"Smelly cousin! You dare to scratch me, isn't it itchy? See if I don't beat you to death!"

A man with big arms, round waist and tattoos all over his back rode on Shen Yichun's body, and he slapped him across the face, causing golden stars to appear in front of Shen Yichun's eyes.

Just two days ago, Shen Yichun was brought here by Lao Tan's people.

It is said that the tattooed man was on a business trip and only came back tonight. She was locked in the cellar like a dog for two days.

While Shen Yichun was struggling, her fingernails scratched a few blood marks on his face, which made him anxious, so she held her down and slapped her wildly.

This person weighs more than 200 catties, Shen Yichun really couldn't stand a slap.

I didn't know where to draw a leather whip, and flicked it in the air, making gusts of wind.

He beat the whip and gradually approached Shen Yichun, who was trembling all over, with frightened eyes, "You pervert, don't come here!"

"Be obedient and don't bark. When I am in a good mood, you will suffer less, otherwise..."

"Get out of here!" Shen Yichun grabbed the ashtray on the bedside table and threw it at the tattooed man.

The tattooed man turned away, "Damn it, don't eat the toast!"

If she really died here, there might not even be a body collector.

No, she can't stay here!

"Damn, did I understand what I said to you?"

The tattooed man cursed, and raised the whip in his hand at Shen Yichun.

call out!
"Ah!" Shen Yichun screamed again and again.

Shen Yichun couldn't take it anymore, driven by her strong desire to survive, she randomly touched a silver knife and fork, without thinking about it, she stabbed at the tattooed man, stabbing his left eye all at once.

The tattooed man screamed.

Seeing the blood continuously flowing down from his fingers covering his eyes, Shen Yichun panicked all of a sudden, and when he reacted, he ran out like crazy.

"Bitch, see if I don't kill you, come, come, come..."

In order not to disturb, all the bodyguards were sent back to the outside of the yard.

It wasn't until they rushed in that they knew something had happened.

"Catch me, break her leg when you catch her, and I'll let her run!" the tattooed man gritted his teeth while enduring the pain.

He bought a very remote small courtyard on the mountain. At the time when it was the largest, more than a dozen women were locked up.

Shen Yichun didn't know the way, but she wasn't stupid, so she tried to choose a hidden path to run. If she was caught by that pervert, she would rather run headfirst.

But those bodyguards came quickly, and the tattooed man also came, his face was covered with blood, and he looked extremely hideous.

Shen Yichun panicked, tripped and rolled down the steep slope...

"Dead pervert, go to hell!"

"I don't want to go back! I don't want to go back!"


Shen Yichun was so frightened by the nightmare that she sat up from the bed, panting heavily, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and only after she calmed down did she notice the strangeness around her.

here is……

"It's really a blessing, you didn't die!"

A strange male voice echoed, and Shen Yichun pulled the quilt up vigilantly to cover herself, "Who are you?"

The man put a bowl of boiled medicinal soup on the table, and then sat down on the single sofa leisurely tapping Erlang's legs.

"Don't worry, it's safe here, no one will come here, and I won't hurt you!"

Shen Yichun stared at him closely, "Who the hell are you?"

The man wears a clown mask on his face, there is no sense of humor, only a creepy sense of fear, the more people don't know the real face under this mask, the more disturbing it is.

The masked man waved his index finger, "It's not important, what's important is that I really sympathize with you now, the well-behaved lady of the Shen family has ended up like this, hey! Tell me, she is also the daughter of the Shen family, and the other How could you be a better fool than you!"

"Hmph! Don't mention that bitch Shen Zhiyi!" Shen Yichun became angry, and her voice became sharper.

Now she can't wait to tear Shen Zhiyi into pieces. If she hadn't interfered with it and drove them out of the Shen family, why would she be like this now?
The masked man laughed sinisterly, "It seems that you are full of hatred for the other daughter of the Shen family, yes, after all, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, how can she tolerate you? Only when the three of you, mother and daughter disappear, can she Peace of mind!"

Shen Yichun looked up, "What do you mean?"

The masked man spread his hands, "You're so smart, don't you think you can't figure it out? I can only go as far as I can!"

Shen Yichun's brain turned rapidly, could it be that Old Tan was arranged by that bitch Shen Zhiyi?
Thinking about it this way, it seemed quite logical, Shen Zhiyi must have wanted to exterminate the three of them, mother and son, so that there would be no future troubles, so that no one would really rob Shen from her.

Bitch, what a cruel heart!

Suddenly remembered something, Shen Yichun became nervous again.

This man actually knows so many things about their family, so who is he?

Could it have something to do with Lao Tan?
"Miss Shen, if you were smarter, you wouldn't end up like this, would you? If you want me to say, living up to now is already a life back!"

"Don't worry about it!" Before finding out the identity of the other party, Shen Yichun remained absolutely vigilant, who knows if Lao Tan's people tricked her into going back.

After finishing speaking, she struggled to get up from the bed, her body froze, "My, my, my legs..."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, your leg was broken, and the painkiller shot didn't work, so you can't feel the pain!"

Shen Yichun's eyes stared straight, his face was pale, "What? Impossible, absolutely impossible, you must be lying to me!"

In order to prove that the man in the mask was lying to her, she turned over and got out of bed with all her strength. Just as her feet touched the ground, she fell to the ground as if she lost her support.

"No, how is this possible, my legs are fine, fine!"

She lay on the ground, using the support of her two arms and her left leg to crawl forward a little bit, but her right leg couldn't use any strength at all, or in other words, she couldn't feel the existence of her right leg at all, so she gritted her teeth and tried a few times All fail.

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