Shen Zhiyi became nervous, "What should I do then? I can't just watch my son being snatched away by him!"

In view of He Jingyao's current dislike for her, once the judge pronounces a sentence, it will be even more difficult for her to see Dashu again. From the first step, she cannot let it go.

The lawyer stroked his chin and pondered for a moment, his eyes under the transparent lenses flashed a hint of cunning, "There is only one way, unless your ex-husband has an affair within marriage, or domestic violence, or other evidence that is not conducive to the growth of the child!"

Infidelity in marriage?

domestic violence?

Others that are not based on children's growth?

He Qingyan gently grabbed her shoulders, "Are you alright?"

Shen Zhiyi forcibly cheered up, "It's okay, I just have no idea!"

"It's okay, Lawyer Zhao will do his best!" He Qingyan picked up her coat and told her to put it on, "Lawyer Zhao, I will trouble you then!"

The two walked out of the cafe together, Shen Zhiyi was waiting by the side of the road, and He Qingyan went to drive.

A young mother walked past her, leading a pair of younger brothers from left to right.

The child's age is roughly the same as Xiaobao's big tree. They bounced and played with each other across the mother, and from time to time there were crisp smiles.

Gradually, those two immature faces turned into those of Xiaobao and Dashu.

"Dashu, take my backpack for me, and my sister will buy you ice cream later!"

Dashu rolled his eyes at her indifferently, "Cut! I don't care for ice cream. I want to buy it for my mother, right?"

The little guy turned his face up and blinked at his mother so cutely, his mother's heart melted, she bent down and pinched his chubby face, "Yes, mother bought it for our big tree!"

"Mom back!" The little guy spread his arms and acted coquettishly.

Mother smiled and shook her head, squatted down and carried him on her back.

Xiao Bao pouted his mouth jealously, "Shen Zhiyi, you are biased!"

Mom smiled and picked her up again.

Satisfied, the two little ones became happy.

A gust of wind blew by, and Shen Zhi couldn't help curling the corners of his lips.

It turns out that with children, being a mother can be so happy.


She was interrupted by He Qingyan's voice, and regained her senses, "Here we come!"

I swear that Dashu must feel her maternal love.

After thinking about it all night, Shen Zhiyi decided to follow the lawyer's suggestion and talk to He Jingyao in private, in case he changed his mind.

Unless it is a last resort, she is not willing to confront Bo in court with him, and it will only be the children who will be hurt.

Walking into the president's office, she put a few documents on the table, "Mr. He, I've reviewed these project schedules, please read them again, if there's no problem, sign them!"

He Jingyao hummed without raising his head, clearly not intending to talk to her anymore.

After Dashu's incident, the relationship between the two became more rigid.

Shen Zhiyi bit her lip, hesitated again and again, and finally said, "Let's talk!"

The man paused for a while before signing, raised his eyes, his handsome face was gloomy, "If it's about Dashu, don't talk about it."

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes, "Do you have to do this?"

"if not?"

"He Jingyao, you need to know the consequences we have for Bo Gongtang. Could it be that you want Dashu to know? He is still a child and shouldn't have to face this. Besides, he just finished the operation, I'm worried..."


He Jingyao put the signature pen aside, clasped his hands together and knocked on the table, something incomprehensible floated under his black eyes, "You don't need this, I have found the top medical team, and I will never let you The big tree has something to do, and if you don't want the big tree to get involved, you can withdraw, anyway, you already have Xiaobao, so you can't be selfish and take all the children for yourself, right?"

Shen Zhiyi's mouth moved, unable to refute.

She bit the bullet and spoke again, "I can withdraw from the fight for Dashu's custody, but can you let me see him freely?"

This was her last concession, but unexpectedly, she was still brutally rejected by the man.


Shen Zhiyi's eyes were red, and she stared at him with her neck straightened, "He Jingyao, can you not go too far! I am Dashu's mother, why don't you let me see him?"

"Did Miss Shen finish? I still have a meeting!" He Jingyao glanced at his watch, impatiently urging, obviously there was no room for negotiation.

Shen Zhiyi nodded and said with a smile, "Then we'll see you in court!"

The door was slammed loudly.

He Jingyao leaned back, raised his hand and rubbed between his eyebrows.

He didn't know why he was so decisive and cruel to Shen Zhiyi.

Perhaps, only by keeping Dashu alive can he and her maintain a constant relationship...

Song Jiaojiao was worried that Shen Zhiyi's mentality would collapse, so she deliberately compressed the shooting schedule and came to accompany her.

The two went to eat hot pot, but Shen Zhiyi didn't have much appetite, and all the hot dishes went into Song Jiaojiao's stomach, so that she rubbed her belly uncomfortable when she came out.

A bodyguard stopped them, "Miss Shen, Madam would like to invite you over to have a chat!"

Song Jiaojiao guarded Shen Zhiyi behind her vigilantly, "I warn you not to mess around, if you still want to kidnap in broad daylight, if you don't leave, I will call the police!"

"Don't worry, you wait for me here, I'll come as soon as I go!" Shen Zhiyi patted her on the shoulder and followed the bodyguards away.

Shen Zhiyi, the bodyguard, recognized that he was someone beside Qiu Wanqing.

Presumably, she already knew that she was going to sue He Jingyao.

Song Jiaojiao was worried, and immediately reported to He Qingyan, "Hey, Master Qingyan, something is wrong, your Zhizhi was kidnapped..."

"Mrs. He!" Shen Zhiyi nodded politely to Qiu Wanqing who was sitting in the private room, and there were all the rules that should be followed.

Qiu Wanqing was still jeweled and dignified, but she looked at Shen Zhiyi with deep disdain, "I won't talk nonsense, how much does it cost you to give up the big tree? Tell me the number!"

He Jingyao didn't want to tell her at first, but who knew that when he was talking to Ah Shen in the hospital, his mother overheard him.

After learning the truth, Qiu Wanqing was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses. She couldn't accept the fact that Dashu's biological mother was Shen Zhiyi.

This also means that my son has been entangled with Shen Zhiyi for the rest of his life, and besides, seeing that his son and Huang Runian's wedding is coming soon, if something like this happens, it will inevitably affect the wedding.

After much deliberation, without her son's consent, Qiu Wanqing took the initiative to come to the door, trying to persuade Shen Zhiyi to give up the big tree.

In this way, it will be as if nothing happened, and the son's wedding will continue as usual.

Well, how many goals of this person are not money?

So things that can be solved with money are not problems.

Shen Zhiyi pursed her lips, lowered her head and pinned her hair behind her ears. She was still wearing a set of business attire for her class, a white satin shirt, a bow tie around her neck, and a hint of playfulness in her intellectuality. She matched it with a black knee-length straight The skirt hooked up her good figure at a glance.

As far as her appearance is concerned, she is definitely worthy of He Jingyao, and even fascinates every man who has met her.

Regarding this point, Qiu Wanqing did not deny it, and even felt that she was a bit of a beauty, which would affect her son's career.

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