Chapter 440 Boss Fang's Public Vengeance
Shen Ying glared at him, thinking of He Jingyao's status in Hangzhou, even though she was not afraid, she still had her husband's family, and she didn't want to involve them, so she answered honestly, "I haven't seen it!"

He Jingyao continued to ask, "Then think about it carefully, what was different about your mother in the spring five years ago!"

"She... seems to go out more than before, probably because she has been bored at home for too long, and wants to go out to relax. Oh, by the way, Shen Zhiyi was pregnant at that time, and my mother might visit her. Is there a problem? ?”

He Jingyao looked up, "What did you say?"

Shen Ying was frightened by his eyes, and swallowed her saliva, "I said, is there a problem?"


"At that time, Shen Zhiyi was pregnant, and she didn't know which wild man it belonged to. The Shen family wanted to drive her out, so my mother often went to take care of her. She was heartless. In the end, she wasn't..."

Shen Ying was still accusing Shen Zhiyi, but He Jingyao didn't listen to any of it, and kept repeating that sentence in her mind, "At that time, Shen Zhiyi was also pregnant..."

Shen Zhiyi is also pregnant!

Yes, how could he ignore this!

Information fragments are constantly connected in series, and something is about to come out.

In the next second, He Jingyao stood up, the light in his eyes trembling constantly.

"Sir!" Ah Shen thought something was wrong with him, and stepped forward worriedly.

He Jingyao raised his hand, "Go, now let me find out all the experiences of Shen Zhiyi from being a fool to the present, and don't miss a single detail!"


The successive deaths of Qin Meng and Shen Qingfeng did not make Shen Zhiyi slump, but instead worked normally as before, even more seriously than before.

On the contrary, the owner of the office opposite her disappeared for two consecutive days.

As a small collaborator, equivalent to a coolie, she is naturally not qualified to ask the whereabouts of the boss, but it is better if he is not here, no one will oppress her, and she will be happy at leisure.

During the break, Song Jiaojiao called her and asked her to have dinner together at night.

To put it nicely, it is to eat, but to put it badly, it is to listen to her complain.

Shen Zhiyi can guess who it is related to with her toes.

Apart from Fang Huaizhou, there is really no other person in the world who can make Song Jiaojiao so depressed.

Song Jiaojiao consciously opened the refrigerator in her home, grabbed Bai's beer, and did both without blinking.

Shen Zhi looked at her calmly, and had long been accustomed to her way of self-relieving pressure.

"Come on, what's the matter?"

Song Jiaojiao stepped on the tea table, filled with righteous indignation and told what happened in the past few days.

It turned out that since she broke up with Fang Huaizhou that time, the latter's attitude towards her has obviously changed.

First, the two bumped into each other without saying hello, and passed by like strangers.

Furthermore, a newcomer was filmed for an advertisement originally planned for her.

Give it to others, give it to someone else, Song Jiaojiao has nothing to be angry about, the key is who can he give it to, that newcomer has no shooting experience at all, what if it gets messed up?
Then, at a meeting, Fang Huaizhou pointed out in front of many people that Song Jiaojiao's work attitude was not correct, that she didn't pay attention to her image when she was in contact with male artists, created topics for the media, and brought troubles to the company.

She blushed so much when she told Song Jiaojiao that she wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

She went to Fang Huaizhou's office to argue, "Tell me, why is my work attitude not correct? How come I don't pay attention to my image when I contact male artists? Boss Fang, you have to be responsible when you speak?"

Since he doesn't give her face, then she doesn't need to give him any dignity, at worst, she will tear her face, who is afraid of others, anyway, if the little money on her is saved, it will be enough to live for a few years.

Fang Huaizhou sipped his coffee leisurely, with that appearance, he didn't take her words to heart at all, "You and Zheng Fanxing were too intimate during the commercial shoot, everyone saw this matter, if others don't talk about it, don't you know it? "

"If you are a public figure, you should respect yourself and pay attention to your image, because you are not representing yourself, but the entire company. There is no need for a company to sacrifice its own interests for the sake of one person, understand?"

Song Jiaojiao rolled her eyes disapprovingly, "I, Song Jiaojiao, behaved rightly, there is nothing between me and Zheng Fanxing, it's nothing, it's up to you, besides, you didn't say it yourself, there is a topic There is only traffic, and speculating on CP is currently popular, so what if there is a wave?"

Fang Huaizhou put the cup on the table, leaned forward, put his palms on the tables on both sides of her, and looked at her, "Then you probably forgot, you are in the CP with me now, you want to empathize with me , was scolded by fans as a scumbag, and then fell down from the altar?"

"I..." Song Jiaojiao's mouth moved, but she couldn't utter a word.

Think about it carefully, it seems to be oh.

If she and Zheng Fanxing were really fabricated by the media, then she might be completely indifferent.

No, even if she quit the entertainment circle, Song Jiaojiao couldn't retire so badly, her style is to end with a gorgeous ending.

"Cough! I'll pay attention to that!" Song Jiaojiao was angry, but she would never get angry with her own future.

As soon as her hand was on the doorknob, she suddenly turned around again, "I also hope, Boss Fang, that you don't want to avenge yourself!"

Fang Huaizhou clinked glasses with her from the air, "You reminded me, then from now on we will get along as a boss and an employee!"

"Oh, it's the best!"

As a result, the boss-employee relationship directly caused her to lose several advertising endorsements and a movie heroine.

Then go to Fang Huaizhou, what is her position?
To put it bluntly, she was working for the company, and she was able to get to this day because of her unclear relationship with Fang Huaizhou at the beginning, but this relationship has been messed up by her, so what qualifications does she have to get it back?

It was obvious that Fang Huaizhou was taking revenge, but she couldn't say anything yet.

This aggrieved feeling really made her uncomfortable.

"Not bad, at least you rely on him to make money!" Shen Zhiyi joked with a smile after hearing this.

Song Jiaojiao pretended to be angry, "What do you mean making money? It's like I'm exchanging my body for money. Which side are you on?"

Shen Zhiyi laughed out loud.

"Okay, stop laughing, I'm here to complain to you, yet you still laugh at me, you have no conscience!" Song Jiaojiao pursed her mouth aggrieved.

The two quarreled for a while, and Shen Zhiyi returned to seriousness, "I want to ask you a question, and you have to answer me honestly!"


"Do you like Fang Huaizhou?"

Song Jiaojiao raised her eyes suddenly, caught off guard by this question, she didn't know how to answer for a moment, "I... I... used to be quite annoying, but after getting in touch with him, I found that he is not bad, at least help me I have made a lot of money, and I have a little liking for it, but it is definitely not a liking!"

(End of this chapter)

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