Chapter 439 Suicide in Prison
After Shen Zhiyi listened, she closed her eyes in pain.

She could understand Qin Meng's guilt and pain, but she did not expect that she would choose to do this.

"Can I go in and see her?"

"Yes, but the injured person is emotionally unstable, and he is afraid of violent behavior again, so you'd better pay attention!"

Shen Zhiyi nodded, "I'm sorry to bother you!"

He Qingyan was waiting outside, and she went in alone.

On the white bed in the emergency room, Qin Meng's neck was wrapped with circles of gauze. She closed her eyes, as if she had fallen asleep. When she heard footsteps, she slowly opened her eyelids.

She was not surprised to see that it was Shen Zhiyi who came, as if she knew she was coming.

Shen Zhiyi stood by the bed, condescending, and stared at her with an extremely indifferent look, which was full of pity and sympathy, and more disgusting.

"Didn't expect that we would meet again in this way!"

"Brother Qingfeng is gone, do you know who it is because of? That's right, it's because of you!" Shen Zhiyi stared at Qin Meng, "If it wasn't for your selfishness and your endless desire for revenge, he wouldn't have How did it become like this? Your behavior ruined brother Qingfeng's life, a person like you is destined not to be forgiven!"

Probably speaking of Qin Meng's sore spot, her eyes widened, and an excited whimper sounded from her throat.

Shen Zhiyi hooked her lips, "Do you want to scold me? It's a pity that you can't do anything now. I'm afraid it's not good to want to die, isn't it?"

She bent down and slowly sat on the edge of the bed, "To be honest, Shen Yuanshan deserved to die, but you killed my mother, she is an innocent victim just like you, but you forced her to die , as the saying goes, why do women make things difficult for women, but you don't give her a way out, when you did all this, you should think that you will have this day!"


Her eyes staring at Shen Zhiyi were full of anger and condemnation, and the white eyeballs were full of bloodshot eyes caused by anger, which was in stark contrast to her previous gentle and loving image.

"Okay, that's it for today. If you are lucky enough to survive, I think I will visit you often!" Shen Zhiyi said in a relaxed tone, as if he really came to visit his beloved relatives, and then She bent down, put her arms on the bed, and fixed her eyes on Qin Meng, "I just don't know if you will be luckier than Brother Qingfeng!"

After finishing speaking, he stopped looking at Qin Meng, got up and left.

It was as if someone had stabbed a knife in Qin Meng's heart, and then pulled it out forcefully, as if the blood was drained all at once, his body suddenly shrugged, all the hostility before was gone, only silent repentance and self-blame remained .

Did she really do something wrong?

An hour later, the prison staff called Shen Zhiyi. Qin Meng did not survive the dangerous period and died.

At that time, Shen Zhiyi was in the supermarket. After answering the call, she calmly put away her mobile phone and glanced at the glutinous rice cakes on the tasting table.

I remember that when she was stupid, she especially liked to eat glutinous rice cakes. Under Liu Xiang's mixing, Shen's servants did not dare to give Shen Zhiyi any food.

Once, Shen Zhiyi, who was extremely hungry, ran out to dig through the trash cans to find food, and was seen by Qin Meng who was passing by. Qin Meng took her back to his home, cleaned her up, and changed into new clothes. Treated her with glutinous rice cakes.

Shen Zhiyi, who was so hungry, ate ten yuan in one go. Before leaving, Qin Meng packed some more for her to take home to eat.

Since then, she has fallen in love with glutinous rice cake, which is not only a dessert, but also a kind of love that is redeemed when a person is in desperate situation.

But in the end, that love is all fake.

"Handmade glutinous rice cake, fresh and soft, melts in your mouth, miss, would you like to try it? You can enjoy a [-]% discount today!" The waiter warmly invited.

Shen Zhiyi shook her head, "No, I don't like to eat this!"

Pushing the shopping cart and turning around, weeping while walking...

He Group.

"Sir, we were one step too late. After learning about her son's death, Ms. Qin committed suicide in prison."

Ah Shen reported the collected information to He Jingyao.

He Jingyao leaned against the dermis, rubbing his brow bone with one hand.

Qin Meng is the key person in this matter, as long as she is found, all the mysteries will be revealed, but now it is all broken.

He Jingyao was shocked when he got Qin Meng's information.

Isn't this the Aunt Meng that Shen Zhiyi was talking about?He had met twice before.

All the clues were quickly connected together in my mind, and the answer seemed to be ahead, but it was blocked by heavy fog.

Qin Meng, Miss Ruan, a pair of mother and daughter with an aggressive attitude, the surviving baby girl...

He Jingyao's mind was a little messed up, and the rope hadn't been smoothed out yet.

Accompanied by her husband, Shen Ying took care of Shen Qingfeng and Qin Meng's funeral.

Because Qin Meng's status was dishonorable and he didn't have many friends, the funeral was held in a low-key manner and only went through a process.

At the funeral, she cried until she fainted several times, but she persisted firmly until the end.

Shen Zhi wanted to go over to comfort her, but thinking of her hostility towards him and not wanting to disturb the order of the funeral, he didn't make trouble for himself.

Song Jiaojiao was worried about Shen Zhiyi, and took the initiative to accompany her home to rest as soon as the funeral was over. Lin Yu and He Qingyan also left one after another. When Shen Ying and her two came out of the funeral home, they were stopped by several men in black.

"Is that Miss Shen Ying? Our husband is here!"

Shen Ying met the "Sir" they were talking about alone, and she looked him up and down, feeling a little familiar, "You are..."

"He Group, He Jingyao!" The man introduced himself.

Shen Ying was taken aback for a moment, then snorted, crying until her red and swollen eyes were mocking, "It turned out to be Shen Zhiyi's ex-husband, I said why he looks so familiar, but you seem to have found the wrong person, she just left!"

Shen Ying is different from other wealthy daughters. She has a straightforward temper and a hard mouth. She can say whatever she wants, no matter who the other party is, she is not afraid of offending her at all.

Besides, besides her husband, she is alone now, and she is not afraid of loneliness, so what else is she afraid of?
"No, I'm looking for you!" He Jingyao rubbed the little finger joint of his left hand.

Shen Ying was even more surprised, "Me? I don't seem to be familiar with Mr. He, do you?"

"I'm going to ask Miss Shen Ying a few questions, I hope you know everything! First, have you heard of a woman named Ruan from your mother? Second, did your mother bring back a baby boy five years ago? "

Shen Ying laughed, "My mother doesn't leave the gate all day long. She has lived in the old district for more than ten years and has no friends. How could she know anyone named Ruan? As for the boy you mentioned, I find it even more ridiculous , What does a baby have to do with my mother? She is not a human trafficker, so don't accuse a good person!"

"You answer what our husband asks!" Ashen warned fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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