Chapter 430

"Why? Then you have to ask what this kid said. I've done my best to beat him up!" Fang Huaizhou said, and wanted to come over, "It's none of your business here, get out of the way, and let me teach this ignorant person a lesson." Boy!"

"Are you crazy? Stop it!" Song Jiaojiao shielded Zheng Fanxing behind her, "Is there anything you can't say properly? You are the boss. How can you beat employees like this and let others see it? No matter what it is, It's your fault to hit people with your hands, you want to hit people right, okay, then hit me too!"

Song Jiaojiao raised her head and closed her eyes. Fang Huaizhou's heart was completely chilled by the look of letting you handle her. The veins in her clenched hands were bulging, and her eyes were bloodshot.

He had done so much secretly for Song Jiaojiao, but now she was standing against him for another man.

It seems that a piece of heart feeds the dog!

Suppressing the resentment and anger in his heart, Fang Huaizhou's face was condensed, "Song Jiaojiao, let me ask you last, are you on his side or on my side?"

As long as she admits a mistake, or says a word of comfort to him, he will give her a step down, but Song Jiaojiao has to go crazy on the verge of provoking him.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong about the matter, and you are wrong about this matter. I saw you beat someone with my own eyes, so now, you should apologize to Zheng Fanxing!"

Hearing this, Fang Huaizhou laughed speechlessly, his phoenix eyes became narrower and longer, making his already handsome face even more evil, "Let me apologize to him? Song Jiaojiao, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? I thought During this period of training, your IQ will improve a little, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid!"

"Sister Jiaojiao, forget it, I'm fine, Mr. Fang was just impulsive!" Zheng Fanxing shook Song Jiaojiao's arm and explained.

Song Jiaojiao patted the back of his hand, "Even if you are impulsive, the prince has committed the same crime as the common people. He must apologize to you today!"

Fang Huaizhou saw all this in his eyes, as if a blade was slashing his heart, and then poured vinegar into these wounds, the indescribable pain stimulated his nerves, making him unable to stay any longer.

"Okay, Song Jiaojiao, don't regret it!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, even kicking over a chair as he passed by, Song Jiaojiao was shocked.

"Hmph, who are you scaring!" She turned around and helped Zheng Fanxing pat the dust off her body, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, sister Jiaojiao, thank you!"

"Damn! There's nothing to be thankful for, don't mind, Mr. Fang has such a bad temper, and he will figure it out after a while when his emotions subside!"

Zheng Fanxing nodded, thought for a while, and then said, "Okay, I understand, but I still have to thank you, or sister Jiaojiao, let me treat you to dinner!"

Song Jiaojiao was afraid that he would continue to emo because of what happened just now, so she wanted to comfort him again, so she agreed.

The two put on their peaked caps and masks and got into the car together. Right where Song Jiaojiao couldn't see, Zheng Fanxing showed a triumphant smile...

As night fell, Hangcheng, which had been silent for a day, finally woke up and opened its nightly singing.


Shen Zhiyi buckled her handbag on the table, stretched her long legs, and sat on the high pedals, "Handsome guy, a glass of sparkling water!"

"Don't drink?" Fang Huaizhou raised an eyebrow and asked her.

The latter shrugged helplessly, "I have to deal with some work when I go back, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up!"

Fang Huaizhou looked at her with sympathy, "It seems that He Jingyao has been oppressing you a lot recently!"

Shen Zhiyi spat out in one gulp.

"I guessed it right?" Fang Huaizhou handed her a tissue with a playful smile.

Shen Zhiyi turned his head and glared at him, "What you said is ambiguous, and the influence is not good!"

Is that squeeze?That was very oppressive!During this period of time, she was not allowed to rest at all. Anyway, the work that should be handled by her was handed over to her, and the work that was not supposed to be handled by her was also handed over to her.

He is obviously the person in charge of the cooperation, but he has taken over the jobs of the president's secretary, president's assistant, and even the president's personal nanny.

"Tell me, why does our Jiaojiao give you a headache!" Shen Zhiyi knocked on the table.

Fang Huaizhou was a little surprised, "How do you know it's related to Song Jiaojiao?"

"Oh! Sorry, I can't think of another person who can torture Second Young Master Fang into such a state!"

Fang Huaizhou lowered his head and gave a chuckle. He shook the glass leisurely, and the broken ice made a crackling sound inside.

"If that heartless woman had the same brains as you, I wouldn't be so angry!"

Shen Zhiyi sat quietly on the side, acting as a listener.

"Do you know? She actually opposed me because of that Zheng Fanxing, and asked me to apologize to him, completely disregarding my face. What does she know? That kid is a scheming guy, and Song Jiaojiao was still deceived by his appearance I'm so angry, how can there be such a stupid woman?"

Shen Zhiyi grasped a point, "Oh, so you are jealous?"

"I..." Fang Huaizhou was speechless, and took a sip of wine in suspense. The wine passed through his intestines, but he couldn't suppress the depression in his heart.

Especially when he thought of Song Jiaojiao's appearance in front of Zheng Fanxing today, he felt even more uncomfortable.

It turned out that in that woman's heart, he couldn't even compare to Zheng Fanxing.

"I said, this is your fault!" Shen Zhiyi put the sparkling water on the table and said.

Fang Huaizhou: "???"

"You like our Song Jiaojiao, right?"

Fang Huaizhou defaulted.

Shen Zhiyi spread her hands, "That's right, it's not that difficult to admit it, but Jiaojiao is stupid, she doesn't know you like her, a single girl, especially a girl with a carefree personality like her, Naturally, you will not refuse contact with the opposite sex, but if you express your affection to him and she accepts you, then the result will be different, so instead of you being sullen here alone, it is better to have a showdown with her!"

When Fang Huaizhou heard this, he immediately shook his head and vetoed, "No, what if she rejects it? What should I do if I get rejected? Do I want to lose face? How can I get along with her in the future?"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"Besides, I'm not sure how Song Jiaojiao feels about me. On the contrary, I don't know how good it is for Zheng Fanxing. I will never try something that has a low probability!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Huaizhou raised his glass to the bartender, "Have another glass, add ice!"

Shen Zhiyi looked at him drinking silently, feeling sympathetic, and twirled the wine glass between his fingers, "Actually, there are some things you don't do, and you will never know the answer. When you make up your mind to do it, you will never know the answer." , it may be too late, aren't you afraid that the things you like will be snatched away first?"

A word awakened the dreamer, Fang Huaizhou looked at her fiercely, his eyes turned, as if he was thinking about something...

(End of this chapter)

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