This little guy is definitely better than Xiaobao in being cute and coquettish. Shen Zhiyi couldn't help it, and sighed helplessly.

She was really worried that he and Huang Runian would not live in harmony in the future. A child's childhood is so important, but she can't give him anything.

She took out all the meals she had made. The little guy was very happy and ate with joy, like a wolf who had been hungry for several days and almost licked the plate clean.

After packing up the tableware, Shen Zhiyi pulled Dashu to sit on the sofa, "Dashu, Aunt Zhizhi asks you, do you miss your mother?"

"Mom?" The little guy blinked his eyelashes and entered a state of thinking.

Maybe I'm thinking about what my mother looks like, or maybe I'm thinking about whether I want her or not.

"I can't find her, grandma said, my mother has gone abroad a long time ago and will never come back!"

Shen Zhiyi bit her lips, "Then if I tell you that your mother didn't go abroad, she might be in Hangzhou, by your side? Do you want to see her?"

"Really?" Dashu stood up excitedly, and in an instant, he became sullen again, "If she was in Hangcheng, why didn't she come to see me, hum! She must not like me!"

Shen Zhiyi hurriedly explained, "No, no, she is your mother, why would she miss you? Maybe she has some unavoidable reasons! Dashu, you will forgive her for not coming to you for so many years, yes wrong?"

The little guy bit his fingertips and thought seriously for a while, "If she is willing to apologize to me, I might forgive her!"

"Then, do you want her to come back to you?"

"Think!" The little guy answered loudly and anxiously.

He thinks so much, he dreams of it, everyone else has a mother, but he doesn't.

He complained and looked forward to his mother.

Shen Zhiyi's throat rolled, and she mustered up her courage, "Dashu, if I tell you, I'm actually your mother..."

The little guy raised his head abruptly, and stared at her unblinkingly with obsidian eyes, as if studying the truth of what she said.

"Are you my mother?"

"Yes, I am your mother!" Shen Zhiyi held his little hand tightly, bowed her head and kissed, "I'm sorry baby, it was mother's fault, I was cheated back then, so I never went to you, now mother I found you, and I will never leave you again!"

"Are you really my mother, are you really my mother?"


The little guy started crying suddenly, and Shen Zhi hugged him into his arms at a loss, "Okay, baby, it's mom's fault, you can punish mom in any way you want, don't cry, okay?"

"Woooooo! Mom, I miss you so much!"

Shen Zhiyi rubbed her chin pamperingly on the little guy's head, "I miss you too, from now on we will never be separated from Xiaobao again!"

outside the ward.

"Ah! Xiao Nian, what's wrong with your hand?" Huang's mother who was waiting outside was shocked when her daughter came out covering her bleeding hand, and hurriedly called the nurse to clean and bandage her.

"Did that kid do it? Seriously, how did Wan Qing teach? She has no education at all, how can she get along with you in the future? I'll talk to the He family tomorrow and let you accept this kid, but he can't be with you guys." Life!"

Huang's mother fights for her daughter.

Huang Runian stopped him, "No way, Mom, Brother Jingyao loves Dashu so much, he won't agree. Actually, I like Dashu very much, but children are more naughty. It will be fine when we get to know each other well. Don't worry about it." !"

Huang Mu shook her head and said distressedly, "You, He Jingyao really can bear anything!"

"By the way, I saw Shen Zhiyi also go in just now, what is she doing here? Didn't the He family let her see that kid?"

When mentioning this, Huang Runian frowns, "I don't know too well, after all, she is Dashu's biological mother, and she lives in the same city, so we have to recognize each other sooner or later!"

"Alright, if that kid wants to go with Shen Zhiyi, it will solve a problem for you!" Thinking of this, Huang's mother felt a little comforted, "I can't see it, but then again, she sees that kid again." , don't try to enter He's house again, you should pay close attention to A Yao, so as not to be robbed by men without knowing it, then you won't even have time to cry!"

Huang Runian pursed her lips thoughtfully...


"Tell me, did you steal my heirloom necklace and sell it?"

Just as Liu Xiang came home, she ran into Shen Shujie who was rummaging through boxes and cabinets in her room.

She didn't know until she checked, but when she checked, she was startled, and the sapphire necklace was gone.

After serving Shen Yuanshan for so many years, he ended up with this valuable item. According to Shen Yuanshan himself, this necklace was inherited from his family, and he was not willing to give it to Lan Ting back then.

This made Liu Xiang very excited. He used to wear this necklace to show off his power in front of Lan Ting, so as to imply his identity as the hostess of the Shen family.

But now, her most precious thing is gone, not to mention her own son, even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, she has to ask her teacher to punish her, and she cannot forgive him.

Shen Shujie's eyes drifted back and forth with guilt, "What heirloom, I, I don't know!"

He is the flesh that fell from Liu Xiang's body. She knows what shit is pouting her ass. It's no wonder he didn't steal this expression.

Liu Xiang went up and pulled out the hand behind his back, "What is this? Give it to me!"

"Mom! Mom, listen to me!" Shen Shujie tried his best to protect this thing. After so many years, it is covered with a layer of dust. If you don't need it for nothing, I will borrow it and return it to you later! "

"No, no one can come!" Liu Xiang refused.

Shen Shujie was in a hurry, and yanked Liu Xiang suddenly, his body was thrown far away, and his forehead hit the wall.

"Mom, I'm sorry, when I have money in the future, I will definitely buy you a new one!" Shen Shujie looked at Liu Xiang's head bleeding, without blinking, he ran out holding the box.

After realizing it, Liu Xiang rushed forward and hugged his leg, "You brat, return the things to me quickly, it's my life!"

As she spoke, her heart sank, and she shouted outside, "Come here, come here!"

"Okay, Mom, since you are so ruthless, don't blame me for being ungrateful!" Shen Shujie kicked Liu Xiang hard in the chest, and then ran away.

Liu Xiang lay on the ground and kept screaming, crying loudly.

Not to mention the disappearance of the daughter, the most precious son is actually a white-eyed wolf, and even attacked her. It is really a waste of more than 20 years.

Her family heirloom!

It's over, it's over.

Why is her life so miserable!

Shen Zhiyi came out of the elevator on the basement floor, and when she walked to her car, she was completely stunned.

I saw that the visible parts of the car body were all sprayed with red graffiti and fonts.

【Shen Zhiyi, go to hell! 】

[Don't be complacent for too long, I'll settle accounts with you sooner or later! 】

【It doesn't feel good to be abandoned by a man, right? 】

Taking a deep breath and keeping calm, she immediately took out her mobile phone and called the police, "Hi, this is the garage under the He Group, I want to call the police..."

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