Chapter 418 Running away from home
Boom boom boom!
Shen Zhiyi woke up from a deep sleep and went to open the door.

Seeing the man standing at the door, she was startled, "He Jingyao? Why..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was suddenly embraced by the man.

She was stunned, and it took a while to know the reaction, "You, what are you doing? Let me go!"

Without saying a word, He Jingyao held her face, bowed his head and kissed her.

Shen Zhiyi couldn't push it away, couldn't earn it, and was pushed into the door by the man in the end.

The man kicked the door shut with his toe, and then the kiss became more violent, rude and domineering.

It's like attacking a city and plundering land, and I can't wait to swallow Shen Zhiyi's whole body.

Shen Zhiyi was pressed against the wall, and her brain went blank due to severe hypoxia. When she realized it, the neckline had been pulled down to her shoulders, revealing a large white collarbone.

"He Jingyao, what are you doing?" She shouted violently.

The man paused, raised his head, and stared at her with burning eyes, with some inexplicable emotion in his eyes, "Zhizhi, I'm sorry, I hurt you, can you forgive me?"

Shen Zhiyi's pupils trembled, "You, you remember?"

The man was silent, his thick eyelashes suppressed the infinite remorse and guilt, "Zhizhi, shall we start again? I promise, I will never let go of your hand again!"

With a few simple words, Shen Zhiyi's eyes were red, as if the long-standing grievance had broken free from the cage, and the tears were about to burst.

After rolling back, she smiled, "I'm sorry, if you miss it, you miss it. There are not many restarts in life. He Jingyao, treat Huang Runian well. We are in the past, and everyone should look forward!"

"No! I don't believe it, I don't believe you would be so cruel!" He Jingyao tightly held Shen Zhiyi's hand and placed it on his chest, as if to make her feel the beating heart for her, "As long as you are willing to turn around, We will definitely be able to go back to the past, we just encountered obstacles on the road of love, I am sorry Zhizhi, I have wronged you for a while, and I will make it up to you and Xiaobao in the future!"

"It's late, it's late, uh..."

Not giving Shen Zhiyi a chance to refuse at all, the man blocked her mouth domineeringly again.

"Shen Zhiyi, wake up, wake up..."

Shen Zhiyi was shaken awake, opened her eyelids, and saw the face of an immature and anxious child.

"Are you dreaming?" Xiaobao's eyes moved down in disgust.

Shen Zhiyi looked down, startled herself, she clamped the quilt firmly with her hands and feet, as if hugging someone, and hurriedly threw the quilt far away in embarrassment.

"Hey! Wipe your saliva quickly, you are still an adult, can you restrain yourself?" Xiaobao pointed at her mouth and frowned.

Shen Zhiyi looked down, oh my god!There was a saliva mark on the pillow, and he quickly pulled the blanket to cover the scene.

Not to mention her daughter dislikes it, even she herself dislikes it.

He rubbed his temples speechlessly, how could this happen?Why dream of that dog man?

Boom boom boom!
The sudden knock on the door made Shen Zhiyi feel terrified.

Could it be that dreams are reflected in reality?He Jingyao really found it?

Shen Zhiyi suppressed her nervousness, stepped on her slippers and went out, quickly went through all possible countermeasures in her mind, then took a deep breath, and opened the door.

"He... where's the person?" She looked left and right, but she didn't see anyone.

"What about this?"

Shen Zhiyi obediently looked down, only to find a little duck standing under her eyelids, and a little yellow duck suitcase beside her.

"Big tree?"

"Aunt Zhizhi, please take care of me! Woowawa..." The little guy rushed over and hugged her thigh, crying so heartbroken.

"Don't cry, Dashu, come in and talk to auntie slowly!" The little Shen Zhiyi wiped away his tears, took his little hand and led him into the house.

When Xiaobao saw the big tree coming, he was immediately overjoyed. The little guy was probably affected by this atmosphere, and his mood gradually improved. Then he talked about the reason why he ran away from home.

"...Grandma found a new wife for Dad. I disagreed, so Grandma beat me up and told me not to have contact with you in the future, or she wouldn't let me go out. I'm so angry!"

"So you ran away from home?" Shen Zhiyi raised an eyebrow.

The little guy nodded guiltily as if he knew he was wrong.

Shen Zhiyi gently rubbed the top of his head, "You can't do this, it's very dangerous to run out of the house casually, what should you do if you encounter bad people? And you will be anxious if your family can't find you, maybe it's gone now Call the police!"

"Ah? What should I do then?" The little guy was frightened, his eyes widened.

Shen Zhiyi thought for a while, "How about I send you back, and confess to your grandma, she loves you so much, she will definitely not blame you!"

"No, I don't want to go back!" Dashu said angrily, "They find dad a new wife without my consent. That's disrespectful to me. Also, why doesn't grandma let me see you? If they don't accept it, I won't accept it." Do not accept!"

Suddenly thought of something, the little guy asked nervously, "Aunt Zhizhi, you don't like me anymore, so you don't want me to live here?"

"No, Shen Zhiyi likes you the most, Dashu, you can rest assured that you can live here as long as you want, this is your home!" Xiaobao's words moved Dashu very much, and the two little ones The guys immediately hugged each other.

"Xiao Bao, thank you!"

"You're welcome, just give me some of your pocket money when the time comes!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

This girl can really do business.

Having said that, let's say that the little guy has brought out the suitcase, how can she drive away a child who is less than five years old?Is that still human?
Maybe after two days, when I feel better, I will go back obediently.

Shen Zhiyi originally wanted to inform He Jingyao, but on second thought, since he doesn't respect the children, let them feel the tense atmosphere.

Shen Zhiyi brought snacks for Dashu, and made him breakfast. The child seemed to be abused, and he devoured what he ate.

Shen Zhiyi watched and shook his head, look, once a child gets angry, it's not a joke.

After sending Xiaobao to the school bus to the kindergarten, the one big and one small went for a stroll around the nearby vegetable market and bought a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Just as the bag was placed on the table, there was another hasty knock on the door behind him.

Shen Zhiyi opened the door, and Qiu Wanqing stood at the door, followed by a servant, especially the former's expression, as if she was about to eat Shen Zhiyi.

"Madam He is in a good mood today!" Shen Zhiyi greeted generously.

"Hmph!" Qiu Wanqing gave her a disdainful glance, squeezed in to find someone like her own home, "Dashu, grandma is here to pick you up!"

"I don't want to go home!" Dashu hid behind Shen Zhiyi, only showing half of his head.

(End of this chapter)

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