It was precisely because of this thought that He Jingyao didn't rush for quick success, and the future will be long, waiting for him to get along with this little girl slowly.

Little by little, he would refresh his good impression in her mind and compare He Qingyan to the next level. On that day, it would not be too late for him to have a showdown with her.

After taking Xiaobao to the shopping mall for a long time, He Jingyao personally sent him home.

"Xiaobao, can uncle treat you to dinner in the future?" Before Xiaobao left, He Jingyao couldn't help asking, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Xiaobao thought about it for a while, then raised his chin high, "It depends on your mood!"

At home, Shen Zhiyi was lying on the coffee table tossing about her laptop. She could handle some work when she came back. When she heard the door knock, she didn't raise her head and said, "You're back? There's a meal left for you on the dining table, it's still hot!"

"I ate the snacks brought by my classmates, and I'm not hungry yet!" Xiaobao replied guiltily, seeing that Shen Zhiyi didn't pay attention to this side, turned his back, and carefully moved towards his room.

Can't be discovered by Shen Zhiyi!

Just as they were about to reach their destination, a voice suddenly came from behind, "Stop!"

The little girl suddenly stood up straight.

Shen Zhiyi came over, "Turn your body around?"

The little girl turned around.

"What's hidden? Let me see!" Shen Zhiyi stretched out a hand.

Seeing that she couldn't avoid it, the little girl had no choice but to hand it over obediently.

Shen Zhiyi's eyes widened, "Smart phone and watch? Where did you get it?"

This is Bain's brand, the world's top smart phone watch, which is sold in limited quantities every year, and the price is astonishingly expensive.

It is absolutely impossible for her to buy such an expensive thing with her pocket money, even if she saved it for ten years, it would not be enough.

"That's right, it's just a gift from someone else. It's a counterfeit product, and it's for playing with!"

Seeing the little girl faltering, Shen Zhiyi narrowed her eyes, "Shen Jiabao, do you think that I, Shen Zhiyi, can't even tell the real thing from the fake? Hurry up, where did it come from?"

"Okay, I said it's not enough!" The little girl simply stopped hiding, it was so tiring, "This is a gift from the handsome uncle!"

"He Jingyao? He went to find you? What did he say to you? Did he do anything to you?" Shen Zhiyi suddenly became nervous.

She knew that sooner or later this guy would make his mind on her daughter, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

The little girl turned around on the spot, "Okay, the handsome uncle treats me to a meal!"


"I didn't want to go at first, but he kept begging me, saying good things and moving grandma out. I felt sorry for him, so I agreed!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"But don't worry, my heart will always be on your side. Even if he uses all his rhetoric, I will not waver in recognizing him as my father!" The little girl's firm words and firm eyes deeply moved Shen Zhiyi.

As expected of Shen Zhiyi's daughter, she didn't itch for nothing.

Shen Zhiyi knelt down and held her daughter's shoulders, "Actually, it's not that I won't let you get in touch with him!"

"I know, you are afraid that I will go with him and abandon you, right? Don't worry, Shen Zhiyi, I am your man in life and your ghost in death. As long as you don't abandon me, I will never be able to Abandon you, besides, handsome uncle won't let Dashu see you, then I won't see him in the future, that's only fair!"

"Good boy!" Shen Zhiyi hugged the little girl into her arms, rubbing her chin on her shoulder again and again.

Isn't that what she's worried about? He Jingyao is much stronger than her. If she really coaxes the little girl away, then she will really lose you.

Fortunately, fortunately, she is firm enough.

"I'll return this thing tomorrow!" Shen Zhiyi pointed to the phone watch.

Hmph, He Jingyao, don't try to use such small favors to buy Xiaobao, I will never give you such a chance.

Xiaobao protected her, "Shen Zhiyi, don't get excited, think about it, he is your ex-husband and my biological father, you don't spend his money for nothing, he owes me this!"

One word awakened the dreamer, and Shen Zhiyi thought about it, yes, the child's biological father's money is not spent for nothing, so why be polite to him.

He Group.

Shen Zhiyi bumped into He Jingyao in the elevator.

Because the president's special elevator was under maintenance today, He Jingyao got on the staff elevator.

When the company employees waiting for the elevator saw their boss inside, they retreated temporarily. You look at me, I look at you, no one dares to take the same elevator with the boss.

"Life lies in exercise, I'll take the steps!"

"Suddenly remembered that my documents were left in the car!"

"Hey, don't you want to have breakfast? Let's go to the store in front of the company to buy it!"

Shen Zhiyi: What are you doing, you really want me to stay with this guy alone?

The elevator door slowly closed.

"What did you tell Xiaobao? Let her reject me so much." The man opened his lips dissatisfied, and stared at Shen Zhiyi through the mirror with his black eyes.

Shen Zhiyi brushed her hair and chuckled, "This is what I said, what can I say to her, suddenly a father pops up, who can accept it? Besides, who told you to treat me badly, my daughter is hostile to you, It's also normal!"

"Shen Zhiyi, you'd better not provoke discord, I am Xiaobao's father, and I have the same rights as you!"

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyebrows, "Really? Then I am also Dashu's mother, why don't you let me enjoy the same rights as you?"

"You..." The man was rarely blocked, and his face was completely dark.

If it wasn't for the company, Shen Zhiyi would have wondered if he was going to beat himself up.

Shen Zhiyi shrugged, and took advantage of the victory to pursue, "So Mr. He, always leave a way out for yourself!"

The elevator opens.

Shen Zhiyi took the lead in striding out, leaving only He Jingyao sullen.

This woman is really...

He not only wants the big tree, he also wants the little treasure!

He Jingyao was speechless until He Jingyao, Shen Zhiyi was so happy, the studio was in such a good mood all morning.

After Dashu was discharged from the hospital in a few days, she tried to find a way to meet him.

Blood is thicker than water, no one can prevent her from meeting her son, she can't wait for that day to appear.

In the afternoon, I received a call from the old lady of the He family.

On the phone, the old lady invited her to bring Xiaobao to the old house for dinner at night because she missed them.

Shen Zhiyi naturally knew that it was not that simple. She tried to refuse, but the old lady was obviously unhappy, and finally used her poor health as an excuse. Shen Zhiyi couldn't bear to refuse, so she had to agree.

At worst, the two of them will leave as soon as the meal is over.

He's old house.

"Ah, Xiaobao is here, come in quickly!" Qiu Wanqing looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally brought her grandson over.

As soon as one hand was stretched out, the little girl quickly avoided it like a plague god.

Qiu Wanqing suppressed her smile, "I'm your grandma, Xiaobao, don't be afraid, let grandma see you!"

Xiaobao looked at Shen Zhiyi, who nodded.

It was only then that the little girl was willing to let Qiu Wanqing approach her.

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