Shen Shujie, who had no money, felt as if he was addicted to drugs. After spending money in a bar once, he played a rogue and refused to pay him. He was chased and beaten by his bodyguards. Half a year's work in the bar paid for the consumption.

At this time, Shen Shujie was being stared at by the bodyguards, lying on the ground and wiping the floor, like a dog, with no self-esteem at all.

Liu Xiang has no money to save him, so he can only stay here.

As soon as he was lazy, he was beaten all over his body by the bodyguards. Finally, after cleaning, he cursed and came out to smoke.

Suddenly several people gathered around, "Are you Shen Shujie?"

Shen Shujie didn't change his nature, and he didn't deserve to be beaten, "I am, what's the matter?"

"Hey! What are you doing? Let go of me, I'm calling someone!"

Then he was beaten up, clutching his lower abdomen, lying on the ground in pain, unable to get up, "Damn! Did I provoke you to provoke you?"

"Do you know Shen Yichun?" the leader asked.

"Don't mention her to me, I don't have a sister like her!" Shen Shujie said angrily.

If it weren't for this dead girl, how could the family's savings be lost? Maybe she used it to enjoy herself, and made him a poor man, and was detained as a coolie in this dog's place.

The leader laughed sinisterly, "Then it seems to be your sister. I heard that you were detained here to work to pay off your debts. Do you want to regain your freedom?"

Shen Shujie glanced at the other party vigilantly, "You, what do you mean?"

"As long as you tell us the whereabouts of Shen Yichun, we can not only redeem you from the bar, but also give you a sum of money, how about it?"

Shen Shujie's expression reversed.



"Xiaojie, how do you know I'm here?" Seeing that the person standing at the door was Shen Shujie, Shen Yichun was very surprised. Only Liu Xiang knew her place.

"Mom told me that Old Tan is such a bastard. When I see him, I will kill that grandson!" Shen Shujie put the fruit and food he brought on the table, and greeted Shen Yichun.

Although they are brothers and sisters, their relationship has always been lukewarm. Shen Yichun is jealous that Liu Xiang favors her precious son, so she is jealous from the bottom of her heart.

Shen Shujie was spoiled and didn't understand the world at all. She was hospitalized with back pain for half a month before, and she didn't see him as her own brother. It's really surprising that he came to visit her so attentively now.

The two chatted for a while, Shen Shujie turned around in the small nest of more than ten square meters, then turned around and said to Shen Yichun, "Sister, you don't plan to move the place anymore, do you?"

"What transfer place?"

"Uh, it's nothing. I'm not worried that you have nowhere to go. You just live here. I'll give you daily necessities. If you need anything, just tell me. I'm here, no Let that bastard surnamed Tan find you!"

What Shen Shujie said was moving and sincere, Shen Yichun was almost moved to tears, and hugged Shen Shujie tightly, "Xiaojie, you have finally grown up and know how to take care of your sister!"

"Of course, I only have a sister like you. If I don't take care of you, who will take care of you!"

Coaxing Shen Yichun around, as soon as Shen Shujie came out of the basement entrance, he hurriedly called, "Hey Brother Tan, I know where Shen Yichun is now, but the money we agreed in advance..."

On the other hand, Shen Zhiyi went to Song Jiaojiao's apartment that night. There was a big battle downstairs in her unit. In order to block her, the black fans simply slept downstairs on the floor.

Shen Zhiyi smartly called Song Jiaojiao, this building was strictly controlled by the property management, and no one except the owner of the unit could enter.

Song Jiaojiao pointed her to a side door, and the latter came in.

When Shen Zhi saw the heroine, he asked questions like cannonballs.

"Are you hugging Zheng Fanxing?"

"Are you two really dating?"

"What about Fang Huaizhou?"

"How did you hook up with Xiao Xianrou?"

Song Jiaojiao rolled her eyes to the sky, and told her best friend what happened that night from beginning to end.

After Shen Zhiyi listened, she said with emotion, "It turns out that you are taking advantage of others!"

Song Jiaojiao almost couldn't sit still, "I drank too much, didn't I do it on purpose, okay?"

"Oh, that's been planned for a long time. Tell me, when did you fall in love with it?" Shen Zhiyi put her arms around her shoulders, deliberately misinterpreting her meaning to tease her.

Song Jiaojiao said innocently, "Why, he's so small, he's not my type at all, okay?"

Shen Zhiyi clicked his tongue twice, and continued to swear, "How do you know that he is small? Have you experienced it?"

"Bah, bah, what, Zhizhi, I haven't seen you for a few days, why have you become an old pervert?" Song Jiaojiao scolded with a smile.

The two quarreled for a while, and finally the topic came back.

"I understand Fang Huaizhou's resolute rejection. How could he just watch you and Zheng Fanxing form a CP!" Shen Zhiyi threw out his point of view.

Song Jiaojiao looked stupid, "Why?"

Shen Zhiyi doesn't want to be friends with her anymore, this girl's IQ is worrying.

"Okay, as long as Fang Huaizhou can help you solve it, that's the best thing. It's up to him to arrange it tomorrow. Also, don't keep fighting with him. He's your boss anyway, unless you don't want to mess around!"

Song Jiaojiao cooked the duck with a stubborn mouth, "I don't care if he is the boss or what, if he dares to provoke me, I will fight against him. At worst, my sister will not be an entertainer. Even if I go to the bathhouse to take a bath, I will be happy!"

"All right, all right, you are stubborn, if this day really comes, you will definitely regret it!" Shen Zhiyi was helpless.

Dinner was also eaten at Song Jiaojiao's house, and the two of them watched variety shows together before Shen Zhiyi left.

She really couldn't care about Song Jiaojiao and Fang Huaizhou's affairs.

Song Jiaojiao has a low EQ and doesn't know how to grasp the big tree Fang Huaizhou, but stupid people have stupid blessings, and she is like this, but someone likes her.

When I went back, I happened to pass by He's Group.

Through the half-lowered car window, one can see a man and a woman standing under the steps.

"Xiao Nian, I haven't seen you for so long, don't you feel like having a cup of coffee with me? I said, just chat casually, don't be stressed!" Allen's tone was almost pleading.

Huang Runian turned around without looking at him, "You know, I have a boyfriend now, if I don't meet He Shi in private, my boyfriend will be jealous!"

"I know, it's He Jingyao!" Allen twitched his lips mockingly, "I know, he's more handsome than me, and he's richer than me, but this kind of man is often the most carefree. Do you think he treats you the most? Really? What he loves is your body. When he gets bored, he will naturally raise a lover outside. This kind of thing is common among the rich. Xiao Nian, he can't give you the pure love you want, only I can! "

Huang Runian sighed, and turned to face him, "I know you are good to me, Alan, but I don't have that kind of hot feeling for you. I'm sorry, we are really not suitable, and I hope you can find another one that suits you. half!"

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