Chapter 401 Marry Me
His suit jacket was stained with raindrops, and even his hair was shining with crystal luster.

In the hazy rain, the man looked worried, with sharp eyebrows.

Huang Runian likes to look at his expression. No one can understand the feeling of being cared about and valued.

This man is her favorite, the man she wants to marry wholeheartedly. He is holy, majestic, and inviolable. How can she associate with such an excellent man.

It's just that now she no longer has the qualifications to stand by his side.

Huang Ru Nian bit her lips, thinking, tears fell down uncontrollably.

The man opened and closed his long legs and walked towards her, hooked his long arms, and pulled her into his arms.

The big palm caressed the back of her head, comforting softly, "I can forgive you this time, and I won't do this again in the future, do you hear me?"

Shen Zhiyi turned her back, as if a handful of sand had been sprinkled on her bruised heart, it hurt a lot.

Huang Runian closed her eyes deeply, feeling this beautiful moment with her heart, and in the next second, as if she had made some important decision, she pushed the man away neatly.

"Brother Jingyao, I want to tell you something, let's...break up!"

He Jingyao had no expression on his face, as if he expected her decision, he stared at her for a few seconds, then said softly, "If it's because of that, it's not necessary, it's not your fault!"

"No! You don't understand. The current me is not good enough for you, brother Jingyao. The reason why you care about me is because you pity me, right? Do you know that brother Jingyao doesn't care about me and doesn't like me compared to you? You Your sympathy and pity will only make me look down on myself even more. I know that the reason you accept me is because of responsibility. I will blame you, I'm sorry Brother Jingyao, I have troubled you for so long, you can go, I will go back myself!"

"Xiao Nian..." The man's thick eyebrows were slightly frowned, and the raindrops hit his eyelashes, making his eyes even more energetic.

Huang Runian stepped back step by step, even though there were all kinds of reluctance and entanglement, she had to make a clean break this time, "Brother Jingyao, I'm sorry, I can't face my dirty self and stay by your side, I will love you forever!"

"Since you like me so much, why did you give up on me?" Through the dense rain curtain, the man asked Huang Runian.

The latter bit his lower lip and said nothing.

It is because I like someone so much, I will give him all the best things in the world, and I will try my best to make him happy, not just possessing him, that is not liking him, but liking myself.

How could Huang Runian be willing, but she couldn't drag her Brother Jing Yao down, let alone make him a joke in the eyes of others, that would be harming him.

In a daze, the eyes were covered by shadows.

He Jingyao held her hands and put them on his chest and heart, "Xiao Nian, let's get married!"

Like a cluster of fireworks crackling and blooming in the air, Huang Ru Nian raised her head, and it took a long time to find her voice.

"Brother Jingyao, you, what did you say?"

He Jingyao paused every word, "Marry me, Xiao Nian, I will take good care of you!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled and exited their world with blessings and unspeakable bitterness.

Every step seemed so heavy, as if something was dragging her legs tightly, her brain was also groggy, and countless memories surged like ocean waves, which were beautiful, profound, bitter, and painful.

He Jingyao said that she wanted to marry Huang Runian.

Everyone knew that he wanted to let Huang Runian get out of that shadow, and he was taking a responsibility.

Such a result is good for everyone, even for Shen Zhiyi.

He's old house.

"Okay, Ah Yao finally figured it out this time, let me just say, lovers will eventually get married!"

Hearing her son's thoughts, Qiu Wanqing was so excited that she couldn't sit still, and walked back and forth in front of the coffee table, "Although you are second married, you can't treat Xiao Nian badly, so let's get engaged first, and then choose a suitable one." The wedding will be held on the day, in short, it will be even grander than your first wedding!"

As she said that, she waved to the servant, "Go quickly, and bring me my almanac, I have to pick a day!"

"Don't be so troublesome, everything should be kept simple, and Xiao Nian doesn't like publicity too much!" He Jingyao pressed his brows, unable to do what he wanted.

Qiu Wanqing glared at him, "You, I just don't understand girls. Girls usually say irony. The more she says no, the more she wants it. Instead, she respects your intentions before slipping on her shoes. When it comes to weddings, even the engagement banquet, I want to make a big splash in Hangzhou!"

Just as she was talking, she suddenly slapped her head, "Oh, do I have to prepare an engagement dress? No, I have to quickly contact a designer to come to our house and design it for us!"

Qiu Wanqing said that the wind is the rain, and immediately went to make a phone call.

Father He, who had been silent all this time, pressed the teacup on the table and said solemnly, "Ah Yao, marriage is not a child's play, have you really thought it through?"

"Dad, you taught me from a young age that when I grow up, I should be responsible for what I have said and done. Therefore, I am seriously telling you that I want to marry Huang Runian!"

"But you're not against Xiao Nian..."

"The way people feel about each other may change in an instant, and it's not important, I just want to marry her!" He Jingyao didn't tell anyone about Huang Runian, and he won't say it in the future. .

This kind of thing is related to the innocence of a girl's life, once exposed, it will ruin her life.

"What about Zhizhi? What should she do?" Father He blurted out, knowing that Shen Zhiyi had nothing to do with the He family, but like the old lady, he still regarded her as his family.

He Jingyao forced a smile, "Dad, what does our He family's affairs have to do with her? Besides, she has a lot of suitors around her now, and I'm afraid she already has a suitable partner, and her life is better than mine. You don't have to Worry!"

Father He froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect Shen Zhiyi to be in such a situation now.

Mrs. He also found out about this very quickly, she refused to answer her grandson's phone call, and asked Qiu Wanqing to call him back, but he refused.

This kid is avoiding her sincerely.

The old lady was offended, and rushed directly to the He Group in a fit of anger.

Those who can join the He's Group must observe words and demeanor, flatter and curry favor, and all employees who join the company, to be exaggerated, can memorize the He family tree by heart.

No, as soon as the old lady appeared, someone recognized her immediately.

Then, a large group of people surrounded the old lady in front and back, pressing the elevator, pressing the elevator, handing the water, saying hello and saying hello.

Annoyed the old lady, and sent them away, "What if you are all free? Old lady, I am not blind or deaf, I know where to go, I don't need you to follow, I am busy with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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