Shen Yichun's eyes were full of horror and horror, "How could this happen? How could my legs be like this? I'm done, this life is going to be over..."

As she spoke, she burst into tears.

The masked man still sat there calmly, watching with cold eyes.

Shen Yichun remembered something, and suddenly rushed towards him, grabbing his trouser legs with both hands and shaking vigorously, "I beg you, help me, I don't want to be crippled, I want to live!"

The masked man bent down, pinched her chin, and made her look at him, "Don't you want to avenge yourself? Don't forget, who gave you all this!"

Shen Yichun's eyes were in a daze, and he murmured, "Revenge, yes, I want revenge, I want revenge!"

"Only you? What do you think you can do to Shen Zhiyi? Do you want us to cooperate?"

Shen Yichun's eyes slowly turned to the masked man, and then hugged his legs excitedly, "Tell me quickly, do you have any good solutions? As long as it can destroy Shen Zhiyi, I am willing to do anything!"

The masked man raised his lips viciously, and then stuck to her ear...


Shen Zhiyi just stepped up the steps in front of He's office building with one foot, when someone called her from behind.

"Miss Shen!" The person came dressed in a suit and leather shoes, "Our second master would like to invite you to sit in the car, this way please!"

Shen Zhiyi looked down at the private car parked on the side of the road. It seemed that she had no choice.

"Second Master He!" Stepping into the back seat, she politely nodded at He Zhenshan.

He Zhenshan leaned on the leather backrest, squinted his eyes lazily, and leaned on a cane with his hands crossed, "Miss Shen's recent work in He's is progressing smoothly?"

"Second Master He suddenly cares about me so much. I'm really flattered. Thanks to you, everything is fine!" Shen Zhiyi said, and then changed the subject, "Second Master He might as well speak up if you have something to say, instead of beating around the bush!"

He Zhenshan opened his eyelids, and laughed a few times, "Miss Shen is really straightforward. I heard that Ah Yao is going to marry the daughter of the Huang family. It seems that you have no chance, Miss Shen. There are thousands of men in the world, and Miss Shen is so outstanding. I don't know when Miss Shen is going to solve the major issues in her life?"

Shen Zhiyi raised her brows lightly, "Second Master He is worried that I will pester Young Master Qingyan?"

"Hahaha! Clever! Although I admire you very much, you were kicked out by the He family after all, and you came from a small family. Naturally, you can't climb up to my family, Ah Yan, who is so obsessed with you. I can't control it, but you can always refuse, right?"

Shen Zhiyi clenched her palms tightly, with a neither humble nor overbearing smile on her face, "First of all, let me correct you, it wasn't the He family who kicked me, but I first brought up the divorce. Furthermore, although our Shen family is a small family, Shen My parents and elders started their company from scratch and worked hard little by little. Every penny they earn is clean and earned by labor. I think it is honorable and respectable. In the end, Master Qingyan is indeed pursuing me, and I agree According to your expectations, I can refuse his pursuit, but whether he can compromise is beyond my control!"

He Zhenshan stared at her, with infinite danger hidden in his cloudy eyes, his index finger was tapping on the top of the crutch, and the atmosphere became tense for a while.

"Miss Shen, you and I are both smart people, and Ah Yan is not a romantic mind, but if you are a little indifferent, I don't think he will pester you. I can tell you this, you want to hit our Ah Yan's idea again, Let's give up, it is impossible for him to give up the family business for a woman, this is his mission in this life!"

Insisting on being with Shen Zhiyi is tantamount to going against Mr. He's wishes. How can there be such absurd things in the world?
He Zhenshan was still counting on He Qingyan to win a piece of land in front of the He family, so naturally he would not allow such absurd things to happen.

And he didn't allow his son to marry a woman who was useless to their career.

Shen Zhiyi shook her head, "Second Master He, although you are the father of Young Master Qingyan, you really don't know him well enough, let alone what he wants?"

"Hmph! What a joke! How could I not know!" He Zhenshan pressed the brim of his hat, "Okay, I have finished what I want to say. I believe Miss Shen has received my advice before. If you insist on going your own way, then I can only Take prompts, if you still have some feelings for Ah Yan, then you should think about him and stay away from him!"

It wasn't until Shen Zhiyi's back completely disappeared in the company hall that the man in the other silver Bentley withdrew his gaze.

"Sir, I'm afraid that the second master is making trouble for Ms. Shen again, do you want me to check?" Ah Shen looked at He Jingyao in the rearview mirror, asking for his answer.

He Jingyao's eyebrows and eyes were dark, he didn't say yes, he didn't say no.

The second uncle came to Shen Zhiyi, could it be because of He Qingyan's matter?
He Qingyan heard the trouble from somewhere, and immediately called Shen Zhiyi.

"Did my father look for you?"

Shen Zhiyi thought about it, and decided to pretend that he didn't know anything, "No, what's wrong?"

"Oh, that's okay, I'm just asking!" The man on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief, "By the way, last time Xiaobao said that your crab roe hot pot is good, do I have a chance to try it?"

Fortunately, there was a telephone line, otherwise his flushed face would have been seen.

Xiaobao said: "If you have nothing to do, you have to take the initiative to attack, and you must learn to be stalking, stalking, and chasing girls. To be honest, sincerity is useless!"

After He Qingyan said this, his nervous heart pounded. One reason was because he was so active and greasy for the first time, and the other reason was that he was worried about being rejected by Shen Zhiyi.

If he was really rejected, he didn't know if he would have the courage to do it next time.

Surprise ending, "Okay, I'll make it for you tonight!"

After hanging up the phone, He Qingyan happily clenched his fists in the air to express his celebration.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

"I'm busy in the kitchen, come in!" Xiaobao waved at the man standing at the door.

He Qingyan put the door-to-door gift he brought on the table, and the little girl walked up to him, and raised her chin at him proudly, "How is it? I gave you a good move, right?"

He Qingyan clenched his fist to his lips and coughed lightly, "Thank you!"

"Which one of us is with whom, don't be polite to me!" Xiaobao blinked kindly, and began to make plans in his heart.

As long as Uncle Qingyan catches up with Shen Zhiyi, maybe the two of them will get together, or he will become her future father.

Speaking of which, this father wanted good looks, rich money, and was considerate and gentle to Shen Zhiyi, much better than that He Jingyao.

Since the handsome uncle is not up to date, don't blame her for being rude.

The He family's excellent genes are so powerful that they cannot be wasted. Anyway, they are all surnamed He, and Shen Zhiyi is as good as anyone else.

As soon as she finished speaking, Song Jiaojiao also came, followed by Fang Huaizhou.

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