Every word the man said was so vicious and harsh, stabbing Shen Zhiyi's body one by one.

Shen Zhiyi was stunned, "What are you talking about? Why for a man? I haven't, and I've never abandoned a big tree. I don't even know..."

"That's enough, I don't want to hear your explanation. In short, Dashu is a child of my He family, and has nothing to do with you!" He Jingyao raised his hand, and he had already finished speaking.

Shen Zhiyi took a deep breath, and her expression became cold and stern, she no longer spoke softly like before, "Okay, if you don't agree, then let's go through the legal process, even if I give everything, I will take it Bring my son back!"

He Jingyao sneered as if he had heard some joke, "In Hangzhou, there is really no lawsuit that I can't win, and I will accompany you to the end!"

Shen Zhiyi staggered from being hit by him, and clenched her lowered hands fiercely.

As He Jingyao himself said, he has no lawsuit that he cannot win, and it may be more difficult than going to heaven to obtain child custody from him through legal procedures.

But even though it was very slim, she still did not give up.

Big tree, waiting for mother.


He Qingyan knocked on the door of Shen Zhiyi's house.

After the latter opened the door, he nestled back into the sofa without saying a word, leaving him behind.

She locked herself at home for a day and thought about the methods, but it seemed unrealistic to apply them to He Jingyao.

"Why are your hands so cold?" He Qingyan was startled when he touched her cold hands, and hurriedly found a blanket to wrap her around.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have investigated Dashu without telling you, I..."

Shen Zhiyi pulled out a smile, "In the end, I think I should thank you very much, otherwise, I might never know that Dashu is my son in this life!"

What's more, he didn't know that He Jingyao was the man who had sex with her in a daze and took her first time.

The world is really wonderful. After turning around, it turned out that that person was by her side and had also been her husband.

"Then, when are you going to meet Dashu?" He Qingyan asked tentatively.

After going back last night, he couldn't calm down. For the first time in his life, he was afraid that his favorite things would be taken away by others.

That's right, once Shen Zhiyi recognizes Dashu, it is tantamount to getting involved with He Jingyao, and He Jingyao may choose to match Shen Zhiyi in order to give Dashu a complete home.

In the face of love, he is not tolerant, even a little selfish, he does not want Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao to have anything to do with it.

However, the accident still happened.

Shen Zhiyi wrapped her arms around her legs, resting her chin on her knees, absently changing the TV program, "He won't let me see Dashu, let alone let Dashu recognize me!"


Shen Zhiyi shook his head, "Maybe he hates me, he doesn't want others to know that I am Dashu's biological mother, or he is afraid of affecting his marriage with Huang Runian!"

He Qingyan lowered his eyelids, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Dashu was born in October of my pregnancy. My blood is flowing in my body. No one can change our mother-child relationship. No matter what, I have to get Dashu's visitation rights!"

She is not an unreasonable person. The He family has taken care of him as a baby for so many years. She will not greedily take him away. She doesn't ask much, as long as she can meet her a few times a month and bring her back to accompany him well. That's enough for him a few times.

But even such a small request to He Jingyao was not easy, it was too much.

"It seems that my elder brother made things difficult for you!" He Qingyan tilted his head, looking at her distressedly.

Shen Zhiyi grabbed his hand violently, "Master Qingyan, can you help me? I just want to spend more time with Dashu, I don't intend to take him away, why does he even refuse this request? "

He Qingyan grabbed her hand instead, "Don't worry Zhizhi, I will definitely stand by your side!"

"I know my elder brother. Once a decision is made, it will never be changed easily. It's useless to beg you to make a fuss. It's just the opposite. Why don't we find a lawyer? Although the chances of winning are not great, once the whole city knows it, the He family will definitely put pressure on him!"

"I think so too..." Shen Zhiyi bit her lip, thoughtful.

She couldn't wait to see Dashu, and came to the hospital, but she didn't even enter the hospital gate, and was stopped by He Jingyao's men.

He Jingyao was really good at defending against her. In broad daylight, could it be that she could still take the big tree away?
"Miss Shen!" Ah Shen got out of the car.

Shen Zhiyi seemed to see hope, "Ah Shen, can you say something nice to your husband for me, let me see Dashu, even for 10 minutes! Of course, I will never do it without his permission. anything else!"

Ah Shen looked embarrassed, "Miss Shen, it's not that I won't help you, it's just that this time Mr. He... has made up his mind, I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

Even if he said that, Shen Zhiyi had reason to believe in He Jingyao's determination.

What to do now?
Does she really want to not recognize Dashu because of this?
Soon, He Qingyan took her to see a lawyer who was very good at marriage lawsuits.

"Excuse me, Ms. Shen, have you looked for your son in recent years, or fulfilled your mother's responsibility?" The lawyer began to understand the basic situation of Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi shook her head in shame, "Neither, but I didn't deliberately ignore the child, but was deceived by someone, and I didn't even know that I had a son, otherwise I wouldn't have waited until now!"

After analyzing it now, she almost concluded that Qin Meng was the one who lied to herself, teamed up with the hospital to secretly take away her son, and gave it to Fang Yao.

She remembered Qin Meng's eerie words in prison, "Shen Zhiyi, there is one thing you will never know the answer to!"

The answer is that her son is not dead, his name is Dashu, and he is by her side.

Qin Meng's revenge caused their mother and son to separate for four years. It was a lie to say that they didn't hate Qin Meng, but he was already dead, so what did they care about with a dead person.

Fortunately, God has eyes and let their mother and son meet again, but things go against their wishes, and their recognition is full of difficulties.

Even so, Shen Zhiyi was still excited. In this world, she not only had her daughter as a lover, she also had a son.

After the lawyer briefly understood the reason for this incident, he still frowned, "Miss Shen, based on what I know about you now, not to mention whether the incident of abandoning your son was true or not, in terms of your current situation, I already have a daughter by my side, so in this kind of case, two children are usually divided into one, you are the mother, and he is the father!"


"I know you are eager to love your son, let's analyze your ex-husband, Mr. He!" The lawyer interrupted her and showed her the collected information, "I don't need to say more about Mr. He's strength, the He family It is the largest family in Hangzhou, and the He Group is well-known throughout the country, with financial resources and manpower, crushing you in all aspects. Moreover, his family atmosphere is better than yours. to him!"

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