Qiu Wanqing pulled the little girl to the side of the sofa, held her two small hands and looked left and right, up and down, but couldn't get enough of it.

"Look at the nose and eyes, it's exactly the same as A Yao when he was a child, hey! I'm so stupid, why didn't I see it before! Xiaobao, it was grandma who was wrong before, she was a bit fierce to you, and I won't from now on. You must make up for my little treasure, okay?"

Qiu Wanqing's tone was rare and gentle, Xiaobao let go of his guard and was not so repulsive.

"Quick, bring out the snacks and fruits I prepared for Xiaobao!"

"Good lady!"

After a while, an assortment of snacks filled the table.

Qiu Wanqing pulled Xiaobao to the dining table, "Xiaobao, whenever you come from now on, grandma will prepare your favorite food for you!"

The little girl withdrew her hand, "Shen Zhiyi will also prepare for me, and I don't like sweets either!"

Qiu Wanqing frowned, "Can the one prepared by grandma be the same as that prepared by your mother? Besides, you have to try to adapt to the life here, so that you won't be unfamiliar with living together in the future!"

"No, I only live with Shen Zhiyi!" Xiaobao turned around and stood beside Shen Zhiyi, shaking her arm, and said in a low voice, "Shen Zhiyi, you should say something, you won't Sell ​​me to them for money!"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes, "Is Shen Zhiyi short of that money?"

Then she raised her eyes and said to Qiu Wanqing, "I'm sorry Mrs. He, Xiaobao is my daughter, she won't leave with anyone!"


"Xiaobao Zhizhi is here? Hey, I've been looking forward to you!" The old lady came down from upstairs beaming, pulling one with her left and right hands, she liked it very much, "Hmph! If my wife doesn't call, you still don't want to call?" Why don't you come to see me, haven't seen me for so long, forget about me, old lady!"

"No, I'm just busy with work recently. Look, Xiaobao and I are here!" Shen Zhiyi quickly explained.

"Mom, why don't you go to the meeting and let me chat with Xiaobao again!" Qiu Wanqing finally found a chance to intervene, and she had been waiting for a long time.

The old lady stared, "You are a person in your forties, what is there to talk about with a little girl who is more than four years old, go and go, go to the kitchen and watch!"

Qiu Wanqing dared not speak out, reluctantly glanced at Xiaobao, and went to the kitchen.

The old lady held Shen Zhiyi's hand and smiled, "Zhizhi, you should be more tolerant of Wan Qing's bad treatment to you before. She has been used to being arrogant and mean all her life, and she has no evil intentions. Don't compare yourself to her!"

"No grandma!"

"That's good, that's good!" The old lady smiled comfortably.

In fact, Shen Zhiyi didn't know that the reason why the old lady said these words was to pave the way for the following topics.

One, one, and one were sitting on the sofa with the old lady and chatting, but Qiu Wanqing was so anxious that she poked her head out to look into the living room, and when she heard the laughter coming from there from time to time, she felt jealous.

It turned out that she could also have the grandson on the left and the granddaughter on the right, but it was all because of her own meanness that the granddaughter felt fear and rejection when she saw her.

"Master is back!" The servant's voice came over.

I saw He Jingyao stepping in, probably because he was too anxious to come back, he was still dressed in a strict and fair manner, and he didn't even take off his tie.

After handing over the tie and coat to the servant, he strode towards the dining room, "Grandma!"

"You boy, you are late again, please sit down!" The old lady pressed her hand.

"Handsome uncle!" Xiao Bao called out out of politeness as usual.

He Jingyao smiled at her and was about to sit down when he heard the old lady clear her throat.

The old and the young looked at each other.

An old man: Don’t you know where to sit and where not to sit?How can I only use my brain for work?

Xiaoxiao: Then I sit here?

He Jingyao straightened his bent back, circled half a circle around the table, and finally sat down beside Xiaobao.

Xiaobao is in the middle of Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao, and there is a sense of a very harmonious family of three.

After the old lady finished coughing, Qiu Wanqing coughed.

He Jingyao frowned, what happened to people today?
"Mom, why don't you drink water?" He handed Qiu Wanqing a glass of water.

Qiu Wanqing lowered her voice, kept her mouth still and her tongue moving, "Look at your brain, get some food for your daughter!"

He Jingyao: "..."

Only then did he come to his senses, but here comes the problem, he doesn't seem to know what the little girl likes to eat.

Seeing Shen Zhiyi put braised pork on her plate, he immediately followed her example and put meat for Xiaobao.

"Xiao Bao, eat more!"

Xiaobao pouted, "But I don't eat fat!"

He Jingyao: "..."

Oops, didn't learn the essence.

Shen Zhiyi coughed lightly, "Our little treasure only likes fat and thin ones!"

This person still wants to please Xiaobao?It's not that easy.

Besides, their little treasure is not something that can be bought with a small favor.

As soon as the dinner was over, Shen Zhiyi wanted to take Xiaobao away, but the old lady insisted on staying behind.

To be honest, the old lady is in her seventies and eighties, and she really doesn't know what to chat with a four-year-old child, but the picture of the old and the young together is too harmonious.

Xiaobao has a sweet and well-behaved mouth, making the old lady laugh from ear to ear from time to time.

Shen Zhiyi smiled gratifiedly, turned around, and saw Qiu Wanqing.

Qiu Wanqing signaled her to come to the study.

"I think, you should know what I want to tell you, right?"

Shen Zhiyi let out a foul breath, "If you want to take Xiaobao away from me, we don't need to talk about it, and it's useless to talk about it."

"Shen Zhiyi!" Qiu Wanqing slapped the table, completely different from the gentle and enthusiastic woman outside just now, "Don't go too far, don't forget, Xiaobao is my granddaughter, with the blood of our He family on her body, As long as we are willing, we don't mind another lawsuit to snatch her here, if the old lady didn't stop me, do you think I wouldn't?"

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes, "You may have forgotten what the judge said. If a husband and wife have two children, it is most fair for the husband and wife to raise one each according to the actual situation. Mrs. He, are you going too far, or am I going too far? "

Qiu Wanqing held her forehead, "Okay, okay, I don't want to quarrel with you, even if I come forward, I think A Yao will ask you for Xiaobao, you have to know, only our He family can give Xiaobao the best." future!"

Shen Zhiyi shook his head sympathetically, "There is a sentence that may not be appropriate for me to say, but I still want to say that the big tree is a matter between me and my son. Does the Huang family know? You want to leave Xiaobao, and the Huang family also Do you know? Are they willing? Are you sure that the marriage will not be broken up because of this?"

Qiu Wanqing was at a loss for words.

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