Shen Zhiyi also understood, holding back a smile, her shoulders were shaking non-stop.

"Don't eat!" Like a child, He Jingyao emptied all the dishes he cooked into the trash can.

He would rather fall all over than embarrass himself all at once.

Xiaobao pretended to comfort him, "Oh, it's okay, handsome uncle, who doesn't have a few failures in life? You've already succeeded!"

It was the first time in He Jingyao's life that he was laughed at by children and women, and this feeling was more shocking than losing a project worth hundreds of millions.

Shen Zhiyi was afraid that the giant Buddha would be annoyed and hurt the fish pond, so he said, "Okay, okay, since Mr. He doesn't like fried vegetables, I'll make some pasta!"

With such a big wrist, there must be some steps down.

In the end, each of the four filled their stomachs with a bowl of noodles.

before going to bed.

"Shen Zhiyi, tell me, handsome uncle, what does this mean? Why are you still staying here?" Xiaobao sat on the edge of the bed and hugged her shoulders, kicking and kicking with her short legs. For the sake of her old mother's lifelong event, she Fucked.

Shen Zhiyi patted the lotion on his face, "The big tree is here, he is worried, don't worry, he doesn't miss me anyway!"

"Hmph! Anyway, if he stays here, it will affect your relationship with Uncle Qingyan, Shen Zhiyi, no, I'll find a reason to drive him away, otherwise when will you be someone else's bride!"

Shen Zhiyi took a look at her and said with a smile, "What are you thinking about with your little head? Why is a bride not a bride? I tell you that my uncle is a good friend. Don't think about it!"

The little girl nuzzled her mouth, thought for a while, and reminded like a little adult, "Hey, Shen Zhiyi, you can't be on two boats, you have to take down Uncle Qingyan with all your heart, if you are snatched away by other girls, I'll see what you do then!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Are all kids so precocious these days?
The next day, Shen Zhiyi's car was stopped by another car halfway.

Then, two bodyguards "invited" her to a nearby teahouse.

In a high-end private room, a lady was sitting upright, wearing a high-quality satin improved cheongsam, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, elegant and dignified, with hand-embroidered slant, the whole person looked at her. Jewelry, full of extravagance.

"Here you come? Sit down!" The woman raised her chin, motioning for Shen Zhiyi.

"Is Madam Huang looking for me to book a hotel?" Shen Zhiyi's voice was clear and generous.

Mother Huang was startled, with a surprised expression on her face, "You recognize me?"

"I've seen it on some occasions before. Besides, the Huang family comes from a famous family. It's hard for people in Hangzhou to recognize it or not!"

For the first time, Huang's mother looked at Shen Zhiyi seriously, "You can talk, but I underestimated you. Since you are so smart, you should have thought of what I wanted from you, right?"

Shen Zhiyi lowered her eyelids, "Mrs. Huang, I think you're going to waste your trip. The person you want to talk about about Miss Huang is the He family, not me!"

"Hehe! Ms. Shen can really clean herself up. My future son-in-law and Dashu have been tricked into your home by you. You can still speak so boldly that it has nothing to do with you. What do you think of our Huang family? What do you think of us? ? A bunch of idiots?"

Mrs. Huang's voice became higher and higher, and her tone became more and more sharp. Faced with these, Shen Zhiyi still maintained a dignified and calm posture.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. He and Dashu are indeed at my house, I'm just borrowing it! Mr. He is an adult, he has his own thoughts, no one can control him!"

Huang's mother laughed when she heard the words, "Do you still have the face to ask me to excuse me? First, I trick Dashu to your house with sweet words, then A Yao will have contact with you logically, and finally confuse him, and he also Seducing the father and son of the He family by seducing them to your house is equivalent to stepping into the He family's door again, Miss Shen, you played your cards well!"

Shen Zhiyi shook hands under the table, "Ms. Huang, I need to remind you again, Mr. He has his own thoughts, he is not a child, so he is not stupid enough to be cheated by me. Speaking of which, I am still a victim. Yes, please take their father and son away!"

"Ha! What an eloquent tongue! To put it bluntly, you are shameless. You know that A Yao is already someone else's fiancé, but you still seduce him to live in your house, and you still play the image of an innocent person here. Do you know what this is called? Being a girl Biaozi still needs to set up a memorial archway, no wonder Wanqing didn't like you back then!"

With that said, Mother Huang took out a check from her bag, "Take the money and get out, don't let me see you again in Hangzhou, or I won't let you and your daughter go!"

Shen Zhiyi glanced at the check on the table, it was a total of 100 million, she chuckled, "It seems that Mrs. Huang is not particularly confident in the relationship between her future son-in-law and daughter!"

"You!" Huang's mother was angry, "I've already said this, and I've given you the way out. If you still meddle in my daughter's marriage, I will try my best to settle accounts with you. Miss Shen, you are smart!" Man, after all, you hooked up with A Yao for money? In the future, as long as you talk, I will give you as much money as you want, isn't it better than you being scolded by others?"

Huang's mother is both soft and hard, and she only accepts Shen Zhi's opinion.

Shen Zhiyi picked up the check, "Hearing what you said, it seems to be really reasonable. It seems that I don't know how to accept it."

Seeing her put away the check, Mother Huang snorted contemptuously.

I thought it would be so difficult to get it done, but that's all. A woman, it's all about money in the end. As long as you give her enough money, I'm afraid she can do anything.

Such a woman still wants to compete with her daughter for a man?Ah!Not even fit to carry her daughter's shoes.

Before leaving, Huang's mother repeatedly warned Shen Zhiyi that after taking the money, she was not allowed to pester He Jingyao in the future, and she had to leave Hangzhou when the project between Shen and He was over.

Shen Zhiyi didn't shake his head, but he didn't nod, and re-opened the check.

A wealthy family is indeed a wealthy family. In order to prevent her from getting involved with He Jingyao, some people gave her money in various ways.

Come to think of it, this is also a way to make money.

Now that he has nothing to do with He Jingyao, why not use him to make some more money?
Shen Zhiyi parked the car in the parking area in front of the office building of the He Group, and when he got out of the car, he happened to bump into He Jingyao, followed by Ah Shen and several company executives.

I don't know how long he stood on the steps, anyway, the way he looked at her was not quite right.

Due to the presence of others, Shen Zhiyi called out "Mr. He" politely.

But He Jingyao didn't care so much, he could even say he could do whatever he wanted, "The car you just bought?"

Shen Zhiyi paused as she left.

Dog man, with so many people present, can't you keep a sense of distance from her?
"Yes, yes, it looks good, doesn't it?"

The man frowned, and asked step by step, "Where's the one I gave you?"

The others had already turned their backs, pretending to be blind and deaf.

Shen Zhiyi felt guilty, "Oh, that car is too big, it's inconvenient for me to drive, it's temporarily parked in the garage of the community, don't chat, I'm going to work!"

If this guy finds out, she will have to eat her up if she hangs the car he gave her on the platform and sells it.

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