Chapter 444 He's My Son

Shen Zhiyi's nose was sour, and she suppressed the discomfort, "You stay here obediently to recuperate from illness, and when the illness recovers, Aunt Zhizhi will take you and Xiaobao wherever you want, okay?"

The little guy responded with a strange hello, and then stretched out his little finger, "Then Aunt Zhizhi, let's pull the hook, you are a puppy!"

"Okay, hook!"

"If you hang yourself with a hook, it won't change for 100 years!" Although the little guy just finished the operation, he looks in good condition. When he smiles, his eyes seem to be full of stars and sparkle.

Shen Zhiyi's heart was finally let go.

I hope this is the beginning of a new life for him.

"Who told you to come?" He Jingyao stood behind her without knowing why, let alone how long he had been here, with thick eyebrows slightly frowned, and the corner of his jaw was cold.

The big tree is here, Shen Zhiyi doesn't seem to have such a confrontation with him, it's not good for the children to see.

So she let out a foul breath and adjusted her emotions, "Let me come and see the big tree!"

"I'm here, you don't need to come!"

Shen Zhiyi bit her back teeth, "When you asked me to donate bone marrow, why didn't I hear you say that, don't worry, I have no other intentions, I just want to see him!"

He Jingyao refused to budge, "Now that you've seen it, you can go!"

"He Jingyao, you..." Shen Zhiyi didn't know how to scold this dog man, it was simply too heartless.

The man looked down at the hands on his watch, "I won't let you donate bone marrow in vain, 100 million has been remitted to your account, starting today, I won't allow you to see Dashu again!"

Shen Zhiyi suddenly raised her head, "Why?"

"Because he is my son!"

"You!" Shen Zhiyi stared at this man, wishing to beat him up and frustrate his arrogance.

It was obviously fine before, why didn't you show her the big tree suddenly now?Why?
What is in this man's mind, how can he change faster than a woman's face?

Before Shen Zhiyi could figure it out, He Jingyao ordered Ah Shen to "invite" her out.

It seems that he has made up his mind and there is absolutely no room for negotiation.

"Miss Shen, please!"

Ah Shen kept sending Shen Zhiyi to the gate of the hospital.

Shen Zhiyi turned around and asked him, "Ah Shen, what happened to your husband? Why didn't you let me see Dashu all of a sudden?"

"This... I'm sorry Miss Shen, maybe you will know later!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."


"Bastard! Dog man! Stab you to death, stab you to death..."

The darts in Shen Zhiyi's hand were shot accurately, and the balloons burst and crackled, like setting off firecrackers.

In the blink of an eye, all the balloons on the panel were wiped out.

The boss reluctantly gave her a pink panther, "Girl, you must be a shooter, you are too accurate!"

"Boss, let's play another round!" Shen Zhiyi hadn't finished venting yet.

The boss looked sad, "Girl, why don't you go play somewhere else, my small business can't stand your abuse!"

She has won several eye-catching prizes, and if she continues to play like this, his small stall will be for nothing this month.

The boss was so sad that he almost knelt down and begged her.

He Qingyan put his fist to his lips and coughed lightly, "Well, Zhizhi, are you tired too? How about I treat you to a food stall!"

After hearing about the food stalls, Shen Zhiyi cheered up a little and agreed.

Because she just finished the marrow donation operation and her body is still recovering, He Qingyan didn't let her drink alcohol.

"You look in a bad mood today, tell me?"

He Qingyan inquired while helping her to separate the flesh from the bones.

From the moment he saw her in the afternoon, he could see that something was wrong with her.

He was so fierce when he shot darts that he wanted to stab the balloon on it like someone's face.

Shen Zhiyi leaned on the table with her arms, and rubbed her brows vigorously, "It's okay, you don't have to worry about me!"

Since she didn't want to say it, He Qingyan didn't ask any more questions. He believed that when she wanted to say it, she would naturally say it, and he couldn't put pressure on her.

Even so, he could guess who was involved in this matter, and even selfishly thought that Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao's stalemate would be good for him.

Overhead is a vast night sky, surrounded by heavy traffic, mixed with enthusiastic hawking, and the atmosphere of human fireworks fills the night, making people feel natural and peaceful.

He Qingyan went to answer the phone halfway, Shen Zhiyi propped her head up and thinking wildly, she couldn't figure out the reason why He Jingyao refused to see Dashu.

No, she will go to him some other day to discuss it again, why?
He Qingyan brought two mobile phones with him, and the screen of the one left on the table flickered, Shen Zhiyi hesitated for a moment, picked up the mobile phone and gave it to him.

"...What? The big tree is the child of Shen Zhiyi and my elder brother?" He Qingyan froze as if his whole body had been acupunctured, and it took him a long time to recover, "How is this possible? I don't want you to infer, I want you to be sure. , Check it out if you can’t figure it out!”

After getting angry at the phone, he put away the phone.

Dashu is Shen Zhiyi's child?
This is too funny, impossible, absolutely impossible, there must be a mistake somewhere.

Turning around, He Qingyan was stunned, "Zhizhi..."

"Don't come here!" Shen Zhiyi shook her head and stepped back, "My mind is a little messed up now, can you let me be quiet?"

After she finished speaking, she ran away and soon disappeared into the night.

On the Dongjiao Bridge, Shen Zhiyi stood against the wind while leaning on the railing, her mind in a mess.

Dashu is her and He Jingyao's child...

This is so sudden!
Before dawn the next day, she went to the hospital. Before the doctor came to work, she was waiting at the door of the office.

Facing her question, the doctor’s answer was like this, “Ms. Shen, according to the information you provided, there may be a parent-child relationship between you and the marrow recipient, because if the bone marrow of a non-blood relative is matched, the bone marrow fusion The speed will not reach such a high value, and it will not meet the standard of perfect coincidence, even if this happens, the probability is one in a million, in my opinion, there is no such coincidence in the world!"

Went to the DNA testing center again.

That's right, fortunately, she found Dashu's hair in the room where Dashu lived before, took another hair of her own, and submitted an application for testing.

Because it is urgent, the results will come out on the same day.

The moment she got the paternity test report, Shen Zhiyi was more nervous and looking forward to it than at any other time in her life.

Unfolding the test report, when the eyes touched the column of the final firm result, tears welled up.

The big tree is her child!
The big tree is her child!
The big tree is her child!
Shen Zhiyi held the test sheet in her arms like a rare treasure, stood on the road and wept with joy.

This gift from heaven caught her off guard, her cold heart seemed to be poured into lava, and her whole body boiled.

(End of this chapter)

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