Chapter 442 Imprisonment
Shen Zhiyi sat down on the stool, raised her chin, and spoke resolutely.

She wanted to save Dashu more than anyone else, but He Jingyao's treatment of her like this really hurt her heart. Whether she was angry or angry, she had to let He Jingyao take the initiative to ask her to donate bone marrow, which was her revenge against him.

The man raised his thick eyebrows, and said coldly, "Oh? That's up to you!"

After speaking, he tilted his head and gave his subordinates a look.

Before Shen Zhiyi could react, two bodyguards pressed his shoulders from left to right, and then he was forced to hold a pen and sign his name at the bottom.

The bodyguards around He Jingyao were all well-trained special forces soldiers, even though Shen Zhiyi struggled, they couldn't make a splash.

"Are you still stubborn now?" He Jingyao shook the signed agreement.

Shen Zhiyi bit her lip and cursed, "He Jingyao, you are despicable and shameless!"

"As you please, stay here obediently, and when the bone marrow transplant is over, you will be useless!"

"Why? Why did you treat me like this? What did I do wrong?" Shen Zhiyi questioned with clenched fists.

The man paused when he straightened his coat. He stepped close to Shen Zhiyi, raised her jaw with his fingertips, and made her look him squarely.

"Shen Zhiyi, ask yourself, is a person like you really suitable to be a mother? You are not worthy, you are really not worthy, just taking a little bit of your bone marrow is already considered cheap for you, and you owe it all your life..." He Jingyao stopped abruptly.

He shrugged her off, wiped the non-existent dust on his hands with a paper towel, and looked down upon her with a deep sense of contempt and sarcasm.

"Remember, you deserve all of this!" After finishing speaking, the man stopped looking at her and left resolutely.

Shen Zhiyi slumped on the chair with a blank expression.

What did she do to feel sorry for him and let him treat her like this?

Also, what did he mean by what he said just now? It seems that there is always something hidden from her.

In the end what happened?
Why did he hate her so much overnight?
The second day after Shen Zhiyi was locked up in He's mansion, He Qingyan came to him.

"No!" He Jingyao refused.

After a while, the servant conveyed again fearfully, "Sir, Master Qingyan said that if you don't see him, he will stay at the gate of our He mansion until you let go!"

"Where is Zhizhi?" He Qingyan was let in, but before he arrived, his voice came out first.

He Jingyao stepped down the steps lazily with his hands on the handrails. He was dressed in navy blue satin Chinese-style home clothes with a draped feel. With his movements, the contours of the covered muscles were looming, giving him a sense of strength.

The eyes of the two men met in the air, and there was a dark flame flickering.

"How could your woman be with me, sorry, I found the wrong place!"

He Qingyan suppressed his emotions, "Brother, I believe you know what you did to Zhizhi. If you hand over her, I promise you that I will never let her cause trouble for you again in the future!"

He Jingyao sneered, sitting on the sofa, he crossed his legs, "It's as if I did something to her, don't worry, I have a fiancée, and I know how to behave!"

He Qingyan took a step forward, "Brother, I understand that you want to save Dashu, but you can't treat Zhizhi like this. If you let her go, I can still persuade her to donate bone marrow for Dashu, but if you forcibly imprison her, it's yours." No, I will never allow you to treat her like this!"

He Jingyao sneered, "She deserves it, now is the time for her to atone for her sins, no one can save her!"

He Qingyan couldn't understand, what deserved it, what atonement, Zhi Zhi, what did she do wrong?
"I don't care what your reason is, anyway, come here today, I must take her away, brother, I'm offended!" As He Qingyan finished speaking, several subordinates jumped in from outside.

He Jingyao snorted, "Do you think you can take people away like this? Ah Yan, you are too naive!"

In the next second, Ah Shen flashed domineeringly with a dozen bodyguards.

The hostility between the two sides is imminent.

In terms of the number of people and the venue, He Qingyan did not have the advantage, but today he tried his best to bring Shen Zhiyi back.

Just about to signal to his subordinates to snatch him away, the servant barged in tremblingly, "First... sir, the old lady is here!"

Where did the servant see the battle in front of him, he was so frightened that he couldn't even speak.

"Ah Yao, if the garden in the front yard is not repaired, I think it will be difficult to survive this summer..." The old lady looked up and saw this situation, she was stunned for a moment, "Ah Yan is also here, you are..."

He Jingyao dismissed his subordinates calmly, "Grandma, why are you here?"

"Grandma!" He Qingyan nodded and called, and his subordinates also retreated.

Young people's affairs are handled by young people themselves, so it is inconvenient to disturb her old man.

"Didn't I just stop by to have a look, so I'll give you something!" The old lady passed the fruits and vegetables she had grown to the servant, "It's pure green, pollution-free, and you can't eat it outside at any cost! "

Turning around, he looked at He Qingyan lovingly again, "Ah Yan came just in time, the old man was just saying that he wanted to call him over to chat, let's go, go back to the old house with grandma!"

"Grandma, I..."

"What about me? The old house is your home. I don't believe that if your father tells me when he turns around!" the old lady dragged He Qingyan out as she spoke, and refused to give him anything at all. Opportunity to decline.

He Qingyan turned his head and looked at He Jingyao, the two brothers knew each other, and neither of them mentioned Shen Zhiyi's matter.

In this way, the flames of war that were about to burn ceased without a fight with the unexpected appearance of the old lady.

In the past few days, except that Shen Zhiyi has no personal freedom, she has been taken care of in every possible way, eating well, drinking well and sleeping well, for fear of being slighted.

She naturally knew the reason. Before donating bone marrow, the donor must ensure the body's immunity, let alone get sick, so that the marrow can be donated to the patient as scheduled, and the effect will be the best. Otherwise, why would He Jingyao treat her so well? All for a reason.

The day before the operation, He Jingyao finally appeared in this room.

"As you wish, I am now in good condition and will never delay donating bone marrow for the big tree. Now that you have heard a satisfactory answer, can you go?"

Shen Zhiyi sat in front of the dressing mirror and combed her hair leisurely. From the mirror, she could see the man's handsome but cold facial features, which were the same as his essence, indifferent and ruthless.

He Jingyao clenched his palms, "I said before, you are making atonement and you deserve it!"

"Atonement?" Shen Zhiyi laughed, then turned around, "Tell me, what crime did I commit that needs atonement? Huh?"

"You..." He Jingyao hesitated to speak.

He was sure that Shen Zhiyi didn't know anything, and he would never tell her the truth, otherwise, this woman would use this as a trump card to haunt him.

(End of this chapter)

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