Song Jiaojiao wanted to catch up to reason, but was held back by Shen Zhiyi, "Forget it, it's only a waste of time to argue with this kind of person!"

"All right, all right, is it okay to listen to you? Anyway, I can tell that everyone in the He family is good except for He Qingyan!" Song Jiaojiao complained dissatisfied.

Seeing that Shen Zhiyi was silent, she held her arm, "Zhizhi, although you didn't get the custody of Dashu, at least He Jingyao didn't let you leave Hangzhou. This city is so big, maybe you can't take care of it?" Tian can have a chance encounter with Dashu. Moreover, when he and Huang Runian get married and have their own children, naturally he won't treat Dashu so strictly. It won't be difficult for you to see Dashu at that time, you say Right?"

It was rare for Song Jiaojiao to think clearly, but Shen Zhiyi still couldn't be happy.

In the silver Bentley passing by, the man in the back seat happened to catch Shen Zhiyi holding his forehead and looking haggard.

His heart was like a layer of gravel, and it hurt hard.

Could it be that he really did too much?

"Sir, are you going back to the company?" Ah Shen asked for advice.

He Jingyao flipped through a photo of a little girl on his phone, "No, go to Little Apple Kindergarten!"


"Teacher, can I bring only my mother to the parent-child sports meeting? My father has gone abroad and is not at home!" After school, Xiaobao told the teacher about his difficulties.

As for where her father went, she really didn't know, anyway, since she was born, she had never seen what her father looked like, so Shen Zhiyi didn't tell her, and she didn't ask.

The female teacher thought for a while, and held her small shoulders, "The parent-child sports meeting requires the cooperation of two adults and one child. How about this, besides your mother, you can find another friend of your mother, or your Aunts and aunts can do it!"

Xiao Bao beamed, "Okay teacher, goodbye teacher!"

Get it!

See, it's all right without Dad.

Walking out of the school gate, someone stopped her, "Miss Xiaobao!"

"Hey, it's Uncle Ah Shen, long time no see Uncle Ah Shen!"

"Long time no see! Miss Xiaobao, sir asked me to pick you up for dinner!" Ah Shen pointed at the silver Bentley parked by the roadside, and said cautiously.

The little girl looked at the car and pouted, "No!"

Ah Shen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Why? Aren't you very close to our husband?"

"That was in the past, he didn't like our family Shen Zhi, so I stopped being friends with him, and you spread the word for me, saying that I have moved on a long time ago, and now I like to talk about uncle!"

Ash was stunned.

Are all children now so open?

Even if he had the guts, he didn't dare to tell his husband what he said, because he was looking for death.

"Our husband does have something to tell you, why don't you just have a meal? It's not too late to leave if you're unhappy. By the way, what do you like to eat? I'll arrange it now!"

When dealing with children, you must not threaten or lure them, but coax them. If it doesn't work, play the family card.

The little girl's eyeballs rolled around.

"Forget it, give him face, but I'm very busy, I'll leave after eating!"

"Okay, when the time comes, uncle will personally send you off, and you will definitely not be delayed!" Ah Shen finally heaved a sigh of relief, he couldn't even handle a little girl, and he didn't know how to explain to his husband, so it's over.

Dirk world.

The corner of He Jingyao's mouth twitched as he watched the little girl opposite him eating a hamburger.

The restaurant with an elegant environment was agreed upon, but she clamored for a hamburger.

A child is a child, and Qu Qu will be dismissed with just one hamburger, which is exactly the same as Shen Zhiyi.

No, she is his daughter.

He Jingyao narrowed his eyes and stared at Xiaobao carefully.

The little girl's eyebrows are very beautiful, with a slight curvature, the bridge of the nose is straight, and the eyes are bright. When she smiles, she will complete the crescent moon. The small fleshy face is exactly the same as the big tree. It is tender and watery. Go up and pinch.

The upper part of her facial features resembles Shen Zhiyi, while the lower part resembles He Jingyao.

Although she is young, she is a beauty at first glance.

He Jingyao looked at it, and slightly raised the corners of his lips.

Why didn't he realize before that this little girl looks like him.

As expected of He Jingyao's daughter, she is courageous and courageous. If he speaks to Shen Zhiyi, she will probably be unwilling. Finally, he can understand her feeling of being refused to see Dashu.

When the little girl looked up, she saw the adult on the opposite side staring at her unblinkingly. She made a decision and held out the half-eaten hamburger, "How about you eat it?"

He Jingyao tilted his head and coughed lightly, "Thank you, you can eat, I'm not hungry!"

The little girl chuckled, her eyes were bent, she looked more like Shen Zhiyi, "I know this, the handsome uncle is afraid that he won't be able to pose handsomely in burgers, right?"

He Jingyao: "..."

It was discovered by her.

This is really the real reason why he doesn't eat fast food, food stalls, or hot pot.

"It's finished!" The little girl stuffed the last bite into her mouth, her face was bulging like a frog, she patted the bread crumbs on her hands, "Please tell me what handsome uncle has to say, I have to catch up later Go back and make dinner for Shen Zhiyi!"

He Jingyao handed her the towel thoughtfully, while being surprised, "Are you still in charge of Shen Zhiyi's meal?"

"Of course, except for noon, I have to cook breakfast and dinner. Hey, there is no way. Who makes Shen Zhiyi's cooking skills not satisfactory? I think she is a rich life!"


"Sir!" Ah Shen stepped forward.

"Arrange two Michelin-starred chefs for Xiaobao's family, and be responsible for three meals a day!" He Jingyao waved his hand and made the arrangement generously.

Xiaobao waved his hand, "No way, handsome uncle, it will cost a lot of money, Shen Zhiyi won't let me accept gifts from strangers, she will be angry!"

When He Jingyao heard these three words, his eyebrows furrowed together in dissatisfaction.

It turns out that in Shen Zhiyi's eyes, he has become a stranger.

He Qingyan really took his place, right?
Ah Shen stood up and spoke, "Miss Xiaobao, this is our wish for you, don't worry about it, if you don't accept it, our husband will be very unhappy, besides, someone cooks for you, don't you feel happy? "

"Happiness is happiness, but..." Little Treasure bit his fingertips, hesitating a little, "Well, I'll do what I can, and if it doesn't taste good, I won't accept it!"

He Jingyao: "..."

Ash: "..."

The little girl accepted it reluctantly, feeling that they were trying hard to please her.

According to the original plan, He Jingyao was going to have a showdown with Xiaobao, and he couldn't wait to get to know Xiaobao.

Accidentally having an extra daughter, who is not happy, not excited, not excited about this matter?
But he was afraid of scaring this little girl. She and Shen Zhiyi had such a good relationship, and if he suddenly stepped in, if she was cornered, wouldn't it be self-defeating if he didn't recognize him as his real father?

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