Shen Zhiyi didn't expect that He Jingyao would appear here, and it was so timely.

No matter how the guy in front treated her, at this moment, she is grateful to him.

The man's eyes fell on the half of her fragrant shoulders that had been pulled out, and a murderous look flashed across his brows and eyes.

In the next second, he took off his coat and put it on Shen Zhiyi, "Shen Zhiyi, why are you everywhere?"

"I..." It was indeed embarrassing enough, Shen Zhiyi couldn't quibble.

Wrapping his coat is like building a city wall, which is indestructible.

"You dare to be so rampant in public, who gave you the courage?" Ah Shen stepped on the face of the flowered shirt and rubbed it with the sole of his shoe.

The flowered shirt slanted its mouth, stared and yelled, "Do you know who my mother is? I warn you to let me go, or I will let you all have trouble in Hangcheng!"

Ah Shen squatted down, grabbed his collar, and turned his face to the man behind him, "Do you know who my husband is?"

The flowered shirt cast a contemptuous glance at the tall, long-legged man with a powerful aura, Jiu Zhuang said cowardly, "I don't know, who is he to keep me reckless, let me go!"

clap clap clap!
Ah Shen patted the man's face, "You are miserable!"

Standing up, he said to He Jingyao, "Sir, he actually said he didn't know you!"

"Oh?" The man raised his eyebrows in displeasure, "Then help him get to know me well!"

"Understood!" Ah Shen snapped his fingers, and the flowered shirt was forcibly dragged away by two of his men.

The sound of dog barking resounded throughout the corridor, "Damn, where are you taking me, don't touch me, you are finished, you are all finished..."

Immediately afterwards, there was a miserable howl.

"Zhizhi!" Song Jiaojiao didn't see her in the box, and when she went out, she heard that there was trouble in the direction of the bathroom. She ran over without thinking, but she didn't expect it to be her best friend.

Seeing Shen Zhiyi wearing a man's coat, and looking at the messy ground, she knew what was going on.

"Mr. He, thank you for saving Zhizhi!" Song Jiaojiao said meaningfully.

He Jingyao looked past her at Shen Zhiyi, Shen Zhiyi coughed uncomfortably, touched the tip of his nose and said, "That, thank you!"

Dog thing, you have to thank him in front of everyone to be satisfied, right?
Is it that short?
The bar manager rushed over upon hearing the sound, with a few people behind him, "What's going on?"

Some spectators whispered something in his ear, and the manager turned to He Jingyao, "You are making trouble? Do you know whose chassis this is?"

Flowered shirts are their frequent customers, and the VIP card is worth millions. If you offend him, you offend their God. If the performance declines in the future, how will he explain to the boss.

If he didn't kill chickens and monkeys today, how could he set rules here in the future.

"Then tell me, whose chassis is here?" He Jingyao lowered his head and lit a cigarette, and lightly exhaled, a puff of smoke circled.

His face was sunk in the white smoke, looming, either resolute, or evil, an unpredictable world.

He Jingyao's facial features are profound, and when he's not smiling, his hair feels cold.

The bar manager carefully looked at the person in front of him, and he always felt that he looked familiar, thinking, maybe he is also a regular customer here?
But even if you come here often, you will be punished if you make trouble with them.

"Qin Sen, Qin Liuye, if you offend Zhang Hu, you offend our Qin Liuye. If you don't give an explanation today, don't even think about getting out of here safe and sound!"

The bar manager's tone was arrogant, his chin was raised higher than the sky.

At this time, his men had surrounded him.

Seeing this, the onlookers gasped, all worried for He Jingyao.

Shen Zhiyi and Song Jiaojiao were very calm, neither said a word, quietly watching how He Jingyao settled.

He Jingyao squinted his eyes and took a deep breath, his expression remained unchanged, "So it's Qin Liu, who should I be!"

As he said that, he brought up the broadcast number on the phone, "Get ready, take the night cat bar for me, and I will order it tomorrow!"

The manager snorted, and said with his mouth twisted, "There are people who pretend to be aggressive every year. You are the only one who pretends to be so aggressive. Buy our night cat? Why don't you say that you are the king of heaven, hahaha!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his phone vibrated.

He glared at He Jingyao, turned his back, and went to pick it up with a nod and bow, "Hey Liu Ye, what's your order?"

"What? Receive...acquisition? Go through the formalities now?"

"Okay, okay, I get it, don't worry, Liu Ye, I will definitely treat you to my father!"

After hanging up the phone, the manager wiped off his cold sweat. Facing He Jingyao again, his attitude changed 360 degrees, "So it's Mr. He of the He Group. You don't mind if you don't know Taishan!"

He Jingyao sprayed his face with a puff of smoke, and the latter was so choked that his face turned red and he didn't dare to speak.

Shen Zhiyi and Song Jiaojiao were almost suffocated, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

Look at the faces of these people, they are really arrogant.

"Are you the manager of this bar?" He Jingyao asked with raised eyebrows.

The manager nodded with his legs trembling.

The man patted him on the shoulder, "Good job, don't come here again!"

By implication, you are fired.

After finishing speaking, he left with his subordinates in a mighty manner.

The manager took two steps back, he was dumbfounded, it's over, offended Liu Ye's parents, his life might be in danger!

Shen Zhiyi and the others were turned off and didn't play any more. They cleaned up and sent other friends away.

"Isn't He Qingyan too unreliable? Why haven't you come yet?" Song Jiaojiao accompanied Shen Zhiyi and waited on the side of the road for a while, but she couldn't help muttering when no one came.

Shen Zhiyi patted the back of her hand, "There is probably something wrong, he has always been very principled in doing things!"

"Then you should make a phone call, this is really not his style!"

Shen Zhiyi was worried about what happened to He Qingyan, so she called him.

There were many rings from the opposite side, but no one answered.

Shen Zhiyi frowned.

At this time, He Qingyan came out of the bar with someone.

A group of people dressed in uniform black, majestic and chilly, like male models on a runway catwalk, instantly arousing the glances of passers-by.

He stopped beside Shen Zhiyi, "Get in the car, I'll take you back!"

Shen Zhiyi took off his coat and gave it to him, "Thank you, I'll just take a taxi back by myself!"

When they came, they took He Qingyan's car, but He Qingyan hadn't come yet.

The man glanced at the suit jacket, but didn't pick it up, "Give it back to me after you wash it, get in the car!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Song Jiaojiao opened her mouth, but she didn't dare to speak.

She was too afraid of He Jingyao. Since he wanted to see him off, she wouldn't join in the fun. Just as Zheng Fanxing's car drove up, he got out of the car and opened the door for her, "Sister Jiaojiao, you're drinking, I'll take you along the way." go back!"

Song Jiaojiao was happy today, so she couldn't hold back and drank two more glasses. Seeing that the substitute driver still had to arrive in half an hour, she might as well take his car.

Besides, the more you keep the distance intentionally, the more it seems that there is really something between them. The open and frank contact proves that they are pure friendship.

With that in mind, she got into the car with peace of mind.

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