Chapter 438

Shen Ying!

He Jingyao's pupils trembled. For some reason, when the name Shen was mentioned, the first thing he thought of was the Shen family.

There shouldn't be such a coincidence in the world, right?


Early in the morning, Shen Zhiyi received a bad news.

Shen Qingfeng died of a serious lung infection, and the rescue failed.

When receiving this disappearance, Shen Zhiyi felt like the sky was falling, and the hung up mobile phone was stuck to her ear for a while, and she forgot to react, and kept repeating in her head, this news is fake, Shen Qingfeng is still alive...

beep beep—

The long queue of cars behind her kept honking their horns, which brought her thoughts back to reality.

With a flick of the steering wheel, the wheels rolled over the solid yellow line and forcibly turned around, rushing frantically towards the nursing home.

In the emergency room, Shen Ying was crying on the edge of the bed, almost starved of oxygen, while her husband hugged her shoulders to comfort her.

Shen Zhiyi didn't know how courageous she mustered up to walk in step by step, every step was as difficult and fearful as if she was walking towards death.

The man lay quietly on the bed, separated from the world by a glaring white sheet.

Every time Shen Zhiyi took a step forward, the hole in her heart was torn apart.

She tried to lift the white sheet covering Shen Qingfeng's face with her hand, but she gave up because of the severe trembling, or in other words, she didn't dare to see Shen Qingfeng's peacefully closed eyes, let alone accept the reality.

Tears fell silently, Shen Zhiyi's inner defense collapsed, he covered his mouth tightly, and suppressed his voice in his throat to sob.

She hated herself for not coming over to spend more time with Shen Qingfeng during this time, so that she didn't see him for the last time before he left.

She is an unqualified sister, no, she is not worthy to be his sister.

"Qingfeng, open your eyes and look at my sister. You haven't said a word to me yet. Didn't you say before that after mom comes out, our family of three will travel abroad? How can you stop talking? , Mom won't forgive you, and I won't forgive you either..."

Shen Ying cried like a child, tears flooded her whole face, the hair on her forehead stuck to it, her voice was so hoarse, it made people feel distressed.

Shen Zhiyi couldn't take it anymore, covered her mouth and ran out of the ward, her eyes were bloodshot.

She didn't want to lose her composure in front of Shen Qingfeng, he had laughed at her before, saying that she would cry whenever she wanted, and laugh whenever she wanted, so what if she couldn't find a boyfriend in the future.

After her emotions gradually eased, she went to the doctor to ask about the things Shen Qingfeng left behind during his lifetime.

The reply was that, except for some clothes, there were no relics.

After coming out of the doctor's office, she happened to see Shen Ying standing in the corridor to ease her emotions. She looked very bad, as if she was going to faint at any moment, but fortunately she was accompanied by her husband.

"Sister!" Shen Zhiyi called out.

This sound was like igniting the fire on Shen Ying's body, causing her to explode instantly.

She seemed to have seen some father and enemy, and walked towards Shen Zhiyi with blood-red eyes, then without saying a word, she raised her hand and slapped Shen Zhiyi across the face.

This slap was caught off guard, and Shen Zhiyi didn't even have a chance to react.

She covered the half of her face that was turned away in silence for a while, then slowly turned her head, "Sister..."

"Shut up, you don't have the right to call me sister, I'm not your sister, and Qingfeng is not your brother, we don't have relatives like you!"

Shen Ying roared emotionally, and the veins on her neck were bursting. If she had a knife in her hand at this moment, she would definitely stab Shen Zhiyi without hesitation.

That kind of hatred and disgust were all expressed on the face and eyes.

Shen Zhiyi's heart was sad, thousands of words could only be turned into one sentence, "I'm sorry!"

"Is a word of sorry useful? Shen Zhiyi, you put my mother in jail first, and now you killed Qingfeng. Is it because you want to tear our family apart to be satisfied?"

"No, you know, I..."

Shen Ying covered her ears and continued to yell, don't explain anymore, Shen Zhiyi, I will never forgive you, never, I hate you, I can't wait for you to die, you better stop appearing in front of me, or I will kill you If you want to avenge my mother and Qingfeng, get out! "

As she spoke, she was about to rush towards Shen Zhiyi, but fortunately she was held down by her husband, who urged Shen Zhiyi, "You go first, and we will talk about everything when Xiaoying is in a better mood!"

Shen Zhiyi nodded and had to leave temporarily.

She sat in the car for a long time, her eyes were empty and her mind was full of emotions.

Boom boom boom!
Someone knocked on the window.

Shen Zhiyi lowered the car window, and the man put his hands on the edge, half of his body leaned in, "The parking space is overtime, do you need me to move it for you?"

He Qingyan helped her park the car to a parking space on the side of the road, and then turned off the engine.

The lights went out, and the surroundings fell into silence, which was suffocating.

"I've heard everything about it, and if you feel uncomfortable, just cry!" The man patted himself on the shoulder, "I can lend it to you at any time!"

Shen Zhiyi wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, she shed tears when she smiled.

He Qingyan handed over a tissue, "Life and death are destiny, this is Shen Qingfeng's doom, it's beyond our control!"

Seeing Shen Zhiyi hanging her head still, immersed in the grief of losing a loved one, He Qingyan sighed in distress, turned her shoulders, and wiped away her tears herself.

"Is there any smoke?" Shen Zhiyi said suddenly, her voice was hoarse as if it had been polished by gravel.

He Qingyan didn't smoke, so he got out of the car and bought a pack at a roadside shop, took out one and handed it to Shen Zhiyi, lit the cigarette for her, "When did you learn this?"

"Not often, I only smoke one occasionally when I'm in a bad mood!" Shen Zhiyi did not often, and his movements looked a little awkward.

The strong smell of tobacco rolled into the lungs, more narcotic than alcohol.

She just wanted to find a way to calm down her emotions.

He Qingyan silently watched her finish smoking a cigarette, then took out a wet wipe, and wiped the hand that had held the cigarette clean for her one by one, Shen Zhiyi let him move.

"Can I take you home now?"

Shen Zhi nodded dully, "Okay!"

When the car passed an intersection, a series of mobile phone rings rang in the car.

Shen Zhiyi propped her temple against the car window with one hand, and opened the phone screen without looking at it.

"Hello. Who is this……"


When the phone fell to the ground, Shen Zhiyi was stunned as if his acupuncture point had been tapped.

Seeing this, He Qingyan quickly parked the car on the side of the road, "It's all right, Zhizhi, who's calling?"

Shen Zhiyi's voice was trembling, "Go to the hospital, go to the hospital now!"

After two hours of treatment, Qin Meng was pulled back from the gate of hell by the doctor, but his life was still not out of danger.

According to the prison staff, Qin Meng was surprisingly calm when he learned of his son's death. He didn't cry, make noise, or move.

Everyone thought she had a good mental quality, so they didn't take it seriously. Who knew that during the nap time, she aimed the broken toothbrush handle at the main artery in her neck and stabbed it in.

(End of this chapter)

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