The black shadow walked very fast, Shen Shujie chased and cursed at the same time, when he followed him into a small alley, the black shadow stopped suddenly.

Shen Shujie rolled up his sleeves, and went up to teach him a lesson, "Damn, I'm deaf when talking to you, look at me..."

The other party turned around suddenly, which stopped Shen Shujie's words behind him. His eyes widened and his expression was horrified, as if he had seen a ghost.

The other party's hair was disheveled, and he was dressed in black. He couldn't see his face at all. Only through his hair, he could faintly see a pair of resentful eyes, which looked very strange.

"Ghost!" Shen Shujie turned around and ran away without saying a word.

When he ran to a well-lit place, he held his chest and gasped for breath.

Strange, why did that "ghost" look a bit like Shen Yichun just now?
Impossible, Shen Yichun was sold out of town by Lao Tan, and it is not certain whether she will be alive or dead now, how could she appear here.

It must be his illusion.


Shen Zhiyi soon received a transfer from the car buyer.

The agent also called, "Miss Shen, the formalities have been completed, and everything is fine here! The process is very smooth."

"Thank you!"

"Damn, who doesn't like to serve handsome guys? Our little girls are all rushing to handle your order!" The agency joked.

Shen Zhiyi became curious, "Handsome guy?"

"Yeah, you haven't seen it, the buyer is a super handsome guy, tall, with a good temperament, especially that face, oh my god, it's just amazing, I've grown up so much, I've never seen such a good-looking man at all, Really, I have no regrets in serving your order!"

Shen Zhiyi, "..."

Finally, one thing on her mind was settled, she went back early after finishing her work, Song Jiaojiao was yelling that she wanted to come home to eat hot pot, so she had to prepare in advance.

Coming out of the elevator, Shen Zhiyi was stunned for a moment, "Miss Huang?"

"I'm sorry, sister Zhiyi, I came here without saying hello, and you didn't answer my call, so I just..."

"Let's talk inside!" Shen Zhiyi brought her slippers and invited her in.

She first asked about Huang Runian's recent situation, but even if Huang Runian didn't say anything, she could tell that her condition was not very good. She was so thin that she was almost out of shape, and her face was dull. luster.

It's unbearable for this to happen to anyone, not to mention her. It's already admirable that she can persevere until now.

The opening remarks of the two kicked off with the wedding invitation handed out by Huang Runian.

The bottom of cherry blossom pink is burnt with a circle of gold, which has the innocence and romance of a girl and the calm atmosphere of an elite man.

The words "He Jingyao" and "Huang Runian" are emphatically emphasized with a bold black pen. They are close together, indicating that the two will never be separated and grow old together.

Shen Zhiyi believes that Huang Runian definitely chose this one herself, which shows how much the He family attaches great importance to her prospective daughter-in-law.

Seeing this, it is a lie to say that I am not sour.

After all, this man has been her husband for so long, and has had countless ups and downs with her in bed, but now he wants to marry another woman.

Shen Zhiyi bit her back teeth to suppress her emotions, adjusted secretly for a while, raised her head, and forced a smile, "Congratulations to you all, if I have time, I think I will go!"

"Of course, it will be a pity if sister Zhiyi doesn't come!" Huang Ru put pressure on her words. She held up the water glass and stared at the rising white smoke for a while. This time, you should have guessed who it was because of, right?"

Shen Zhiyi filled up her tea, "Then you are overthinking, I have said many times, He Jingyao and I have already separated two models, and it is just a cooperative relationship at present, apart from this, we are nothing!"

Huang Runian looked up at her, her dull eyes were filled with some kind of fear, "But what does Brother Jingyao treat you?"

"Sister Zhiyi, you and I are not fools. Although brother Jingyao did have hostility and disgust towards you at the beginning, his attitude towards you has obviously changed during this time. The way he looks at you, he interferes with you and He He Qingyan's date, he moved to your house, and so on, don't all these show that he cares about you?"

"I like Brother Jingyao. No matter who he has in mind or who he likes, I don't care. As long as he is willing to let me stay by his side, that's enough. Marrying him is my greatest wish in this life. Sister Zhiyi, I Please, please give him to me, please? I don’t think I’m a love brain, but facing Brother Jingyao, I really can’t do without him!”

Huang Runian held Shen Zhiyi's hand and begged bitterly, her eyes filled with sincerity and pity, like a child desperately asking for candy from others.

In the face of love, everyone is selfish, it has nothing to do with right or wrong, right or wrong.

Her persistence and affection for He Jingyao are all in Shen Zhiyi's eyes. She might have fought for it in the past, but now, what is her position and position?

Huang Ru thought she deserved to enjoy this love.

Shen Zhiyi slowly took her hand down, the latter looked uneasy, "Sister Zhiyi..."

Shen Zhiyi raised her hand, "Don't be nervous, I just want to tell you to be confident in yourself. Although you like him, you can't lose your bottom line because of being humble. Miss Huang, you deserve to be liked, but there are One point, if He Jingyao treats you sincerely, even if I intend to rob you, I may not be able to rob you; if he is not sincere, you will not be able to keep him even if you die, understand?"

A few words were like a gust of wind, blowing waves in Huang Runian's heart.

She lowered her eyelashes, her mind was spinning incessantly, she didn't know what she was thinking, her hands were twisted together helplessly, a rope in her heart seemed to be getting tighter and tighter.

Before she finished her cup of tea, she got up to leave, looking even worse than when she came here just now.

Shen Zhiyi sent her to the door, she stopped, and suddenly turned around and hugged Shen Zhiyi's arm, "Sister Zhiyi, what you said just now counts, you won't rob Brother Jingyao from me, right Bar?"

"I swear, never!"

Huang Ru Nian seemed to let go of the stone in her heart, and she felt happy, with a smile in her eyes, "Thank you sister Zhiyi, as long as you have something useful for me in the future, I will definitely not refuse!"

The door closed, and Shen Zhiyi leaned against the door panel, her body weightlessly sank, and she sat down on the floor.

Something is being poured into the broken heart, astringent and painful.

He Jingyao is getting married on the first day of next month.

From that day on, he will be someone else's husband and have his own family and life.

And they, like two parallel lines, will never intersect...

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