He Jingyao looked at the figure of the little woman leaving in a hurry, and narrowed his eyes, "Ah Shen, check the situation of her car!"

"Yes, sir!"

Half an hour later, Ah Shen stood in the CEO's office to report, and showed the tablet to He Jingyao, "Sir, Ms. Shen put the big white G on the second-hand car platform for sale, but she hasn't found a buyer yet!"

He Jingyao flipped the screen down with his long fingers, the ice in his eyes was getting deeper and deeper, Ah Shen subconsciously tightened his neckline, feeling a little cold.

The tablet was dropped on the table.

He Jingyao's eyes rolled with sullen anger, he got up and pulled his tie and threw it far away.

Damn it, that woman actually wanted to sell the car he gave her!
Is it just so uninteresting in what he sent?Or are you afraid of seeing things and thinking about others, and seeing things that you don't see?

The phone on the table vibrated, and the word "Mom" flashed on the screen.

"Hey Mom, what's the matter?"

"Son, come back for dinner tonight. Mom will cook for you today and make braised pork ribs for you!"

He Jingyao frowned, "I have to work overtime today, why don't I change it to another day!"

"Hmph! I've already inquired. You don't have any schedule or work today. Your father is also at home. The whole family is waiting for you. Come back early, huh?"

He Jingyao hung up the phone, and shot towards Ah Shen with a sharp eye.


Ah Shen's throat rolled in fright, and he quickly found an excuse to back out.

He was also forced to be helpless. That day Qiu Wanqing called him and asked He Jingyao about today's itinerary, saying that it was out of concern for him.

Faced with Qiu Wanqing's kindness and power, Ah Shen had no choice but to reveal it.

The wolf on the left, the tiger on the right, who can choose?

He's old house.

"Miss Biao, eat some fruit!"

He Cancan waved his hands impatiently, "Didn't you see that I was busy? Don't bother me!"

The phone is full of Lin Yu's photos.

He actually participated in the company's sports meeting?Ah!Thin and dry, are you sure it will work?

Who is the girl smiling at him?Could it be his girlfriend?cut!It looks like that!

Looking at the single photo again, He Cancan stayed for a long time.

In fact, he is not bad looking, at least he is better looking than those schoolgirls she knows, but he is too annoying.

"Since when did you care about this kid?"

A voice suddenly sounded from the top of his head, He Cancan's hands shook in fright, the phone fell to the ground with a thud, and then he put it away in a panic.

"Little uncle, when did you come back? Why is there no movement at all! You scared me to death!"

He Jingyao's topic remained the same, "What can I ask you?"

He Cancan licked his lips, his mind spinning wildly, "Who pays attention to him? I hate a person so much. I just want to know more about his life trajectory, so that I can find someone to clean him up. I haven't reported the revenge last time, swallow Don't hold that breath!"

He Jingyao squinted at her, "I warn you not to cause trouble, otherwise the Heavenly King and I will not be able to save you!"

"Don't worry, uncle, I'm sensible!" He Cancan was obedient and obedient, and tried his best to say something nice to her when she was desperate in the future. "By the way, uncle, that Lin Yu, was he really chasing after Shen Zhiyi?"

He Jingyao flipped through the WeChat messages without looking up, "Why do you ask this?"

"I'm just curious. If Lin Yu's qualifications are not bad, why was my little cousin one step ahead of me? Speaking of which, Shen Zhiyi is really in demand, and he was chased by so many outstanding men, hey little Uncle, do you think the little cousin chased her after all? Anyway, I ran into Shen Zhiyi at the bar a few days ago, and watched the little cousin carry her out with my own eyes. Hey, where are you going, brother?"

He Cancan hugged his shoulders and shivered, wondering why it was so cold all of a sudden.

"Ah Yao, you're back? Go to the meeting, the meal will be ready soon!" Qiu Wanqing personally supervised the work in the kitchen tonight, and even showed off by cooking herself.

"Mom, I have something to ask you!"

"Let's talk about it later at the dinner table, I'm busy!"

"Ask now!" He Jingyao said decisively.

Seeing his serious look, Qiu Wanqing knew a thing or two, and walked to the side, "What are you in such a hurry for?"

"Are you going to trouble Shen Zhiyi again?"

Qiu Wanqing twirled her broken hair, not too surprised, "Didn't I tell you? Don't mention that woman in front of me again!"

"So, you went to find her, didn't you?" He Jingyao closed his eyes, "I insist on living in her house, and it has nothing to do with her. I also said that we can settle the matter between me and her without the intervention of the elders." , I respect that you and Xiao Nian are engaged, but please respect me too!"

"Ah Yao, what are you talking about? What is your business? Is it just your business? It is already related to our He family and Huang family's affairs. I will not allow Shen Zhiyi to interfere with you and Xiao Nian , that woman is really, what's wrong with being a mistress, I must be a mistress, right? In her bones, she is such a shameless person!"

He Jingyao rubbed his forehead, "Things are not what you think, please don't speculate and comment on your own, I'll say it again, please don't meddle with Shen Zhiyi and me!"

Qiu Wanqing muttered a few times aggrieved, and muttered, "It's not me anyway, if you want to find it, go find your Aunt Huang!"

That day, she just talked about it in front of Huang's mother, and realized that Huang's mother's expression was wrong at that time, and guessed that she would trouble Shen Zhiyi.

She didn't dissuade her, and reported that someone would drive Shen Zhiyi away for her. Anyway, her son couldn't do anything to the Huang family.

As soon as the words were finished, the servant heard that Mrs. Huang had arrived.

The old man and the old lady of the He family went to the villa on the mountain to relax and play. The size of the house was suitable for Qiu Wanqing to take care of it for the time being. Finally, the old couple were not at home, so she could finally feel proud.

Welcoming people in, including the Huang family, a total of seven or eight people sat around the dining table.

"Today my wife cooked two dishes by herself. She is not good at cooking, so I ask you two to take care of me!" Father He first said a few opening remarks.

The Huang family couple said a few words politely, and then entered today's dinner.

He Jingyao didn't say much all the time, just accompanied his guests to eat quietly.

After eating for a while, Mother Huang and Qiu Wanqing looked at each other.

Then the latter pressed the corners of his lips with a napkin, "Ah Yao, it happens that your Auntie Huang and Uncle Huang are here, as the husband, it's time for us to set the time for your wedding with Xiao Nian, look..."

"Mom, Dad, Uncle Huang, Aunt Huang, Xiao Nian's condition has not stabilized yet, I think it's too early for the wedding, why don't we just wait until she's in better condition and don't eat anymore!"

He Jingyao's refusal was polite and natural, and no one could find any flaws. The two hostesses were silent for a while.

Huang's mother's shareholder, Huang's father, said, Huang's father coughed twice, and said, "That's what I said, but because of Xiao Nian's incident, the impact is very bad. Only by holding the wedding right away, can you silence everyone. Of course, if you want to go back on your word, A Yao, we won't blame you, after all..."

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