
Liu Xiang's eyes lit up immediately, and in the next second, he pretended to be reserved and said, "Cut! Do you really think that you can solve everything with a few filthy money? Let me tell you that my surname is Tan, and you hid my daughter. If you don't Return the person to me intact, let alone 50, even 100, I will not let you go!"

Old Tan smiled darkly, "Ms. Liu, I didn't live in Hangzhou for a day or two. Let me tell you this, as long as I don't admit it, no one can do anything to me. I think highly of you for 50. If you No, I can't help it either! As long as you are not short of money!"

"Hey, wait!" Liu Xiang hurriedly snatched the check from Lao Tan's hands, and held it tightly in his arms, "I promised to give it to me, how can you go back on it? 50 is already considered cheap, you, I It cost more than that to raise a daughter so big!"

"Don't worry, as long as you withdraw the lawsuit, I will transfer you another 20!"

"That's what you said. If you dare to lie to me, I will reveal all your scandals!" At this moment, Liu Xiang's eyes are all about money.

Anyway, the daughter can't be found anymore, and she can't beat Lao Tan, so it's better to get some benefits from him.

Lao Tan looked up and laughed, and after laughing, his expression became stern, "Remember what you should say and what you should not say, if I have trouble, I will make your precious son pay the price! "

Liu Xiang's heart trembled.

Why didn't she realize that this old Tan was so vicious and cunning before.

Her poor daughter, she was cheated like this and lost her life.

Fortunately, I got the money, and the trip was not in vain.

When the taxi came, Liu Xiang got into the car with a smile on his face and left with the check in his mouth.

Behind the roadside billboard, a black figure looms...

at the same time.

Shen Shujie is enjoying the feasting in the bar.

"Cough! Six, you should put the money you spent today, if you don't bring any money today, I will pay you back later!"

Shen Shujie slapped his face swollen to pretend to be a fat man and invited the girl he liked to come to the bar to play, but he never answered the call to Liu Xiang. The little money he had on him was not enough to pay for a bottle of wine, so he asked his younger brother to advance first.

The little brother was a hundred times unhappy, but he paid the money anyway.

"Bingbing, you see that I treat you so well, so you agree to be my girlfriend!" Shen Shujie took the girl named Bingbing's hand and confessed affectionately.

Bingbing glanced at him with her long and narrow eyes, pouted and said, "Huh, you haven't given me the watch you promised to give me last time. It's not worth talking, and you said you really like me, is it possible?"

That watch is worth 30 yuan. In the past, Shen Shujie didn't even blink his eyes, but now it's not the same as before. He secretly spent all of Liu Xiang's savings, and now he relies on credit cards when he goes out, if he didn't beg Liu Xiang Xiang forgives, I'm afraid all credit cards have to be stopped for him.

How can he still pick up girls?

Shen Shujie held Bingbing in his arms, and began to talk sweetly, "My mother has been very strict with me recently, but don't worry, she loves me the most. Her money will be mine from now on. It's just a 30 watch. I know that I am not short of this money, wait a little longer, or next week, oh no, next month, I promise you will buy it back, Bingbing, you see, I am so sincere to you, or we will go to the hotel at night ?”

"Fuck you!" Bingbing covered his face away.

"Bing Bing, Shao Hua is here!" A girl came to announce.

"Really? Say hello for me, I'll be there right away!" The next second, Bingbing immediately broke free from Shen Shujie's lap, "Sorry Brother Jie, I have a friend here, you can play by yourself!"

Shen Shujie grabbed her, "Friend? I'm afraid it's the wild man you hooked up with, right?"

Now that he has spoken, there is no need for Bingbing to hide it anymore, and simply show off, "Yes, I like to spend less. They are richer than you, and they are willing to spend money for me. Shen Shujie, one 30 yuan I have to wait until next month for my watch, am I going to die of laughter, what kind of girls are there if I don’t have money, cut it!”

Shen Shujie was so angry that he jumped on the spot.

The younger brother comforted him, "Brother Jie, forget it, Bingbing spends a lot of money, and now your financial situation..."

Shen Shujie stared back at the latter words.

When Shen Shujie came out, he called Liu Xiang to ask for money. He was used to spending money lavishly, how could he stand being laughed at?It was worse than killing him.

This time Liu Xiang answered, "What's the matter, Xiaojie?"

"Mom, why didn't you answer my call? Do you know that I just..." Shen Shujie couldn't continue speaking, "Hurry up and transfer some money to me, I'm hanging out with my friends in the bar!"

"I know you want money, tell me, how much do you want this time?"

Shen Shujie was cruel, "50!"

"50? Xiaojie, you also know our current situation. You spent all of my savings. What do you need so much money for? How can you spend so much on bars?"

"Okay, okay, don't worry, will you give it or not?"

"It's not that I don't give it, it's really not, your sister..."

Shen Shujie interrupted, "Okay, don't let me forget it, and don't call me your son in the future!"

"Hey, Xiaojie, Xiaojie..." Liu Xiang sighed distressedly and helplessly.

She didn't give birth to a son, she clearly gave birth to an ancestor.

Shen Shujie couldn't be angry, even if his mother didn't help him, he couldn't believe it, he couldn't live without her?

The phone was padded in his hand, and suddenly he had a plan.

"Hello who?" The person on the phone asked.

Shen Shujie pretended to be old-fashioned, and said leisurely, "Mr. Tan, it's me, Shen Shujie, Shen Yichun's younger brother!"

"……What's up?"

"That's Mr. Tan, I have encountered some trouble recently and need a sum of money to solve it, can I trouble you..."

"Just tell me the number!"

"Not too much, not too much, just 50!"

There was silence.

Shen Shujie coughed lightly, and decided to take a gamble, "Mr. Tan, don't think that this money is too much, I just borrowed it, and I will pay you back when I have the money in the future, besides... I am in a bad mood recently, in a bad mood I just like to go to the bar to drink, and when I drink too much, I like to talk nonsense, you say, if I accidentally tell Mr. Tan what you did to my sister, will the impact be bad?"

There was a burst of laughter from the other party, "Shen Shujie, are you still threatening me?"

"No, no, how dare I, I'm just telling the truth, I don't want to cause trouble for you, Mr. Tan!"

"Okay, I can give you the 50, but if you still can't control your mouth in the future, then I won't be polite!"

Hearing the last sentence, Shen Shujie's scalp tingled, and at the same time, he did not expect that he would be able to get the money from Lao Tan smoothly.

Putting the phone away, he hummed a little tune and walked towards his sports car.

Suddenly, a black shadow passed in front of his eyes and almost missed him.

The surrounding lights are dim, so I can't see clearly.

"Damn! Blind you!" Shen Shujie cursed, seeing the black shadow stop, he became even more annoyed, "Aren't you looking for death? Stop for me!"

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