song Jiaojiao's door might not be safe.

It's okay if the black fans come over, the key is, out of concern, Zheng Fanxing came to visit Song Jiaojiao early in the morning with hangover soup, and some fans recognized his car parked downstairs. It confirmed the fact that the two were in contact.

"Sister Jiaojiao, what's wrong with you, what's wrong?" Seeing Song Jiaojiao pressing her forehead straight, Zheng Fanxing asked seriously.

Song Jiaojiao didn't want to look at him, "I have a headache!"

"Ah? Then do you want to take some medicine to relieve it?"

Song Jiaojiao wanted to roll her eyes and relieve your size. If it wasn't for your sudden visit, as for me being "caught raped", it wouldn't be all because of you.

Zheng Fanxing poured her a glass of water, "I'm sorry, Sister Jiaojiao, it's all my fault, don't worry, I will definitely clarify this matter!"

"Don't make trouble for me, I don't need you to do anything!"

"But your career may be affected, Sister Jiaojiao, why don't we make an official announcement!"

Song Jiaojiao spat out a mouthful of water, but fortunately Zheng Fanxing hid in time, otherwise she would have been sprayed all over the face.

"You, what are you talking about? I didn't hear you clearly!"

"I say……"

bang bang bang!
There was a loud knock on the door.

The two people in the room exchanged glances, and neither of them said a word in a tacit understanding, and neither of them opened the door.

"Song Jiaojiao, open the door!"

Song Jiaojiao was shocked, it was Fang Huaizhou!

Zheng Fanxing also heard it. He just opened the door a crack, and the people outside squeezed in aggressively, and then they couldn't help but punch him with a fist.

Zheng Fanxing was thrown to the ground, but before he could react, someone grabbed him by the collar.

"Look at the good things you've done, relying on your high popularity to do whatever you want, let me tell you, if the company can make you famous, it can naturally block you!"

Fang Huaizhou pretended to fight, but was stopped by the manager who came with him, "Mr. Fang can't do it, Fanfan will have an announcement tomorrow. How can you make him appear on camera? Our top priority is to solve Song Jiaojiao's problem." !"

Song Jiaojiao was timid, she was so frightened that she hid behind the sofa.

Well, she admits that she is quite unjust, but who knows what Fang Huaizhou looks like when he goes crazy, she has to protect herself, after all, she relies on her face for food.

Fang Huaizhou realized this problem, so he gave up and shoved Zheng Fanxing away.

Zheng Fanxing turned his back on the guest. The former seemed to have eyes behind his back, and he intercepted his swinging arm with his backhand, and turned around and twisted it.

After all, Zheng Fanxing was young and shallow, and he was not Fang Huaizhou's opponent. He only frowned in pain.

"Mr. Fang!"

"Fang Huaizhou!" Song Jiaojiao saw that this guy was serious, and she didn't care to pay her own life. She rushed out and dragged Zheng Fanxing behind her to protect her. "What are you doing? As the owner of the company, how could you just do anything to the artists of the company?" ?”

Fang Huaizhou shifted his gaze to her angrily, and pointed at Zheng Fanxing, "What does this kid have to do with you? Why are you protecting him so much?"

"My friend, in short, it's wrong for you to do something in my house!" Song Jiaojiao pouted her neck and said with certainty.

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