Chapter 459
Song Jiaojiao subconsciously carried the box behind her back, "It's nothing, if you have nothing to do, I'll go upstairs and go home!"

As he walked by, Fang Huaizhou grabbed his arm.


The square box was knocked to the ground, and the silk scarf slipped out.

Fang Huaizhou was about to bend down, but Song Jiaojiao moved faster and squatted down to collect it. She muttered while she was collecting it, "This is Zheng Fanxing's kindness. It is a limited edition and very expensive. What if it gets dirty?"

Once it gets dirty, how can she sell it on second-hand platforms when she is poor in the future?
"What did you say? This is from Zheng Fanxing?" Fang Huaizhou asked with a downcast face.

Oops!I slipped my tongue, I know this guy is very sensitive to Zheng Fanxing!Song Jiaojiao covered her mouth and realized later, "By the way, what do you want from me?"

"Don't put aside the topic, answer my question, is this a gift from Zheng Fanxing?" Fang Huaizhou didn't like this.

Song Jiaojiao blew her bangs on her forehead and stretched her neck, "Yeah, what's wrong, does it have something to do with you?"

Fang Huaizhou slapped her wrist hard, "Song Jiaojiao, are you a pig brain? Last time you were blackmailed by the media because of whom? You just eased up a bit, and then started to hang out with him without a long memory. I think you are... that is……"

"Dogs can't change eating shit, can they?"

Fang Huaizhou turned his face away, "I didn't say that!"

"Okay, I said it myself!" Song Jiaojiao shook him off vigorously, "I am very grateful for Mr. Fang's help before, but it will be strange if you take too much care of my affairs. By the way, Mr. Fang, don't you hate me very much?" ?"

"When did I hate you?"

Song Jiaojiao spread her hands, "You don't hate me, why did you withdraw some of my commercials and movies? That's fine, I don't mind anyway, as long as the money in the entertainment circle is enough for me to eat and drink!"

She put the square box in her bag, "Mr. Fang, just go back if you have nothing to do. It's inappropriate for the big boss of the company to hang around the little artist's house all the time!"

After speaking, he left without looking back.

Fang Huaizhou stood still, but this time he couldn't resist chasing her.

After catching up with her, what can he say?
Silently stuffing the small box of birthday presents she had prepared into her pocket, she turned around and gradually disappeared into the night.

I accidentally scanned the birthday column on Song Jiaojiao's basic information, knowing that today is her birthday, thinking that I was a little indifferent to her a few days ago, and interrupted several commercial shootings of her, so I bought a gift to prepare Giving it to her is also a kind of compensation.

It was not his purpose to distract her from good things, but to let her know that she was wrong and come to him to admit her mistakes.

Unexpectedly, he actually saw Zheng Fanxing sending her back, and the boy looked at her in a wrong way, as if he was looking at his prey, and he would take it for himself in the next second.

And what about Song Jiaojiao?Not only did she not repel him, but she even smiled at him and discharged her lightly, and even treasured the gift he gave her.

This woman was so new to the world, a small gift made her unable to tell the difference between south, east and north.

On the other hand, her attitude towards her benefactor is quite different.

This woman must be mentally ill, she can't tell the good from the bad, okay, just wait for her to come back and find him when she cries!

He Group.

As soon as she stepped into the company, Shen Zhiyi received strange looks from all directions.

As soon as Shen Zhiyi approached their pointing and pointing discussions, they immediately turned into birds and beasts, and when she left, they gathered again.

"It's her, the ex-wife of our big boss! Hook up with my ex-husband and go to my small apartment at night, tsk tsk!"

"Not even the ex-wife, after all, she's divorced, if she gets involved again, she'll be called mistress, vixen!"

"I'm so pitiful for Huang Runian. Before the position of fiancée is secured, there will be a crisis!"

"Hey, take a guess, does the big boss like a new love, or an old love?"

Shen Zhiyi couldn't hear clearly because she was far away, but she was sure that these people were talking about her.

After entering her office, she hung her coat on the hanger. She started her office work today, and habitually turned on her mobile phone to browse Hangzhou news.

A photo that takes up two-thirds of the page instantly impacts the vision.

The man and woman in the photo are exactly her and He Jingyao. The photo was taken last night in her community.

Underneath it was clearly written in big and bold fonts, [He's parents and grandson are staying at the ex-wife's apartment overnight, it seems that the old love has rekindled, and the current fiancée is afraid of staying alone in the vacant room! 】

Shen Zhiyi propped up her forehead and kept pressing.

Who did it?
The phone screen turned, and Song Jiaojiao's call came in.

"Zhizhi, what's the situation? He Jingyao really stayed at your house last night? I'm going, it's amazing, he was thrown down by you again, but he is too scum, and he has not yet broken up with his fiancee and hooked up with you Together, isn't this dragging you into the fire pit..."

Song Jiaojiao was still babbling, Shen Zhiyi interrupted her, "We don't have anything, he just came in and went to the bathroom, drank a glass of water, ate a bowl of noodles, said a few words and left!"

The voice over there stopped abruptly, and then rang out dumbfoundingly, "Isn't it? Is he not good enough to leave without doing anything when everyone comes, or is it because your charm has faded and he can't arouse his interest?" Come!"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes.

At this moment, the office door was pushed open vigorously.

The door panel slammed against the wall, making a loud, muffled sound.

Shen Zhiyi tilted her head, "Stop talking, let's meet another day!"

Putting away her phone, she got up and walked out of the desk, "Mrs. He is here, welcome!"

"Hmph! Don't give me these useless things, Shen Zhiyi, I see what else you have to say today!" Qiu Wanqing turned her phone around and turned it on for Shen Zhiyi to see, and it showed the photo just now .

Shen Zhiyi lowered her eyes and glanced, and immediately, a smile appeared on her face, "Mrs. He, you also know how much the media likes to make up things, you believe such things, it seems that you don't believe your son! "

"I don't believe it's you!" Qiu Wanqing was heartbroken, her eyes widened with anger, and she poked at the phone screen to complain, "You think I don't know what kind of tricks you're playing? How long have you been living? Shen Zhiyi You must have a conscience. Our old lady treats you well, right? You still pester us A Yao again and again. He is about to get married. You are sincerely trying to confuse him and Xiao Nian. Your mother was ambiguous with men at the beginning, do you want to follow her path?"

"Mrs. He!" Shen Zhiyi's tone suddenly turned cold, and there was a fortitude in his eyes that could not be insulted. He was completely different from the kind and gentle woman in ordinary times. Is it a gesture? Are you sure you can bear the responsibility for what you said indiscriminately?"

Qiu Wanqing was pissed off by her until her face turned blue and purple, "I'm not the only one who said that. As for you, you must give me an explanation today!"

Shen Zhiyi spread her hands, "I'm wronged, I didn't do anything, what do you want me to say? Besides, Mr. He forced him to come to my house, but I didn't force him to come. You'd better find out, and you want to explain , that must be what I want!"

(End of this chapter)

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