Chapter 441 Forced Type Matching
"Really?" Shen Zhiyi followed her eyes.

The latter's eyes were obviously dodging, and he said stiffly, "Of course, we both have different facial features and three views, and staying with this kind of person is not exhausting, so he is not suitable for me, and I don't like him, that's all. Simple!"

Shen Zhiyi tapped her fingers on the table, "What about Zheng Fanxing?"

Speaking of Zheng Fanxing, Song Jiaojiao's expression brightened, "He's different, he's handsome and kind-hearted, he's good at acting and singing, the point is that he doesn't have any celebrity pretensions, and he's also very considerate. He deserves his popularity. Stay with him. I am very relaxed, if I were a few years younger, I might be fascinated by him, but now... it is just a kind of appreciation for him!"

Shen Zhiyi nodded, "Understood, that is to say, I have no idea about these two men, right?"


"But this is your fault!" Shen Zhiyi analyzed seriously, "Since you don't like them, you should keep your distance!"


"I know what you want to say, but you think it has nothing to do with them. You have kept your distance. It is different from what everyone sees. The statement that the clear is self-cleaning and the turbid is turbid is not convincing. You have to learn to reject it. , don’t leave a message for others, understand?”

Song Jiaojiao blinked her eyes, her expression seemed to understand, but also seemed not to understand.

The two talked about He Jingyao again.

For this man, Shen Zhiyi has nothing to say.

When Song Jiaojiao asked her if she would go to He Jingyao and Huang Runian's wedding, the latter fell silent.

Song Jiaojiao slapped her thigh, "Go, you have to go, otherwise it will appear that you have a ghost in your heart. If you go, you will be magnanimous!"

Shen Zhiyi tilted her head to look at her, this was the first time she recognized her words so much.

She seemed to have to go to the He family's wedding scene.


Shen Zhiyi was sorting out the materials in the office, when Ah Shen hurried in without knocking on the door.

"Miss Shen, the young master fell down the stairs and broke his head. He needs a blood transfusion urgently. Can you..."

Shen Zhiyi's head buzzed, and the next second, she stood up and walked out, "Take me there!"


After the blood was drawn, Shen Zhiyi pressed the needle hole with a cotton swab and came out of the blood drawing room, and Ah Shen motioned her to sit on the bench to rest first.

"Where's the big tree? I want to see him!" Shen Zhiyi was very worried about the little guy's comfort.

Ah Shen lowered his head and touched the tip of his nose, "Well, the doctor is taking care of the young master, it's not convenient yet!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a crisp sound of leather shoes hitting the floor.

At the other end of the corridor, He Jingyao was wearing a navy blue double-breasted suit, walking towards this side without saying a word.

He frowned slightly, his jawline was extremely sharp, and his innate sense of oppression moved towards the pavement.

The man's steps gradually slowed down and were extremely heavy, as if every step was on the other's heart, with infinite deterrent force.

He approached Shen Zhiyi step by step, and finally stopped one meter away from her.

Through those dark eyes, Shen Zhiyi seemed to see his inner world, which was surging like a stormy sea.

"It's really you..." The man opened his lips, his black eyes tightly wrapped around the little woman in front of him, the whites of his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, it was obvious that he was suppressing something.

Shen Zhiyi's mind was spinning quickly, she didn't seem to provoke him much, did she?

He Jingyao suddenly clasped her shoulders and murmured emotionally, "Why you? Why?"

"He Jingyao, you're hurting me, let go!" Shen Zhiyi frowned and wanted to break the man's hand, but he grabbed it even tighter.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Ah Shen hurriedly stepped forward to remind him, "Sir, Ms. Shen has just had her blood drawn!"

He Jingyao snapped back to his senses, and pushed Shen Zhiyi away emotionally.

Shen Zhiyi was caught off guard and took a few steps back, rubbing her sore shoulders and looking at him. I don't know if it was her illusion, but the man looked at her with eyes full of endless hatred.

What did she do that made him so disgusted all of a sudden?

"Mr. He!" The doctor handed him a report, "The bone marrow matching has come out, congratulations, the bone marrow of Ms. Shen and the young master are perfectly compatible!"

Bone marrow matching!

Shen Zhiyi snatched the report from He Jingyao.

That's right, it was indeed her and uncle's bone marrow matching.

She held up the report card, and asked irritably, "Mr. He, what does this mean? Didn't you ask me to give Dashu a blood transfusion?"

He Jingyao looked at her coldly, "Didn't you take the initiative to do a bone marrow match with Dashu before? Now that you are completely worthy, you should be happy, or should your previous performance be fake, Shen Zhi I mean, which side is the real you?"

Ah!Can a woman who abandons her own son just to elope with a man be a responsible mother?How good a woman can she be?
If it wasn't because Dashu had this disease and needed bone marrow matching, he would never have brought this woman back.

This kind of woman is not worthy of being Dashu's mother, let alone having anything to do with him.

Shen Zhi smiled angrily, "If I am willing, I am willing. It is another matter if you deceive me. I'm sorry Mr. He. I'm in a bad mood today. I'm sorry I can't help you with this!"

There is excitement and happiness, because Dashu is saved, but there is also anger and aggrievedness. Her self-esteem makes her unable to accept being deceived like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Take the initiative to tell her, won't she help?

Could it be that in this man's eyes, she is really such a hypocritical and selfish person?
After speaking, she left angrily.

Two bodyguards stepped across to stop him.

"He Jingyao, what do you mean?" She turned around and stared at her.

"Until Dashu completes the bone marrow transplant, you can't go anywhere, take her back to He Mansion!" He Jingyao ordered, and the bodyguards took Shen Zhiyi away.

Shen Zhiyi was speechless, "Why do you shut me up? Do you know that you are breaking the law? He Jingyao, you bastard, let me go..."

The big bastard, the dog man, actually used force on her.

A Yao watched her being carried into the car by the bodyguards, and couldn't help worrying, "Sir, there must be a misunderstanding here, Miss Shen, she..."

He Jingyao stared back at the latter words, "She is not worthy of sympathy!"

A Shen shook his head helplessly, it seemed that the grievances between Mr. Jia and Ms. Shen were about to deepen again.

Shen Zhiyi was imprisoned in a guest room of the He Mansion, under strict supervision by five or six bodyguards, and the He Mansion also activated the highest security system to monitor the situation of the entire villa 24 hours a day.

In the evening, He Jingyao put an agreement on the table, "Sign it!"

Shen Zhiyi glanced at him vigilantly, then looked down at the content of the agreement.

Bone Marrow Donation Consent Form!
A wave of sadness and anger ignited.

"Why should I sign? Just because you are treating me like this now? The bone marrow is mine, and my life is mine. I can donate if I want. No one can do anything to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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