Chapter 431 The Little Girl's Incredibility
He Group.

Shen Zhiyi answered the phone in the car, "What? Someone wants to buy it? The price is 20 more?"

"Sell, must sell!"

"Okay, I will trouble you with the procedures, and I will contact you if you need anything!"

Shen Zhiyi was in a good mood, and finally got rid of the big white G, as if he got rid of the big stone that had been pressing on his heart.

This was the only item that was related to He Jingyao. Once it was sold, it meant that there was no connection between them.


I don't know which seller is so cool, and unexpectedly gave an extra 20 yuan without batting an eyelid. It's really a waste of money.

After slamming the car door and turning around, Shen Zhiyi was taken aback by a face-to-face murder.

He Cancan grinned at her, "Morning, ex...little aunt!"

This address made Shen Zhiyi feel awkward, she looked around, "Are you looking for me?"

"Otherwise, I'm just waiting for you!" He Cancan looked her up and down, covered her mouth and let out an exaggerated exclamation, "Wow, my little aunt's uniform is so pretty, our school will hold a school celebration party next week, let me wear it chant!"

Shen Zhiyi narrowed her eyes, and tapped her arms with her shoulder-hugging fingers, "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't beat around the bush!"

He Cancan chuckled, "Sure enough, it's my ex-little aunt, no wonder my uncle liked you so much before!"

"Stop, stop, stop talking about your ex-little aunt, I can't afford it!"

"Okay, then I'll call you Sister Zhizhi? Sister Zhizhi, tell me Lin Yu's WeChat account!" He Cancan said with a blushing face.

Shen Zhiyi sighed, "He Cancan, Lin Yu didn't mean to be against you on purpose, he is an honest man, so please stop messing with him, okay? He can't afford to play games with you charming young ladies, if you are bored Just find someone else!"

The last time He Cancan got Lin Yu to the police station, and she went to the door of Lin Yu's company to spread rumors, Shen Zhiyi knew all about it.

This is the daily life of rich ladies. Their happiness is based on the pain of ordinary people, which is completely different from the world.

He Cancan waved his hands anxiously, "No, no, that's not what I mean, I'm... I want to make friends with him sincerely, yes, just to make friends!"

Shen Zhiyi raised her hand, "Don't, you two are not even suitable to be friends, I still say that, if you want to play, find someone else!"

"Oh, what are you doing?" He Cancan stopped her and refused to let her go, "We were a family before, so you can't help me? Well, I'll show you, I want Lin Yu to be my boyfriend! "


"Although he was entangled with you before, I don't care about it. Who made him grow on my heart? Just give me his WeChat ID. I promise you that I can help you snatch my uncle away." Back, back to the He family!" He Cancan grabbed Shen Zhiyi's arm, as if discussing a deal.

Shen Zhiyi was dumbfounded and didn't recover from it for a long time.

"You, you said you want Lin Yu to be your boyfriend? He Cancan, are you crazy? How old are you..."

"I'm an adult, and my parents don't care about the freedom of love now, or are you still in love with Lin Yu? If so, aren't you a sea queen?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Lin Yu and I are good friends who grew up together, okay? That's it, I can't just watch him being tortured by you, He Cancan, look at your homework when you have nothing to do, and focus on your studies , don’t deal with these useless things all day long, improve yourself, it’s more important than anything else!”

"Shen Zhiyi, stop!" He Cancan shouted, "Don't you want to snatch my uncle back? I promise, as long as I intervene, I will be able to kick that Huang Runian away. She is far worse than you. Are you really willing to give up my uncle to her?"

Shen Zhiyi turned his back to her and shrugged his shoulders, "It's just a man, whoever loves wants whoever wants, there are so many in the world!"

After speaking, he strode away.

He Cancan was so angry that he jumped on the spot.

Damn it, why don't you help me? Okay, I really thought there was nothing I could do without his WeChat account?
Back in the office, Shen Zhiyi was still thinking about what He Cancan said downstairs.

This girl actually wants to chase Lin Yu?

Some time ago, the two were still like enemies, they were incompatible, and they almost fought, but now this suddenly broke out, and the girl changed her face too quickly.

Young people are indeed young people. They treat love as a trifle, and play it when they are bored. They can only feel sorry for each other.

In this regard, she resolutely does not allow He Cancan to play with Lin Yu like this.

"Miss Shen!" Linda knocked on the door and came in, "Mr. He asked you to go to his office!"

Shen Zhiyi knocked on the president's office with doubts.

"Mr. He, are you looking for me?" No matter how dissatisfied she is with men, she has to put them away as soon as she steps into this company, with a smile on her face, bowing her knees.

The man tapped the sofa with his chin, signaling her to sit down.

After that, he clicked on a recording in the phone, and turned the phone in the direction of Shen Zhiyi with his backhand.

In the quiet space, a conversation immediately rang out.

[I've already said this, and I've given you a way out. If you still meddle in my daughter's marriage, I will try my best to settle accounts with you. Miss Shen, you are a smart person. After all, you hooked up with A Yao Is it not for money?In the future, as long as you talk, I will give you as much money as you want. Isn't that better than being scolded by others? 】

[Hearing what you said, it seems to be really reasonable. It seems that I don't know how to accept it. 】

Shen Zhiyi's scalp is numb, isn't this the conversation she had with Mother Huang that day?

You know, these noble ladies are the most thoughtful.

Why didn't she keep a hand?Forget it, since things have developed to this point, we can only bite the bullet and move forward, not to mention, this is not a bad thing.

"Miss Shen, don't you want to explain it?" He Jingyao put away his phone, leaned back, and a pair of black curtains were about to burst into flames.

Shen Zhiyi smiled a little guilty, "I don't understand what Mr. He is talking about."

He Jingyao slapped his palm on the table, which startled her and sent a chill down her spine.

"How long are you going to pretend to be stupid? Did I call Mrs. Huang over to confront you, or did you say it yourself?"

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes, "Mr. He, are you really interested in doing this? Yes, I admit, I did take her money, but isn't that what you expected? Only when I take the money can you feel at ease I'm just an ordinary little shrimp, I just want a normal and ordinary life, you keep forcing me, I can't help it, I just seek life, is there something wrong with that?"

He Jingyao moved his mouth, and a look of unbearableness flashed across his eyes, "You should come to me when you encounter this kind of thing? There is nothing I can't solve!"

Shen Zhiyi laughed out loud, "Looking for you? Mr. He, are you sure you won't ridicule me and say that I pestered you on purpose? And your family and relatives will also say that I seduced you, so you can only prove it if you take the money. You are really not as important as this money to me now, so they won't bother me anymore, and you and Miss Huang can live a happy and sweet life from now on, how perfect!"

(End of this chapter)

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