Cozy neighborhood.

He Jingyao drove the car into the community and parked it downstairs of the unit.

Shen Zhi suggested that he also come down with him, and couldn't help wondering, "What are you doing?"

"Borrow the bathroom!" the man said, walking into the apartment building on his long legs.

Shen Zhiyi's mouth twitched, what else could she say.

When she got home, she changed clothes in the room, only to hear a clatter, and then the outside fell into silence again.

Thinking that He Jingyao was about to leave, she came out, but who knew, the man was sitting on the sofa, staring at her.

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"Is there any tea? Thirsty!" The man opened his lips, and the light shone on his head, making his hair black and shiny, and his whole body was full of energy and domineering.

Shen Zhiyi said loudly, "I'm sorry, I've run out of tea!"

"Oh, white water is also fine!" the man said very generously.

Okay, after drinking the water, you should leave quickly!Shen Zhiyi suppressed her emotions, poured a glass and handed it over in a muffled voice.

He Jingyao frowned displeased when he saw that it was a disposable paper cup.

In her eyes, has he already gotten to this point?
His fingers were long and slender, with distinct joints, covering the paper cup, as white as snow.

Shen Zhi thought that these hands should be very suitable for playing the piano.

The man drank slowly, leisurely and comfortably, as if tasting a cup of full-bodied coffee.

Suddenly there was another opposite sex in the family, and Shen Zhiyi felt uncomfortable, and it was wrong to leave, or not to leave.

This man is also really, drinking so slowly, it will be dawn after drinking.

"Xiaobao is asleep?" The man tilted his head and looked at her.

Shen Zhiyi gnawed on the apple, not wanting to talk to her, "Yeah, I'm still going to school tomorrow!"

"Oh, that's a pity, I can't see her today, maybe tomorrow!"

Shen Zhiyi is worried, but don't, you'd better go to work hard, don't let me come to my house.

The two chattered for a long time, until finally he finished his glass of water.

Now the dog can finally go!Shen Zhiyi secretly rejoiced.

But who knows, I heard him say in the next second, "I'm hungry, please help me get something to eat!"

Shen Zhiyi's temples were throbbing, and she took a deep breath, "Why don't you go out to eat, I don't have any ingredients!"

"No, just order whatever you want, I'm not picky!" The man didn't leave any room for loopbacks.

Shen Zhiyi hehe, he said to himself, are you sure you are not picky eaters?I was teased to play.

Seeing this dog's character of refusing to leave until it had enough to eat, she could only force herself to be a coolie.

I searched some vegetables from the refrigerator, and after a busy day in the kitchen, a bowl of vegetable noodles came out.

He Jingyao was not polite either, and started to eat while holding the bowl.

He is always so powerful, whether it is plain water or noodles in clear soup, he can still eat it with an elegant feeling.

Shen Zhiyi turned on the TV and changed the TV programs absent-mindedly, so as to relieve the embarrassment of being alone.

But who knew, an even more embarrassing scene came.

The channel on which they stayed was playing a TV series. When the hero and heroine were in love, they embraced and kissed each other. The kiss became more and more intense, and the sound of saliva was not loud, but it was very clear in the quiet living room.

Shen Zhiyi's face turned red all of a sudden, she hurriedly changed the channel, and took a sneak peek at He Jingyao out of the corner of her eye. Fortunately, he didn't pay attention, otherwise...

One wave is not smooth, another wave rises again, and the screen suddenly plays a sexy drama of rolling sheets.

Shen Zhiyi swallowed her saliva, and could no longer use the word embarrassment to describe her mood at the moment.

My brain seemed to be a little slow to react, and I forgot to react for a while, just staring at the TV with my eyes open.

As a result, he was caught by the man.

"So Miss Shen likes this?"

"Where do I have it? Who knew that today's TV series are all such a mess!" Shen Zhiyi pretended to be calm, and was busy changing channels.

Damn, he was actually laughed at.

"It's already eleven o'clock. If I remember correctly, Mr. He will have a morning meeting tomorrow, right?" Shen Zhiyi pointed to the wall clock on the wall to remind.

The man raised his eyebrows, evil and sexy, with a hint of playfulness.

Seeing him getting up and taking off his clothes, Shen Zhiyi finally breathed a sigh of relief, the ancestor was finally leaving.

"I'll pick up Xiaobao from school tomorrow morning!" Before leaving, the man dropped such a sentence.

It took Shen Zhiyi a long time to recover.

Will he come tomorrow morning?

Did she agree?
At the same time, Song Jiaojiao also went downstairs to her house.

"Sister Jiaojiao, don't you invite me up for a glass of water?" Zheng Fanxing loosened his seat belt and turned his head to look at Song Jiaojiao.

Song Jiaojiao laughed awkwardly, "It's too late today, it's inconvenient, wait for a chance later!"

"Okay!" Zheng Fanxing shrugged regretfully.

"Goodbye then!" Song Jiaojiao waved her hand and stepped back.


It was too late when Zheng Fanxing yelled, Song Jiaojiao bumped into the flower pond next to her and fell to the ground.

Zheng Fanxing quickly jumped out of the car and helped her up, "Is sister Jiaojiao injured anywhere?"

"No, no, it's pretty good!" Song Jiaojiao could not wait to find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

Her image as a senior in the entertainment industry was completely wiped out by such a fall.

Realizing that Zheng Fanxing's hand was still on her shoulder, she pushed him away violently.

Zheng Fanxing was caught off guard and pushed back a few steps, stunned for a moment.

Song Jiaojiao slapped her forehead, exerting all her strength, "I'm sorry, I'm just... just worried that there will be paparazzi, and I will be photographed like last time!"

It turned out to be like this, Zheng Fanxing said with a smile, "It's okay, the big deal is all on my head!"

After a pause, "Sister Jiaojiao, in fact, you and the group cp are also fine!"


"I don't mind if you are tied to me, and I don't mind if you rub my popularity. I am very honored to make your career rise steadily, so sister Jiaojiao, find an opportunity to separate your relationship with Mr. Fang from the media. You can consider me!"

Song Jiaojiao was confused, "This..."

"I also hope that you don't keep avoiding me. This feeling makes me very disappointed. In this way, why don't I talk to your agent tomorrow and let's form a CP!"

"No, no, take it easy, the scandal with Mr. Fang is still going on, and if we continue to make trouble like this, won't I become a scumbag in the entertainment industry?" Song Jiaojiao shook her head like a rattle.

Seeing her resistance, Zheng Fanxing didn't try to persuade her any more. She put this matter aside and waited until the heat between her and Fang Huaizhou subsided.

Watching his car leave, the smile on Song Jiaojiao's face gradually faded.

Why does she feel that Zheng Fanxing likes her a little bit!
As soon as this thought came up, she startled herself, and shook her head vigorously, so as to shake off all these unrealistic thoughts.

How could someone who is a top performer in the entertainment circle fall in love with an older sister like her who was born as a small Internet celebrity and was half popular.

"Is that why you don't want him to go?"

A sullen voice came from behind, Song Jiaojiao thumped and turned around.

"Fang Huaizhou? It's late at night, what are you doing here? You're not waiting for me, are you?"

Fang Huaizhou's eyes fell on the square box in her hand, "What is this?"

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