He Group.

Ah Shen presented a stack of documents to He Jingyao.

"It's been confirmed. The young master's biological mother is currently living in Hangzhou. Four years ago, she gave birth to a pair of twins in a small hospital in the east of the city. I heard that the baby girl died at birth due to poor development. The young master was left behind, but because she wanted to go with her lover, she probably felt that it was inconvenient to take the young master with her, so..."

"Abandon the big tree!" He Jingyao finished for him, holding the hand of the materials, and the veins on his back popped out.

That night, the woman made a deep impression on him.

Until five years had passed, he still had her enchanting silhouette, soft breathing, and refreshing body fragrance in his mind.

I can't forget the scene of her begging for mercy with her pitiful eyes under him.

It was so dark that night that he couldn't see her face clearly. It was probably this atmosphere that made him experience extreme excitement and happiness, so that he often dreamed of that woman.

In the past five years, he has been looking for traces of that woman. Even if she already has a family and a lover, he still wants her to give Dashu an explanation.

He would rather believe that this woman was forced to do so, otherwise, he would never forgive her.

After reading the materials and listening to Ah Shen's narration, the image of the woman in He Jingyao's heart has gradually changed.

What kind of woman is so cruel that she doesn't even want her own flesh and blood for a wild man.

Also, why did she climb into his bed?
Could it be that she hasn't looked for him in the past few years, even if she has a little thought?

He Jingyao threw the documents on the table and put one hand on his temple, "Don't let Dashu know about this!"

"I'll watch out, sir."

The man tapped on the edge of the desk with his fingertips, and after thinking for a moment, "I've postponed my work in the afternoon. I have to go to that hospital myself!"

Charity Hospital.

As soon as the top leader of the hospital received the notice of He Jingyao's visit, he immediately turned off all work and took several directors of the hospital's departments to greet him at the hospital gate early.

Ren'ai Hospital is just a small private hospital in the suburbs. It mainly serves the nearby residents. He De He Neng, unexpectedly a big shot came here on his own initiative.

The first time I saw this big boss in Hangcheng, the dean's tongue was tied.

He Jingyao didn't stop at one step, and went to the director's office at the invitation of the hospital staff, surrounded by several hospital directors.

He sat on the dean's chair, and the dean and other hospital directors sat in a row on the sofa, like prisoners waiting to be punished, each of them stiff and nervous.

He Jingyao was dressed in a black custom-made suit, with his legs crossed, majestic and majestic, with a cold air. He glanced over, and the people on the sofa panicked even more. Thinking, the best hospital didn't seem to provoke this boss.

The boss didn't speak, and no one dared to take a breath. For a while, the atmosphere froze.

The man's fingertips tapped on the glass one after another.

After a while, there was finally a voice in the office where the needle drop could be heard, "When the woman surnamed Ruan gave birth in your hospital, did the escort have any registration information?"

The directors all looked at the dean.

A few days ago, Ashen came to the hospital to investigate, so everyone knew who the woman surnamed Ruan was talking about in He Jingyao's mouth.

The dean swallowed, "Probably, maybe...not registered!"

He Jingyao raised his sword eyebrows, his murderous aura surged, "Huh?"

"Uh, I'm not very clear about this, so I dare not answer you casually Mr. He, why don't I let the nurse who delivered Ms. Ruan come here!" Click off.

A few minutes later, the nurse came in tremblingly. She had become the head nurse from the little nurse at the beginning.

"This is Mr. He. You can answer whatever Mr. He asks. If you dare to tell half a lie, you don't have to work here. Do you understand?" The head nurse gave the head nurse a shot , The head nurse nodded in fright.

He Jingyao asked, "You were the one who delivered that Miss Ruan?"

The head nurse nodded timidly.

"Tell me your impression of that woman!"

The head nurse recalled carefully, "Miss Ruan is very good-looking. Although she doesn't wear heavy makeup, I'm sure she must be a daughter of some family, and her temperament is right there!"

"She has a very good personality and is very compatible with our little nurses. She was very thin when she came here, with only a big belly left. We were worried that she would suffer from malnutrition and dystocia, so we paid special attention to her. Fortunately, everything went well, but it is a pity. , the baby girl died as soon as she was born, and I took care of the baby boy for a few days, even though the facial features are not fully developed, she is white and delicate, just as attractive as her mother!"

"Then when she was in the hospital, was she accompanied by family members or friends?" Ah Shen repeated He Jingyao's question.

"Yes! I brought the registration here!"

Ah Shen took the registration book and handed it over to He Jingyao.

As the man flipped through the pages, he listened to the head nurse’s recollection, “There is a mother and daughter who come here often and are very mean to Ms. Ruan, and they leave every time they say something nasty, especially the young one, who is about the same age as Ms. Call Miss Ruan, but in my opinion, they don't want sisters at all. How can a sister be so vicious to her sister. Oh, by the way, there is another woman who often comes here. She looks about 40 years old and looks like a Jiangnan woman. She has a graceful temperament and speaks kindly, every time she comes, Miss Ruan is very happy!"

"Why are there only two names in the escort registration?" He Jingyao pointed to the list in the registration.

The head nurse scratched her neck guiltily, her voice was so low that only she could hear it, "That's because, because the third woman doesn't come often, the nurses are negligent!"

In other words, the two registered are the mother and daughter, Wang Yun and Li Ruofei.

"Wang Yun, Li Ruofei..." He Jingyao chewed on these two names. "Show me the death record of that baby girl!"

"Mr. He, you don't know. The reference room of our hospital suffered a sudden fire five years ago, causing some paper materials and intranet to be damaged, so..." The dean stood up and explained tremblingly.

He Jingyao's eyebrows twitched.

five years ago?

It was the year when the woman surnamed Ruan gave birth, how could there be such a coincidence in the world?

The dean watched the big guy stop talking, his little heart was pounding, and he couldn't tell what the big guy was thinking at the moment.

Whether he was talking or not, the cold kept coming out.

He Jingyao asked the hospital for Dashu's records again, so he left it as a souvenir for the child, and then left with his bodyguards.

The atmosphere returned to the far side, the dean heaved a sigh of relief, his body tilted, but fortunately he was supported by someone.

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