He Group.

Shen Zhiyi was working hard when someone knocked on the door.

"Please come in!"

Seeing that the other party came in silent for a long time, she raised her head, "You... He Jingyao?"

The man pulled out the chair, sat across his long legs, put his hands together on the table, his figure was tall and straight, his shoulders and neckline were straight.

"Your condition, I agree!"

Shen Zhiyi was shocked, "What did you say?"

"Don't you want to recognize Dashu?"

"You agreed?" Shen Zhiyi was caught off guard.

"It's fine if you don't want to see each other!"

I want to see, I want to see so much! "Shen Zhiyi couldn't get what he wanted. God knows how hard it is to let this man let go. Before in court, he still insisted on the end, but now he changed his face when he said that he changed his face. The young master is the young master, and he can do anything according to his mood.

"Don't get too excited, you have to promise me a request!"

Shen Zhiyi's smile froze, and she knew that things were not that simple, "Say it!"

The man leaned slightly, staring at her with a pair of deep eyes, obviously Shen Zhiyi was sitting on the executive chair, but this man took the limelight instead, he was more of a client, more like the owner of this office with a high aura.

"What you ask for is also what I ask for, understand?"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

In other words, he also had to formally recognize Xiaobao.

If you are a dog man, you know that the weasel pays New Year greetings to the chicken.

However, in order to get to know her son as soon as possible and be by his side when he needs family affection the most, she can only compromise.

"make a deal!"

He Jingyao achieved his goal, and the corners of his lips curled up.

After finishing today's work early, Shen Zhiyi was busy going home to make meals for Dashu.

She is not good at this, but for the sake of her son, she still works hard to learn from the video. Although she is a bit messy, the finished product is not bad.


The big tree's small chin rested on its folded hands, and it looked downcastly at the two little birds on the pomegranate tree outside the window.

The little birds yelled and jumped up and down, teasing each other, very happy.

The little guy raised his brows high.

He can also play freely with his good friends just like the little bird at any time.

In the blink of an eye, he has been in the hospital for a month, and the doctors and nurses he sees most every day are the doctors and nurses. He wants to go out to play, but even such a small request cannot be met, which is really sad.

"Big tree!"

someone is coming.

Dashu turned around full of joy, and when he saw that it was Huang Runian, the light in his eyes dimmed a lot, but he still politely said hello, "Aunt Xiao Nian!"

"Bored, aren't you? Aunt Xiao Nian is here to accompany you!"

Dashu has passed the surgical observation period, and currently outsiders are allowed to visit, but only after strict disinfection, and the stay time cannot be too long.

"Where's my father?" The little guy looked behind Huang Runian.

Huang Runian took his little hand, "Your father is busy with work, but he told me that as soon as he finishes his work, he will come to visit our Dashu. Let Auntie Xiaonian accompany you first, okay?"

The little guy nodded disappointedly.

"Oh, by the way, Auntie brought you some Transformers toys, see if you like them!"

Huang Ru was very worried when she came here. She didn't know what the little guy liked, so she asked Qiu Wanqing, and she only said it was a toy. She thought the children would like it, so she bought it.

Who knew that the little guy's expression would be wrong when he took it out, "Shen Zhiyi said, children can't always play with toys, they have to read more books to gain knowledge. Only boys with profound knowledge will be liked by others!"

Huang Runian's smile couldn't hold back, "It's okay, it's okay to play occasionally, I can bring you a book next time!"

"No, manly man, keep what you say, I promised Shen Zhiyi, you can't break your word!"

Huang Ru Nian: "..."

The good mood I had when I came here was gone all of a sudden.

She admitted that she was a little sour.

Fortunately, she brought something else to save it.

"Then why don't you eat something? I made glutinous rice, lotus root and red bean pancakes for you. My neighbor's children especially like to eat them!"

The little guy bit his lower lip, "But Shen Zhiyi said, I can't eat glutinous rice!"

Huang Runian's expression turned cold, "Why can't you eat it? It's delicious, Dashu, you can't just listen to others, children should have their own ideas, you know?"


"Come on, Auntie, feed you!" Huang Ru Nian seemed to be struggling with herself, or competing with Shen Zhiyi, put on disposable gloves, picked up a glutinous rice and lotus root, and fed it to the tree.

Dashu retreated reflexively, Huang Runian seemed to be a different person, with cold eyes, and forced to feed him.

"Well... I won't eat it!"

When Dashu repelled it, he accidentally knocked off the porcelain plate in Huang Runian's hand and smashed it to pieces on the ground.

Both were stunned.

Huang Runian's fire was ignited all of a sudden, "Shen Zhiyi, Shen Zhiyi, you know Shen Zhiyi, if she loves you, why doesn't she come to see you? But it's forgotten, the person who will live with you in the future is me! "

Dashu yelled so loudly that she burst into tears.

The cry of grievance made Huang Runian wake up. She hurriedly wiped Dashu's tears with a tissue, "I'm sorry Dashu, Auntie didn't mean to yell at you, I just..."

When the child cried, he couldn't listen to anything at all. Huang Runian had no experience in taking care of children, so she was obviously at a loss.

She sighed weakly, bent down to go to the broken porcelain on the jewelry floor, and accidentally pricked her hand.

Shen Zhiyi came in at this time, and was taken aback when she saw the scene in front of her.

"Aunt Zhizhi!" Dashu seemed to have found the organization, and threw himself into her arms in aggrieved manner.

Shen Zhiyi rubbed the back of his head, "Okay, okay, Aunt Zhizhi is here! Did you do something bad again?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Huang Runian with concern, "Miss Huang, are your hands okay? Do you want to ask a nurse to bandage you, children are naughty, don't mind!"

Huang Runian forced a smile, "It's okay, it's all my fault, I don't know Dashu doesn't like glutinous rice, lotus root and red bean cakes, I'll just change it next time!"

"Glutinous rice, lotus root and red bean cake? Dashu is addicted to glutinous rice, so I told him not to eat this!"

Huang Runian suddenly realized that Xingqing Dashu didn't eat what she brought, otherwise, if something happened, how would she explain to He Jingyao.

"Dashu, since Aunt Zhizhi is here, Aunt Xiao Nian will go back first, and come to accompany you some other day!" Huang Runian nodded to Shen Zhiyi again, and left in a hurry.

Shen Zhiyi turned her head and stared at Dashu, "Dashu, tell Auntie the truth, why did you break Auntie Xiaonian's porcelain plate?"

Dashu lowered his head in shame, "I told you not to eat it, she insisted on feeding me!"

"So did you apologize?"

The little guy lowered his head even deeper, "No, no!"

"Then you know what to do next?"

The little guy nodded, "I will apologize to Aunt Xiao Nian when I see you again, so Aunt Zhizhi, you won't be angry with me, right?"

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