Chapter 443 Surgery
"Take good care of your body. Before the operation, don't try to play tricks!" After the man finished speaking, he walked away.

Shen Zhiyi stared at his resolute back, so angry that his brain hurts.

Dog man, for no reason, I really owed your family in my previous life.

If she hadn't hoped that Dashu would get better soon, if she hadn't been willing to donate bone marrow, no one would have stopped her.

The next day, the bodyguards pushed Shen Zhiyi to the hospital, and He Jingyao personally supervised it, as if he was afraid that Shen Zhiyi would run away.

Before that, the doctor in charge of Dashu's condition specially came to give Shen Zhiyi an intravenous injection, so this time, she only needs to draw blood, and then the hospital will filter out what she needs in her blood.

The bright red liquid was continuously pumped out along the thin tube. Shen Zhiyi lay on the bed and watched all this quietly, without fear or tension, only infinite anticipation and excitement.

Because she knew that the things separated from her blood would be infused into the uncle's body to give him a new life.

"Sir, don't worry, we have the most advanced equipment and the most professional doctors, the young master and Miss Shen will be fine!" Ah Shen saw his anxiety, and spoke to comfort him.

He Jingyao corrected in a cold voice, "I'm only worried about the big tree!"

Ah Shen pursed his lips and stopped talking.

He has been with He Jingyao for so many years, so why doesn't he know his soft-spoken and soft-hearted nature?
Although he was indifferent to Shen Zhiyi on the surface these days, he privately ordered his servants to take good care of her, not just because she was a donor.

Half an hour later, Shen Zhiyi came out of the blood drawing room with weak steps, her small face was pale, and she looked a little scary.

"Miss Shen, are you okay?" Ashen asked.

Shen Zhiyi waved his hands and forced a smile, "It's okay!"

As soon as the words fell, I only felt that when my eyes went dark, people were about to fall over.

He Jingyao's heart tightened, and just as he was about to step forward, someone bumped his arm.

"Zhizhi, how are you?" Song Jiaojiao quickly rushed over to support Shen Zhiyi.

When He Qingyan told her that Shen Zhiyi was locked up in He Mansion by He Jingyao and forced her to donate bone marrow to the big tree, the girl wished she could bring a ten-meter long knife to kill.

"Surnamed He, why are you so inhuman? Zhizhi has been with you for so long anyway, how did you get so hard?"

"Miss Song, please pay attention to your attitude when talking to our husband!" Ah Shen reminded.

Song Jiaojiao raised her head and laughed, pinching her waist and said aggressively, "At least it depends on who I am talking about, but is he a person? There are still people in the world who force their ex-wife to donate bone marrow. Why don't you just ask her to donate bone marrow?" Your own fate is up to you, your son's life is your life, and our Zhizhi's is not your life? Bastard, we Zhizhi were really blind to marry a man like you!"

Ashen looked at his nose and heart, feeling inexplicably happy.

Miss Song was bold and scolded everything she didn't dare to scold.

"Jiaojiao, I'm fine!" Shen Zhiyi tugged at Song Jiaojiao's arm, she felt weak because of her weakness, she just wanted to leave this place quickly and take a good rest.

Song Jiaojiao didn't listen to her today, "It's okay, it's okay, let's see how pale your face has turned, did this person named He care about your safety?"

Then she turned her head and stared at He Jingyao, "Today, I, Song Jiaojiao, put the words aside. If we Zhizhi have any sequelae because of this, I will be the first to let you go, Zhizhi, let's go!"

"Miss Shen, we have arranged a VIP ward for you, and please stay here for a week before you leave the hospital!" the nurse told.

Song Jiaojiao rolled her eyes directly, "Do we care about your ward? The cat cries and the mouse pretends to be merciful. Let's keep it for myself!"

After speaking, he dragged Shen Zhiyi along.

He Jingyao didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, his face was black and dark, and he was full of air-conditioning...

"Bastard, you're not human, big scumbag...every good thing named He!" After finishing speaking, Song Jiaojiao realized something was wrong again, "That's wrong, there are exceptions, such as He Qingyan, tsk tsk! It's the same family People are also men, why do you think the difference is so big!"

Shen Zhiyi looked out of the car window in a daze, "Speaking of which, I voluntarily donated bone marrow to Dashu. His survival is the happiest thing for me."

This time it was Song Jiaojiao's turn to poke her temple, "I said, are you stupid? What sequelae, what can you do? Can that bastard admit it? The unlucky one is yourself!"

Shen Zhiyi took her arm and put her head on her shoulder, "Okay, do you think I'm all right? I've checked everything. Donating bone marrow is the same as donating blood. It doesn't do any harm to the body, and at the same time it can save a Life, let alone a big tree, even if it were someone else, I would save it, so why not!"

Song Jiaojiao sighed helplessly, "I really can't do anything about you, I have to let Young Master Qingyan watch you more closely in the future!"

She accompanied Shen Zhiyi back home, and she ordered a bunch of takeaways that didn't match the kitchen. They were all nutritious meals. She told Shen Zhiyi to rest at home and was not allowed to go to work. She would strictly supervise her.

Shen Zhiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she nodded in agreement.

Ah Shen also called, informing her that she could not come to the company for a few days, and would call her if necessary.

Shen Zhiyi thought, could it be that He Jingyao's conscience found out, so he took the initiative to give her a vacation?
He Qingyan came over in the evening, carrying big bags and small bags full of nourishing food, not only that, but also brought three Chinese chefs to cook nutritious meals for Shen Zhiyi on the spot.

According to this standard and speed, Shen Zhiyi is sure that within a week, her weight will definitely soar.

She didn't ask how He Qingyan knew about her donating bone marrow for the big tree, and He Qingyan didn't ask her any questions, the two tacitly respected each other.

Accompanying Shen Zhiyi until he fell asleep, He Qingyan turned off the light and left quietly.

The moment the door closed, his upturned face was instantly cold.

The outgoing call went through.

"Go and investigate one thing now, at all costs..."


Shen Zhiyi was worried, and went to the hospital to visit Dashu the next day before his body recovered completely.

For some reason, she has a special feeling for Dashu. Although they have known each other for a short time and spent a short time together, the indescribable sense of familiarity seems to have penetrated into the blood.

Dashu underwent a bone marrow transplant overnight. He is currently staying in the aseptic warehouse for observation 24 hours a day. He will not leave the warehouse until all the indicators are up and up to the standard.

Shen Zhiyi could only look at the tree through the glass.

"Aunt Zhizhi, have you come to see me?"

"I really miss Aunt Zhizhi!"

"Aunt Zhizhi, can you take me out? It's so boring here!"

The little guy was so excited, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, his little face was pressed against the glass, and he kept sending a distress signal to Shen Zhiyi.

(End of this chapter)

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