Chapter 402 The whereabouts are unknown
Take the elevator down to the president's office floor.


As soon as the secretary uttered a single syllable, she was interrupted by the old lady raising her hand, indicating that there was no need to say hello. Then, the old lady stomped her feet and walked aggressively towards the president's office.

He Jingyao was leaning on the executive chair, with his back to the door, and just finished making a call, "Linda, how many times have I told you that you have to knock on the door when you come in, don't you even know that..."

He Jingyao turned around in his chair and was stunned, "Grandma? Why are you here?"

The old woman threw her bag on the sofa, sat down, and stared fiercely at her grandson, "Huh! You still have the nerve to ask, tell me first, why did you suddenly decide to marry that girl from the Huang family? What is An De thinking?"

"Grandma, you have wronged me!" He Jingyao came out of his work and made a cup of tea for the old lady, "I really want to marry Xiao Nian, do you want your grandson to stay single forever?" ?”

"Hmph! Old lady, I'm not stupid. You don't like that girl of the Huang family at all. When you agreed to date, you didn't mean to deal with the elders?" The old lady waved at He Jingyao, motioning him to sit down, "Ah Yao, would you like It's clear, once you marry this person, you can't go back on your word, do you really want to spend your life with a girl you don't like?"

He Jingyao curled his lips lightly, "It's not impossible, the older generation, don't you all get together because of the matchmaker's words, the husband and wife rely on running-in!"

Seeing her grandson's firm attitude, the old lady decided to start from another angle, "Okay, then let's not talk about this, just tell me, it's fine, why do you want to marry Huang Runian all of a sudden?"

He Jingyao laughed, "Grandma saw what you said, I want to get married, shouldn't you be happy for me!"

"It's true, but it depends on who! I said, I'm not happy to be my granddaughter-in-law except Zhizhi in this world!" After all, the old lady still showed her bottom line.

He Jingyao lowered his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a little helpless, "It's no longer possible for me and her, and now that she has her own life, why do you bother with this matter!"

The old lady tilted her head and stared at her grandson, "Ah Yao, then tell grandma, if you regain your memory in the future, will you regret your decision to marry Huang Runian? What should you and Zhizhi do? Can you really be the same as before?" Did it never happen?"

He Jingyao was silent.

Because he never thought about it.

Yes, if one day he regains his memory and remembers all the past with Shen Zhiyi, will he pretend that nothing happened and continue to live happily with Huang Runian?Or will you go to Shen Zhiyi?
For a moment, it seemed as if a rope had been tied into a dead knot in the heart, a mess, and it couldn't be untied.

"Ah Yao, no matter what decision you make, grandma will support you, but grandma doesn't want you to regret it in the future. If you really want to marry Huang Runian, then grandma will bless you too!" The old lady patted her grandson's face On the shoulder, there was a section of earnestness.

On the surface, he supported his grandson's decision, but in fact he was reminding him to be his stumbling block.

Seeing his tangled face, intense eyes, and achieved his goal, she was relieved.


After Shen Yichun disappeared again, Liu Xiang was in a state of desperation. She asked someone to look for her but found nothing, and she dared not call the police.

Seeing Shen Shujie lying on the sofa playing games with his legs crossed, he became even more angry and snatched his mobile phone away.

"Your sister's whereabouts are unknown now, do you still have the mind to play games here?"

Shen Shujie scratched his hair impetuously, "Then it's useless for you to snatch my phone, besides, why are you in a hurry, what if she isn't the news, where did she go to have a good time by herself, she is a big living person , what else can you do, don't worry about it here!"

"Happy and happy?"

Shen Shujie wandered his eyes, and said guiltily, "Yeah, what if I ran out to play with some rich man, don't forget, my sister knows a lot of such men, and she is so short of money, right? Be back in two days!"

Liu Xiang looked at him suspiciously, "Do you know something?"

Shen Shujie almost jumped up from the sofa, "What do I know? I don't know anything, I just guess. How could she tell me where she went!"

"Okay, okay, I'm just asking. If you see her come back, please notify me quickly, and see if I don't give this girl a good beating! Oh, by the way, drag your cronies to find your sister, I'm afraid she will be killed. It would be a bad thing for Lao Tan’s people to stare at him, and if he didn’t get the money, he would hire someone to go in, that would be bad luck!”

"I know, I know, it's really long-winded!" Shen Shujie waved his hands impatiently, then lowered his head and immersed himself in his game world.

At the same time, Shen Yichun was being frightened.

In order to punish her, Lao Tan locked her in a small dark room for nearly a week.

This ghostly place is overgrown with weeds and flies flying around. Shen Yichun is attacked by them every day. His body is covered with red bumps from flea bites, and his skin is almost scratched.

Because of the harsh environment and unclean food, she fell ill and had a high fever, so she was left here to fend for herself. She was even told by her caretaker that if she died, she would be thrown into the mountains to be fed to wild dogs.

Shen Yichun cried in fright, and finally survived with her strong desire to survive.

She didn't want to die until she had a good life.

Finally, she got through it all, and the night was dark and windy, so she was handcuffed with bracelets and anklets and brought out.

This is an abandoned brick yard on the mountainside. The woman imprisoned here is not only her, but also other girls, about the same age as her, and even a few minor faces. They are all chained He was chained and taken to the middle of the open space by guarding bodyguards.

There was a van parked there, and a few girls refused to get in the van, so they were dragged aside by the bodyguards and beat and kicked, and finally had to obediently be appointed.

Shen Yichun suddenly understood, what is this if it is not a human trafficker?
Old Tan, the mastermind behind the scenes, was also here, and Shen Yichun rushed up and beat and grabbed him, "Bastard, it was you who caused me to become like this, I tell you to let me go quickly, or I will take all your crimes away." Tell the police, you just wait for the end of the prison!"

Before he could say anything, Lao Tan grabbed his hair and threw him far away.

Shen Yichun fell to the ground, causing old injuries and new ones.

Then, with the shadows in front of her eyes, Lao Tan squatted down and pinched the back of her neck. In the darkness, behind the pair of lenses was a pair of cold eyes. He was like a devil from hell, making people's hairs stand up.

"You want to call the police, don't you? It depends on whether you can come back alive. Anyway, you have been with me for a while. Don't worry, I will let your benefactor take good care of you, hahaha!"

"Come on, drag her up for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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