Chapter 428 The Sixth Sense of a Woman

"Of course not, I just thought it was too sudden and the timing was wrong!" He Jingyao explained politely.

At this moment, Qiu Wanqing interjected again, "Ah Yao, I've done some calculations with someone here, and based on your and Xiao Nian's birthdays, the first ten days of next month are the most suitable for a wedding, which will save you from having long nights and dreams , and, this is considered a joy for Xiao Nian, I'm afraid it will recover faster, isn't it, Xiao Yu?"

Mother Huang nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, the effect of congratulations is the best!"

Right after the engagement incident broke out, Qiu Wanqing immediately went to Mother Huang and asked her to give an explanation.

Well done, why did Huang Runian hang out with messy men, how did this make their He family accept this daughter-in-law.

Later, Huang's mother repeatedly assured that her daughter had only been coerced and that nothing the worst had happened. She also assured that as long as the two families became in-laws, their Huang family would definitely be He Jingyao's backer, and even gave half of Huang's centimeters to He Jingyao. only agreed.

You know, living in a big family like the He family, you have to work hard all the time. Maybe the He family is yours now, but it may not be yours in the future.

There are many branches of the He family, and they are all staring at the flesh of the He Group. Without the blessing of outside forces, it is very likely that they will be defeated in this battle.

Therefore, Qiu Wanqing needs the support of the Huang family very much.

That's why she kept encouraging He Jingyao to marry Huang Runian.

As a neutral, Father He has always maintained a silent attitude. Even though Qiu Wanqing kept reminding him to add fuel and vinegar, he would not express any opinions.

The happiness of the children is created by themselves, let them go.

He Cancan, on the other hand, ate his dinner in big gulps, listening to one thing for a while, and watching that one for a while, completely from the standpoint of an outsider, not participating in the whole process.

Anyway, she didn't like Shen Zhiyi, nor did she like Huang Runian very much, so she had to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

Pretty fun.

After a dinner, the wedding has never been finalized.

Qiu Wanqing sent the Huang family out.

"Wan Qing, it's possible that Ah Yao regretted it and didn't want to marry us Xiao Nian, right? If so, let's talk about it as soon as possible, so as to save our Xiao Nian from getting deeper and deeper!" Huang's mother was still a little unhappy about this, and their Huang family I don't know how many people are thinking about it, and my daughter is not worried about getting married.

If it wasn't for their daughter's obsessive desire to marry He Jingyao, they wouldn't be humble.

Qiu Wanqing hurriedly explained, "No, no, it's not like you don't know how much Ah Yao loves Xiao Nian. Why don't you want to marry him? It's just that he's under too much work pressure recently, and he's just upset for a while. It's fine. Do ideological work with him!"

"Okay, that's the only way to go. By the way, I think it's better for you to let Ah Yao take a look at this thing!" Before leaving, Huang's mother handed Qiu Wanqing a USB flash drive.

In the living room, only He Jingyao and He Cancan's uncle and nephew were left.

"Uncle, I think you just don't want to marry that Huang Runian?" He Cancan asked casually, throwing a grape into his mouth.

He Jingyao raised his eyelids to look at her, "How can you see that?"

"A woman's sixth sense is the most accurate, damn! If it were me, I wouldn't want to marry her, like a child who hasn't grown up, brother Jingyao is long and Jingyao is short all day long, vomit! I can hear that Goosebumps fell all over the floor, isn't it disgusting!" He Cancan rubbed his arms and gestured.

"Ah Yao!" Qiu Wanqing sent people back, and raised her hand at He Cancan, "Cancan, you go upstairs to play first!"

He Cancan pouted, "I can't listen to what's going on, I'm not a child, I won't say it!"

"Be obedient, go upstairs and play, I'll have someone make glutinous rice cakes for you later!"

"Hee hee, that's about the same!" He Cancan then satisfactorily vacated a place for their mother and son.

Qiu Wanqing turned around and looked at her son, "Ah Yao, tell mom the truth, what do you think about Xiao Nian now? The Huang family has waited until now, if you regret it at this time, then our He family will I really can't explain it!"

He Jingyao leaned back, with all his weight on the backrest, and pressed his fingers against his forehead, "I don't want to regret it, it's just that it's too early to get married, and everything will be decided after the project with Shen is over. It's not too late, I don't understand why you are in such a hurry!"

"I..." Qiu Wanqing had nothing to say, "All right, all you want, I just want to remind you that now Xiao Nian is your fiancee, the prospective daughter-in-law of our He family, the whole city of Hangzhou Everyone knows that you'd better keep a little distance from that Shen Zhiyi, and don't be fooled by her tricks, and do something that I'm sorry for Xiao Nian!"

"I have measure!"

Qiu Wanqing looked at her son and sighed deeply, "It's best to be modest, Ah Yao, all this mom did is for your own good, I hope you can understand our intentions as parents, and when you If you completely control the He family, you will understand our painstaking efforts!"

When He Jingyao heard the words, he pulled his lips bitterly.


Their so-called painstaking effort is to hope that his son can rule the entire He family.

For this reason, He Jingyao’s parents have been strict with him since he was a child. He learned piano at the age of two, horsemanship at the age of three, and five foreign languages ​​at the age of four. , The scholarship is even softer.

After graduating and returning to China, he even showed his management talent at work. In just two years, the company veterans who criticized him at the beginning were willing to bow down to him, and led the He Group to squeeze into the country's outstanding enterprises.

He Jingyao, who is now standing under the spotlight, is wise, stable, and magnificent, the image his parents hoped for, but who knows what kind of He Jingyao is behind this glamorous beauty?

He is used to his parents paving the way and future for him, but this time, he wants to break free from this bondage...

"Dad, why are we leaving?"

"Aunt Zhizhi doesn't want us?"

"Then I'm going to plead with Aunt Zhizhi?"

Dashu raised his head and asked the soul three times unwillingly.

He Jingyao looked down at the little guy, with a big black face on his face, and said coldly, "Yes, your Aunt Zhizhi doesn't want you anymore, because she has a boyfriend, so she will find us troublesome!"

In the afternoon, he received a message from Shen Zhiyi, asking the father and son to pack up and move out.

Throw them away as if you were throwing out trash.

Not only that, when he asked why, she actually told him that He Qingyan was going to move in.

A woman who values ​​sex and despises friends, in order to allow He Qingyan to live in, she cruelly asked their father and son to move out, forgetting who helped her?
Just leave, He Jingyao doesn't have a lot of things, just a lot of money, a lot of cars, a lot of houses, and some places to live, why do you care about her poor place?

(End of this chapter)

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