Chapter 419 Children are the most difficult to deal with
"Silly boy, if you don't go home with grandma, who are you going home with? Don't let people see the joke, go with grandma!"

"I said no!" The little guy became emotional, and his tone was also stubborn.

Qiu Wanqing calmed down, "It's grandma's fault. Grandma shouldn't yell at you, but grandma is doing it for your own good. Aunt Xiao Nian is beautiful and gentle. Everyone envies her. Wouldn't it be nice for her to be your new mother? "

"It's not good at all, I don't want her to be my new mother, I only want Aunt Zhizhi!"

The little guy's stubbornness completely angered Qiu Wanqing, "You child, why are you disobedient? Your father is begging for a wife, not you. If you don't go back with me, don't go back for the rest of your life. Be a wild child and let everyone laugh at you!"

"I don't want to be a wild child, I don't want to be a wild child, woo woo woo..." The little guy was frightened and cried.

Shen Zhiyi bent down to comfort him, "Don't cry, don't cry, grandma is playing with you. Dashu has a father, a grandma, and many friends. How can he be a wild child? If Xiaobao sees you crying, he must will laugh at you!"

This trick really worked, the little guy sobbed, and his mood finally stabilized.

Shen Zhiyi turned around, "Mrs. He, the big tree is still young, I hope you pay attention to what you say!"

"What are you doing, are you teaching me? Heh! Who are you, teach me? Also, do you want to take care of our family affairs? I seriously doubt that Dashu ran away from home because you instigated it behind his back, Shen Zhi Mind, how many times have I told you, don't use those tricks on our A Yao, A Yao is already engaged when you rush in, you still don't give up, do you really think you can save anything by grabbing the big tree? Let me tell you, With me here, I will never let that possibility happen!"

Shen Zhiyi wasn't angry either, just smiled and shook her head, "Ms. He is another old talk, you don't bother me, I'm tired of it, let me guess, you forced the child to run away from home, afraid of the old man The old woman blamed me, so she put a pot on my head, right? I’m sorry, I won’t take the blame, people are here, if you take them back, you can take them back, if you can’t take them back, people are my guests, and I have the right to protect them His personal freedom!"

Qiu Wanqing narrowed her eyes, "What do you mean by that? Are you robbing me openly?"

Shen Zhiyi spread her hands, "You have wronged me, did you see me do it?"

"Okay, you have the ability, I still don't believe in this evil!" Qiu Wanqing said, winking at the servant behind her.

The servant tried to take Dashu away, "Master, come back with us, the house has made a lot of desserts that you like!"

"I don't want to go back, don't touch me!"

Seeing the little guy struggling unceasingly, Qiu Wanqing was annoyed all of a sudden. Doesn't this mean slapping her in the face in front of outsiders?What's more, this person is still Shen Zhiyi.

"Dashu is obedient, this is not your home, and you are not allowed to come to such lower-grade places in the future, go home with grandma!"

Qiu Wanqing went up to try to pull the little guy over, but the little guy slithered right behind Shen Zhiyi like a loach.

"Okay, you don't want to go back, right? Then grandma really doesn't care about you, let your father take care of it!" Qiu Wanqing was helpless, so angry that she took a rest and took her servant away. Before leaving, she snorted coldly at Shen Zhiyi Expressed his dissatisfaction.

Shen Zhiyi closed the door, pulled Dashu in front of her, and gently rubbed the top of his head, "Dashu, no matter how fierce grandma is, she loves you and doesn't want you to suffer any harm, so in the future, don't do that." Talk to grandma?"

Dashu blinked his eyes, drooped his little head in shame, "I know Aunt Zhizhi, I'm just angry, why don't they let me see Aunt Zhizhi and Xiaobao? Also, I don't like Aunt Xiao Nian, more I don't like her being my new mother, hum! Wait until I find my father and tell him not to marry Auntie Xiaonian!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Sure enough, children are difficult to deal with!

He Jingyao just got off a meeting when he received a call from his mother.

"Your son was found, and I guessed right. He ran away from home at the beck and call of Shen Zhiyi. I know her little plan too well. She just wanted to tie Dashu's heart so that she could tie you up." , and return to the He family, otherwise, what is she doing in such a big circle?"

He Jingyao had a headache when he heard it, and Qiu Wanqing continued, "This kid, Dashu, has been taught badly by Shen Zhiyi. He doesn't listen to what I say. He is very rebellious. He is really following someone and learning from someone. You go now!" Take the big tree back, and don't stay with her for a minute, so as not to come back and learn a lot of bad things."

"Are you finished?"

"No, there's one more thing, please don't show your face to Xiao Nian, their family is now... Hey? Hello?" Qiu Wanqing looked at the blacked-out screen, so angry that her head hurts, these children, one by one They are not obedient.

The big tree is at Shen Zhiyi's house, He Jingyao actually thought of this a long time ago.

Children are easily affected by certain things, and it is inevitable to complain at every turn, but when Qiu Wanqing said that the little guy ran away from home, as the child's father, he was still shocked.

At Shen Zhiyi's house, it's much safer than in other places, so let him go, and when his temper is over and homesick, he will naturally go home obediently.

He Jingyao originally planned this way, but he couldn't withstand Qiu Wanqing's cannonball-like phone attacks, so he took time to visit Shen Zhiyi's house.

"Come in!" Shen Zhiyi didn't ask anything, nor was she surprised, and let people in directly.

At the beginning, because of the consideration of living with two people, Shen Zhiyi specially bought a small third room, more than 100 square meters, a little furniture or something, the living room was full at once.

He Jingyao had long hands and long legs, and when he sat on the sofa, the space suddenly seemed crowded, and there was nowhere to put his two legs.

"The big tree is in the bathroom, wait a moment!" As soon as Shen Zhiyi's voice fell, the little guy came out dragging the jingle cat slippers.

One big and one small, big eyes and small eyes.

"Father!" Sure enough, He Jingyao was the one who could control him. When the little guy saw He Jingyao, his fearless disposition was instantly put away by half.

He Jingyao waved his hand at him, and there was a kindness in his voice, "Come here!"

Xiaojiahu twisted his fingers and slowly rubbed over.

He Jingyao hugged him between his legs, looked at him with dark eyes, "Tell me, why did you quarrel with grandma? Why did you run away from home?"

The little guy bit his lower lip a few times, then raised his head to meet his old father's gaze, wondering if it was because He Jingyao's pressure was too strong, the little guy lowered his head again, and said in disbelief, "Anyway, I don't want to be a kid Auntie Nian will be my new mother!"

"anything else?"

"Grandma doesn't allow me to see Aunt Zhizhi and Xiaobao, I don't want to promise her, Aunt Zhizhi and Xiaobao are my closest relatives!" The little guy replied with certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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