The Huang family.

"The matter is very important, will you make a mistake?" Huang's father confirmed again and again.

Huang's mother walked back and forth in the hall impatiently, "Everyone in the He family knows, if it wasn't for the servant of the He family who stayed in our house before and told me on a good relationship, we would still be kept in the dark."

"What should we do? We can't let our daughter be a stepmother as soon as she gets married, right? One can't do it, and two can't be done. I definitely can't let my daughter marry and suffer. I'll talk to the He family tomorrow!" Huang's father thought about it and couldn't sit still.

Mother Huang held him down, "Don't worry, master, that girl named Xiaobao is still living by Shen Zhiyi's side. If that's the case, then Dashu will only have one child. I think it's acceptable. In the worst case, she will leave her alone in the future." Leave it to the servants to take care of, or when our daughter and He Jingyao have their own child, the He family's attention will be all on our daughter!"

After Huang's mother's analysis, Huang's father nodded in agreement, "It makes sense, but sooner or later this matter will reach Xiao Nian's ears, and she hasn't come out of the shadows because of the exposure of being taken away by Allen last time." If you come out, if you know that the biological mother of He Jingyao's son belongs to his ex-wife, and that he even has a daughter who lives outside, I don't know how far she will collapse!"

"No matter what, we must keep this matter a secret!" Huang's mother said resolutely while holding Huang's father's hand.

"Ah, miss, why did you come out!"

The couple followed the servant's voice and were stunned.

It was Huang's father who reacted quickly enough, waved at the servant, and then looked at Huang Runian with a guilty conscience, "Xiao Nian, your mother and I are talking about your Aunt Zhang's house, you..."

"Stop talking, I've heard it all!" Shen Zhiyi's eyes were tearful, her shoulders were ethmoid.

The couple looked at each other annoyed.

Huang's mother took a step forward and rubbed the back of her daughter's head, "Xiao Nian, listen to me, it's He Jingyao who is sorry for you, parents don't want you to be wronged, as long as you speak, your father and I will go to the He family to divorce immediately!"

"No, I don't want to divorce!" Huang Runian's eyes widened when she heard the word divorce, "Mom and Dad, as I said, I will not marry Brother Jingyao in this life. If there is no him, then I will still be alive." What do you mean? Don't mention his two children, even if he has a child, it won't affect my feelings for him!"

Mother Huang sighed deeply, heartbroken and helpless, "Xiao Nian, why are you so stupid, with our family's conditions, we don't have to worry about finding a better boy, you... hey!"

"Mom, there are many excellent boys, but Brother Jingyao only has one. You should bless us, right?"

Huang's mother couldn't persuade her anymore, and she hugged her daughter into her arms distressedly.

Even if her daughter insists on marrying the He family, as her daughter's parents, she has an obligation and it is necessary to have a good talk with the He family.


Whenever Song Jiaojiao was free, she would run to Shen Zhiyi's house, to accompany her through the troubled days, and to have a meal by the way.

I remember that when she was at a low point in her life before, Shen Zhiyi never abandoned or gave up on her, and always accompanied her out of the shadows.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening after leaving Shen Zhiyi's house. On the way back, Song Jiaojiao received a call from her manager, informing her that the fan meeting tomorrow morning would be changed to the next afternoon.

So, she can finally sleep in tonight.

As she passed a bar, she slammed on the brakes.

Because she saw an acquaintance.

That's right, that person is Fang Huaizhou.

I saw him being supported by a woman, and he staggered out of the bar.

The woman dressed in a very mature and sexy way, with a charm that young girls can't compare to. The woman even turned her back on the customer and put Fang Huaizhou's arm completely on her shoulders. The two of them were almost close to each other, looking very intimate.

"Young Master Fang, why don't you go to my place at night, since it's not convenient for you to drive anyway!" The woman said sweetly, drawing circles dishonestly on the man's chest with one hand, which had a strong sense of hooking up.

Fang Huaizhou cast a sidelong glance at her and chuckled, "That's all right, I don't have the money to pay for it!"

The woman hugged his arm coquettishly, blinking her false eyelashes, like two fans, charming, "Oh, Mr. Fang, I don't need money for you!"

When Fang Huaizhou turned around, he also saw Song Jiaojiao, one in the car and the other in the car, staring at each other silently for a few seconds in the dim light.

Song Jiaojiao was waiting for his answer, but she wanted to see if this man was like other bastards.

Fang Huaizhou turned his gaze back, and ambiguously pressed the woman's ear, "Then I will contribute?"

The woman was so teased that she smiled, and punched him softly and contrivedly, "Oh, Fang Shao, you can tease others!"

"Alright, alright, where is your home, I'm going to visit!"

The woman's eyes widened excitedly, and the reversal came too quickly, "Really? Then I'll find a substitute driver now!"

The voices of the two were bright and clear, without any regard for the surrounding environment, Song Jiaojiao could not miss a word.

With a whoosh, she kicked the accelerator, and the car quickly disappeared into the night.


They are all playing with women!
How dare you pretend to be affectionate and noble before!

What a mistake!

When her car disappeared completely, Fang Huaizhou changed his face in a second, coldly lifted the woman who was stuck to his body aside, and then dusted off his body. "You go, my driver will pick me up!"

"Young Master Fang, didn't you just say you were going to my house? Why now..." The woman was stunned, suspecting that what happened just now was just her hallucination.

"You also said just now that I have changed my mind now, can't you?" Fang Huaizhou raised his hand and threw a few pieces of money, and then left without looking back.

Shen Zhiyi was about to take a bath when she received a complaint call from Song Jiaojiao.

"Fang Huaizhou, that scumbag man, actually hangs out with messy women in nightclubs. He doesn't care if he's clean or not. Will he get sick? I'm really convinced. He used to pretend to be a gentleman, but he was actually a dissolute young master. Fortunately, I A clear head did not let him succeed, otherwise, I will find someone to reason with!"

Shen Zhiyi yawned, "What I saw with my own eyes may not be true. Although Fang Huaizhou looks a little loose, he is still very conservative with women. If you don't want to restrain yourself, just ask him yourself!"

"Tch, why am I uncomfortable? He's not mine. He likes to do whatever he likes. I just think he's hypocritical and disgusting. Forget it. Young masters from rich families love to play. I should have thought of that!" Song Jiao Jiao hung up the phone, lay down, and retreated into the bathtub, allowing her body to be soaked in hot water to wake her brain up.

From now on, Fang Huaizhou is just a passer-by in her life, don't be deceived by his appearance.

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