She was about to leave when Alan grabbed her arm, "Xiao Nian, why are you so heartless? I've been chasing you for three years, can't you see me at all? I'm just wondering, find someone who loves you , isn't it more fragrant than finding someone you love? Although I'm not as rich as the He family, my conditions are not bad, why can't you see me more, why?"

"Enough!" Huang Runian broke free of her wrist impatiently, and her expression became serious, "Love cannot be forced, I hope you calm down, go back, and don't come to me again!"

When she was in college abroad, Allen confessed to her that he did not give up even after being rejected on the spot, and pursued her continuously for half a year.

Seeing how persistent he was, Huang Runian was greatly moved, so she was willing to get to know each other, who knew that this understanding lasted for three years.

In the past three years, she and him have only kept a friend's distance, and they have not done anything excessive. After graduation, before returning to China, Huang Runian specifically found Alan and came back after explaining it clearly to him.

Who knew he found it.

Alan was not reconciled to his three years of sincerity in vain, and wanted to catch up with Huang Runian again to make it clear, and put an arm in front of him.

"Who are you?" Allen looked at Shen Zhiyi with disdain.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Shen Zhiyi. I'm Ms. Huang's colleague. I think Ms. Huang has made it clear to you just now. If you continue to pester me, you will appear to be uncultivated!"

Allen opened her hand, "It's none of your business, go away!"

"Captain Li, there seems to be an unknown person wandering around the door of the company, I suggest you bring someone over to check!"

Seeing Shen Zhiyi making a gesture to call the company's security, Allen gritted his teeth angrily, tapped Shen Zhiyi with his finger across the void, and then left.

"Sister Zhiyi, thank you just now!" Huang Runian ran over to thank you after seeing the person leave.

She was almost scared to death. Allen was a very stubborn person, and it was difficult to change his mind about things he had decided.

Shen Zhiyi pulled the bag belt, "Be careful in the future, don't deal with this kind of person!"

"Did you hear it all?"

"A little bit!"

Huang Runian scratched her short hair in embarrassment, "He is one of my suitors in college. I made it clear a long time ago. I will just ignore him from now on. Sister Zhiyi, let's go. I'll buy you coffee!"

Shen Zhi pointed to the time, "No, I'm just passing by, and I have to go home to accompany Xiaobao!"

"Yeah, that..."

"I know, I won't tell Mr. He what happened today, don't worry!"

Huang Runian smiled brightly, "Sister Zhiyi is still the smartest, I just don't want Brother Jingyao to worry, I can handle this kind of thing myself!"

"Understood, then I'll go first!" After saying goodbye, Shen Zhiyi got into the car and continued to drive towards home.

What the two women didn't expect was that this Allen was not just as simple as having a stubborn temper. In a few days, he would change the fate of the two women.

Here, Shen Yichun couldn't hold back after staying in the basement for two days.

Regardless of Liu Xiang's advice, she put on her mask and sunglasses and was about to go out when Shen Shujie called her.

"Sister, I reserved a seat at Juxian Village to treat you to dinner, and my mother is here, so come quickly!"

Shen Yichun was slightly worried, "This...public place, I'm afraid of being targeted by Lao Tan's people!"

"Afraid of what he will do, I wish he would come to the door and see how I beat him. Don't worry, sister, I will protect you with me!"

Hearing what Shen Shujie said so confidently, Shen Yichun's mind relaxed, "Then I'll call my mother!"

"Don't, don't, mom is right in front of me, waiting for you, come quickly!"

Shen Yichun especially believed in Liu Xiang, so he dispelled the worries in his heart, and went out after being fully armed.

She called an online car-hailing car, and a few minutes later, a car stopped in front of her.

No, she clearly called a black car, but this one is white.

Just as he was thinking, he saw a few tall and burly men coming down from above.

Shen Yichun instantly raised the alarm.

Bad dish!

Can't be so unlucky?
I don't want the satchel anymore, so I run away.

In the next second, someone grabbed her hair.

Shen Yichun was dragged to the ground without giving her a chance to react, then grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the car in a daze.

Shen Yichun screamed in pain.

As the car door closed, her heart felt ashamed.

"What are you doing? Let me go, you bastard, I'm the daughter of the Shen family, if you offend me, you'll have to die!"

Someone sneered, "Daughter of the Shen family? Didn't she become a dog of our Lord Tan in the end? What a joke!"

Shen Yichun struggled to no avail, so she could only pretend to be pitiful and play the family card, "Brothers, my family is very rich, why don't you let me go, I can give you a lot of money, or we can discuss what you want, Let me beg you, okay?"

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Sister, don't make unnecessary struggles. Although the man Brother Tan found for you is a bit perverted, fortunately, he is rich. He only needs to wear clothes in his next life. Isn't that good? If you want me to tell you, just be obedient." !"

Hearing the familiar voice, Shen Yichun turned her neck slowly, and when she saw Shen Shujie's face that deserved to be beaten and taken for granted, her expression suddenly cracked.

"Shen Shujie, so you betrayed me?"

Shen Shujie stroked his newly dyed red hair, "Sister, I don't want to listen to what you say, what do you mean I betray you? People die for money, birds die for food, anyway, you can't escape, sooner or later you will be killed by Brother Tan and the others." If you take it back, it’s better to let me get away with it. Besides, I’m looking for a rich man to marry you. Don’t you always want to marry a rich man? Why don’t you like it? The basement is not a place where people can stay. , Sis, you just leave, my mother and I will often visit you then!"

Shen Yichun was furious, her eyes turned red, "Well, you Shen Shujie, I've devoted my heart and soul to you, but you betrayed me like this, I, I'll beat you to death, you heartless!"

As she spoke, she raised her hand and slapped Shen Shujie across the face.

Shen Shujie covered his face and glared angrily, "You crazy woman, you really don't know what's good!"

Shen Yichun wanted to slap him a few times, but was pinched by the bodyguard.

"Press her to death for me, crazy woman, and beat me, my mother is not willing to beat me!"

Shen Shujie yelled with his neck tilted, his eyes wide open.

Just like that, Shen Yichun was arrested again.

Shen Shujie received a sum of money from Lao Tan, and he was so pissed that when he left, he didn't even look at Shen Yichun.

Shen Yichun's anger came from it, hating herself for being blind, that's why she believed this white-eyed wolf.

Thanks to her love for this younger brother all these years, he betrayed her for money.

This escape completely enraged Lao Tan, the perverted nature of this bastard was revealed, and he was beaten up by Shen Yichun, and told not to embarrass her face, so as not to get a good price.

After being locked up for two days, she was blindfolded, dragged into a car by bodyguards, and transported to another place in the dead of night...

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