The small orgasms in the private room wave after wave, with Song Jiaojiao as a treasure, there is no need to worry about being left alone.

Shen Zhiyi was holding a glass of red wine and standing on the terrace to breathe. After meeting Dashu, she felt much better.

Thinking of this, he took out his phone and sent a WeChat message to Dashu.

Shen Zhiyi: [Big tree, are you asleep? 】

The child was really full of energy, and a message flew over quickly, [Not yet, Dad is not at home, I am reading picture books by myself, this book is very good, I will tell my mother when I see her someday! 】

Shen Zhi smiled knowingly: [Okay, go to bed early, remember to cover the cup, I will take Xiaobao to see you these two days! 】

The little guy sent an emoji of happily bouncing back and forth.

With the sound of footsteps beside her ears, Shen Zhiyi put away her phone and turned her head.

"Sister Zhiyi!" Zheng Fanxing greeted politely.

Shen Zhiyi nodded, "Scared you, right? Jiaojiao has this kind of personality. When she is very happy, she will go crazy, like a child!"

"Crazy..." Zheng Fanxing thought about it for a while, and then smiled. Under the light, his skin was still very resistant, "It seems a little bit, people who are with her should be very happy!"

"I heard from Jiaojiao that recently you invited her to shoot two commercials in one go. I thank you for your trust on her behalf. Jiaojiao is straightforward. If there is anything wrong, please bear with me!"

Zheng Fanxing rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly, "Sister Zhiyi, you are being polite. I really like Sister Jiaojiao's character, she is straightforward and honest. Girls like her are really rare in the entertainment industry nowadays!"

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyebrows, "Really? Then you may not know her well enough, she is sometimes weird!"

Zheng Fanxing turned around, leaned against the railing, and listened attentively.

"She doesn't like the kind of people who are timid and timid when it comes to love. In her words, you have to confess love boldly, and walk away if you don't love it. She hates men who play with girls' feelings in order to prove their charm!"

Zheng Fanxing met Shen Zhiyi's eyes, and immediately smiled, "Don't say it's her, I hate this kind of person too!"

"Zhizhi!" He Qingyan walked in.

"Sister Zhiyi, let's talk first, I'll go over there and have a look!" Zheng Fanxing and He Qingyan nodded to each other when they passed by.

"Why don't you go play?" Shen Zhiyi put the red wine glass there and greeted her.

He Qingyan held back several glasses of wine for Shen Zhiyi, at this moment her cheeks were flushed, as if she had slapped a woman's blush.

He was already white, but a layer of crimson was added to make his skin look even better.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, but only stared at her with a pair of eyes with no deep meaning, Shen Zhiyi was embarrassed for a moment, "I'll get you a glass of water!"

When he passed by, his arm was pulled.

Shen Zhiyi raised her head, and in the next second, she was embraced by the man, deeply and tightly.

She was shocked and caught off guard.

The man has a good smell of alcohol and a faint smell of men's perfume. He is used to using perfume. It has a low-key woody fragrance, but it is easy to fall in love with.

His embrace is not as domineering and firm as He Jingyao's, but it is spacious and inclusive.

Shen Zhi thought, but any woman will probably fall.

However, she felt an unprecedented discomfort.

"Well, you wait, the water will come soon!" She struggled out of He Qingyan's arms, not daring to look at him, and fled here in a panic with her head depressed.

It wasn't until the woman's figure was out of sight that He Qingyan withdrew his gaze. He looked down at the two arms that had hugged Shen Zhiyi just now, and beat the railing very annoyed.

He Qingyan, what are you in a hurry for?
Did it scare her away?
Shen Zhiyi fled far away in one breath, and then he was relieved, rubbed his swollen and stiff cheeks, and squeezed into a corner.

It's not that she rejects being intimate with He Qingyan, it's just that she needs a process of adaptation, it's too sudden, she can't do it.

After a while, He Qingyan came over to her with a look of displeasure and told her that he needed to go back immediately and come to pick her up when the party was over.

Shen Zhiyi smiled and said yes, she was more relaxed when he was not here.

Seeing that Song Jiaojiao was making a fuss with the crowd, Shen Zhiyi went out of the private room alone to find the bathroom.

The washing area is shared by men and women. At this time, a man in a flowered shirt and a big gold chain wandered out from the men's room.

Shen Zhiyi didn't pay attention, and when he turned around, he accidentally knocked his phone to the ground, cracking the screen.

"Sorry, how much is the phone, or I'll pay you back!" Without a word, she took out her phone and prepared to transfer money.

The man in the flowered shirt was about to exhale, when he saw that the other party was a beautiful woman, he suddenly became distracted, "Oh, how much is a broken mobile phone worth? How about this, if you spend the night with the master, this mobile phone will be fine!"

Shen Zhiyi forbears, and repeats indifferently, "I will compensate you for how much the mobile phone is, otherwise I will treat you as not needing compensation!"

"Hehe, the little mouth is pretty good, but I don't know if it's also so good on the bed!" The flower shirt reached out to hook Shen Zhiyi's chin, and Shen Zhiyi slapped it away.

The two men stared at each other, and became angry from embarrassment, "Bah! Maybe you are just a sell-out, and you are still pretending to be in front of me. Let me tell you this, my phone is broken and I want to pay for it, and there is no door. Either sleep with me, or kneel down and lick my shoes clean, otherwise, you don't want to step out of this door today!"

As he spoke, he put his finger in his mouth and whistled.

Immediately, three or four younger brothers jumped out, "Boss!"

"Hold this stinky woman down for me, I'll teach her a lesson by taking off her clothes now!"

"Okay!" Hearing this, the younger brothers were indescribably excited.

It's just that before they got close, they were hit by the chair thrown by Shen Zhiyi.

Several people were hit, holding their arms and legs and gasping for air.

"Brother, this girl is too wild!"

The flowery shirt rolled up its sleeves, "Damn it, a bunch of trash, they can't even handle a woman, why are they still playing with women, get out of the way!"

When the bear's paw struck, Shen Zhiyi turned sideways sensitively, and the wind lifted her hair from the temples.

The flowered shirt flew into the air, and fell forward a few steps in inertia, almost hitting the wall with his head, which made the others laugh.

"Damn it, what are you guys still standing around for? Let me do it together. If you can't mess with this bitch, I'll kill you!"

"It's the boss!"

With the addition of a flowered shirt, the other party has five big men, and it's okay to fight alone, but Shen Zhiyi can't stand it if they really go together.

She took a few steps back, looking for a chance to get out of the way, a hero won't suffer from immediate losses.

Who knew that the few of them directly surrounded her, and Shen Zhiyi was held down by the shoulders from left to right. Just when the flower shirt was about to attack her, a gust of wind suddenly came from her ears.

By the time Shen Zhiyi reacted, the man in the floral shirt had already flown out.

Then, the two younger brothers who were holding her down also flew out, and the remaining two younger brothers saw that things were not going well, and ran away like hell.

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