"Sister Jiaojiao, get out of the way, I can settle my own affairs!" Zheng Fanxing pulled Song Jiaojiao behind him.

The two of them pushed and gave way, making each other affectionate, which made someone jealous.

Seeing the boss getting emotional, the agent has quick eyesight and quick hands, and hurried out to smooth things over, "Oh, I said you two, please calm down for a while!"

"Mr. Fang, Fanfan is currently very popular, and his image must not be damaged. If you want me to say it, I will explain it to the fans according to the real situation. I think they will understand. Who hasn't messed up after drinking... something happened, right? ?”

Fang Huaizhou squinted at him, "What do you mean? This kid's image is an image, but Song Jiaojiao's image is not an image?"

"I think Mr. Fang is right!" Zheng Fanxing was unexpectedly supportive, "This matter is more or less because I didn't handle it well. You can't hurt Sister Jiaojiao because of taking care of me. I have a way here!"

The three of them looked at him together.

"It's better for me to announce that we are a couple. First, I explained what happened last night. Second, it can help Sister Jiaojiao's career. After a while, we will find a suitable opportunity to 'break up'. In this case, the fans should not be so emotional!"

The manager clapped his hands excitedly, "Wonderful, why didn't I think of that!"

Song Jiaojiao blinked frantically.

ah?Official couple?

This good thing came so unexpectedly that she was not prepared at all.

Even though it was fake, she didn't feel embarrassed at all, and somehow felt that she was getting a big deal.

He is Zheng Fanxing, the top-ranked Zheng Fanxing, as long as he gets a little warmer, she can follow Zhi Leng up.

She can do it!
"I don't agree!" Fang Huaizhou vetoed it.

Three pairs of eyes looked at him unexpectedly.

"This is deceiving fans, and there are better solutions. Moreover, if the 'breakup' is announced in the later stage, it will only make fans more emotional. Being caught by black fans will greatly affect the careers of the two of them!"

The agent fought for the opportunity, "But in comparison, grouping up with CP is the best solution, and they have worked together before, which was well received by fans, how about striking while the iron is hot?"

"If I say no, I won't do it!" Fang Huaizhou gave the order to die, and the manager had no choice but to accept his fate.

Whoever is the boss has the final say.

"Then what does Mr. Yifang mean?" Zheng Fanxing asked.

Fang Huaizhou looked down at the time, did not answer him directly, but arranged for his manager, "Find someone to drive away the black fans downstairs, and then arrange a fan meeting tomorrow morning, and I will solve it myself when the time comes! As for Song Jiaojiao ..."

"What's wrong with me?" Song Jiaojiao looked innocent.

Fang Huaizhou took a few steps closer to her, with complicated eyes and a faint sullen feeling in the ambiguity, "Until this matter is resolved, you just stay at home obediently and face the wall thinking about it, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

"I..." Song Jiaojiao hesitated to speak.

She was wronged, didn't she just embrace a man after drinking, why did she make a big mistake?

Liu Xiang searched for Shen Zhiyi for several days without success, and then went to the police station to report to the police.

In the past few nights, she always had nightmares. She dreamed that Shen Yichun was thrown into the wilderness, which scared her to wake up in the middle of the night, so that her mental state was not very good.

Suddenly someone covered her mouth from behind.

Liu Xiang's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously picked up his handbag and threw it at the opponent's body, "robbing, help..."

"Hush! Don't shout, it's me!"

Liu Xiang took a closer look, and saw that the other party was unkempt and torn, "Where are you beggars, go and go, my mother's pockets are cleaner than yours!"

"Mom, it's me, I'm Yichun!"

"Ha! You are lying to a ghost, don't I know what my daughter is like? Stinky beggar, get out of here, or I will call the police!"

"I'm really Yichun, mom, look at me!"

The other party lifted up strands of hair, and Liu Xiang took a few glances before recognizing it, "Yichun? It's really you, how did you become..."

"Mom! I almost died, woo woo woo..."

As soon as Shen Yichun got excited, she wanted to pounce on Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang pinched his nose and hurriedly avoided it in disgust, "It stinks, that, let's go upstairs first!"

"I can't, Mom, Lao Tan's people are arresting me everywhere, he must have arranged someone to guard here, I can't go back!"

Liu Xiang was stunned, "What? Sure enough, it has something to do with that old Tan, let's go, mom will take it to a hidden place!"

A hidden corner.

Watching Shen Yichun gobble up the eighth hamburger, Liu Xiang was dumbfounded.

Afterwards, Shen Yichun told her about the experiences of the past few days, and the latter gritted his teeth angrily after hearing this, "Damn it, I really know people, know their faces but don't know their hearts, Old Tan is actually a wolf in sheep's clothing, how could he treat you like this?" ?”

"If I hadn't resisted desperately, I would have been sold to the perverted old man by him long ago. Mom, you must save me. If I get caught by Lao Tan, my life will be over!"

Liu Xiang straightened her back and comforted her, "He's breaking the law, let's call the police!"

"No, Lao Tan has a backer at the police station. If I didn't send him in at that time, I would be exposed again. No way!" Shen Yichun trembled with fear when she thought of the hell life in the hotel room.

Liu Xiang thought it made sense, thought for a while, and said, "Otherwise, I'll find you a basement to hide for now, maybe Lao Tan's people can't find you, so I gave up and come out at that time!"

Now that there is no other choice, Shen Yichun can only nod.

In these days of fleeing, she lived outside like a human being, a ghost like a ghost, and penniless, she made a living by picking up food from the trash can, and was bullied and robbed by a group of children again. He took the leftovers she picked up for the dogs to eat, and scolded her for smoking beggars.

She scared the child to tears, and the parents chased and beat her.

She Shen Yichun has been glamorous for more than 20 years, when did she end up in such a miserable end?

And she will never forget that these experiences were all caused by Shen Zhiyi.

She will avenge this revenge sooner or later.

Liu Xiang acted quickly, and immediately found a basement for Shen Yichun to stay temporarily.

Although it was dark, damp, moldy and smelly, it was good enough to hide.

"By the way, mom, what is Xiaojie doing these days?"

Suddenly asked by his daughter about his son's whereabouts, Liu Xiang faltered, "Xiaojie...he works as a security guard in a bar!"

After Shen Shujie was released from the police station, he had nothing to do all day, or wandered around at night.

Although he was far less prosperous than when he was in the Shen family, but with Liu Xiang providing pocket money, his life was still carefree.

Soon after spending all the money that Shen Yichun saved with Liu Xiang, he asked Liu Xiang for it again, and Liu Xiang told about Shen Yichun's investment in business.

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