He Qingyan's assistant, Shen Zhiyi, recognized him, and thought he was sending him back, so he agreed without hesitation, "Okay, send me the address!"

He Qingyan participated in a drinking party today, he is the kind of drinker himself, if he drank a little more, his cheeks would turn red, and he would also feel uncomfortable.

When Shen Zhi realized it, his assistant was supporting him and waiting by the side of the road.

The two cooperated to help He Qingyan into the car.

"Then I'll trouble you, Miss Shen!" the assistant thanked.

Shen Zhiyi said a few words politely, and then drove the car away.

It was probably the shaking of the car that made He Qingyan a little more awake. He dimly opened his eyes, stared at the little woman in front of him for a while, and curled the corners of his lips in relief, "You're here?"

Shen Zhiyi pretended to criticize, "Yeah, Assistant Chen has something to do. I said before that I can't drink, so I should drink less. Look at you, it's hard, isn't it?"

He Qingyan was not angry because of her accusation, on the contrary, it was very useful, and he felt that he was cared about and cared about.

"I can't help myself about the dinner table, I'm fine, just take a break!"

"My face turned red like this, and I said I'm fine!" Shen Zhiyi parked the car on the side of the road, got out of the car and went to the nearby pharmacy to buy sober medicine, "Remember to take this medicine, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable!"

He Qingyan stared at her unblinkingly with a pair of amber eyes, and smiled lightly, "Thank you, I will eat!"

After a pause, "By the way, Xiaobao asked me to bring her a set of books last time, and I want to deliver them to her myself!"

"You, little girl will be spoiled by you sooner or later!" Shen Zhiyi smiled.

The car arrived at the warm home.

Shen Zhiyi saw that He Qingyan's footsteps were unsteady, swaying here and there, so she went up to help him, "Slow down!"

"I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy!" He Qing said embarrassedly.

Seeing that his body was about to fall over, Shen Zhiyi rushed forward with a stride.

Unfortunately, the two just hugged each other.

Shen Zhiyi trembled all over, and was about to pull away in the next second, but was locked firmly by a pair of arms.

"Master Qingyan..."

"Don't move Zhizhi, let me hug you for a while?"

The man's voice was right next to his ears, passing by as softly as a dragonfly on water.

Shen Zhiyi didn't like this feeling, she wanted to break free, "He Qingyan, you're drunk!"

"I'm not drunk, Zhizhi, I'm not drunk!"

He Qingyan hugged her even tighter, as if wanting to fuse the two bodies into one.

"He Qingyan, let go of me!" Shen Zhiyi gritted her teeth and pushed him away.

The man staggered back a few steps, Shen Zhiyi opened his mouth, feeling a little guilty about his impulsiveness just now.

"I'll pass on the gift to Xiaobao for you. You can go back now. It's late." She said and left.

Just a few steps away, her body was suddenly turned around, and immediately after, her lips felt hot.

Shen Zhiyi's eyes widened, she was completely defenseless, and when she reacted, she pushed hard to congratulate her, but instead, he knocked the back of her head, and the kiss became more intense and rude, raging like a tornado.

Don't look at He Qingyan who is usually thin and weak, but at this moment, he is surprisingly strong. Shen Zhiyi tried several times but failed, and she was anxious and angry with tears in her eyes.

At this moment, a muffled sound erupted in my ears, followed by a light weight on my body.

When she recovered, He Qingyan had already fallen to the ground.

He Jingyao seemed to have fallen from the sky, and his broad shoulders were more like a wall, blocking her from danger.

He stepped over in two or three steps, grabbed He Qingyan's collar and lifted him up, then punched him again with a bang.

He Qingyan fell to the ground again, He Jingyao pulled him up again, and punched again, He Qingyan finally lay on the ground with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his cheekbones were bruised.

Seeing him dying, Shen Zhiyi suddenly came back to his senses, and rushed up to stop He Jingyao, "Stop beating, that's enough!"

The latter brushed her away without even looking at her, and grabbed the cloth on He Qingyan's shoulders with both hands, "Are you sober now? If not, I don't mind helping you sober up again!"

He Qingyan turned his head slowly, his eyes turned to the little woman under the street lamp, his face was bruised and purple, but it didn't affect his stern beauty at all, his mouth moved, as if he wanted to say something, but finally turned into silence.

Yes, he is sober.

Only then did he realize that he had made such a big mistake, he is such a bastard, how could he treat the person he likes the most...

He Jingyao shrugged him coldly, straightened out his messy clothes, and when he passed by Shen Zhiyi, his steps paused, "Shen Zhiyi, so you are so casual!"

"I didn't!" Shen Zhiyi looked into his eyes and corrected him firmly and stubbornly.

How could he say that about her?Obviously he saw it all.

The man sneered, "I don't care if you have one or not. I just hope that you will consider your image as a mother when you do these things, and don't let your child be ashamed to follow along with you!"

After speaking, he left coldly.

When Shen Zhi's words came to his lips, he just endured it.

Forget it, what's the use of explaining so much to him, anyway, in his eyes, she is already notorious.

At this time, He Qingyan had already stood up from the ground unsteadily, "Zhizhi, I'm sorry, I just..."

"Stop talking, you go back first, I want to clean up!" Shen Zhiyi couldn't hear a word, turned around and ran into the unit building.

Under the street lamp, only the shadow of He Qingyan was left, stretched out by the light, lonely and lonely...


The most sensational event today was He Jingyao's wedding.

It was held in the courtyard of a certain mansion of the He family, and the guests present could be described as star-studded, not only famous people in the political and business circles, but also celebrities from all walks of life attended the scene. From the beginning of the morning, Hangzhou Toutiao broadcasted the whole process.

Huang Runian was wearing a custom-made white gauze with a winding skirt, elegant and gentle, and a diamond crown on her head, shining extremely, like a royal princess walking out of a castle, holy, dignified, bright and moving.

I have to say that she is the most beautiful woman in Hangzhou today.

He Jingyao was wearing a simple suit of the same color. His hair was combed back meticulously. He didn't need to be carefully crafted or manipulated. He just stood there casually.

The female guests present can only be envious.

"Unexpectedly, my dream husband is about to remarry, and the bride is not me, crying to death!"

"Who is Miss Huang? The jewel in the palm of the Huang family is more than one level higher than us at birth. Can you compare?"

"Or just say that his ex-wife is useless, how can ordinary people fight against the wealthy daughter of a chaebol? I feel a little sympathetic to my ex-wife!"

"Okay, don't let me see the handsome guy!"

Hearing these discussions, Song Jiaojiao curled her lips.

What kind of chaebol daughter, what kind of shit handsome guy, they are all rubbish, no one can compare to their family, Shen Zhiyi.

"Sister Jiaojiao, what's wrong with you, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Zheng Fanxing also attended the wedding as a special guest.

Song Jiaojiao took a sip of the red wine and pointedly said, "Yeah, I'm not feeling well!"


Song Jiaojiao turned her head, "Zheng Fanxing, why don't you stay here alone, and I'll go back first? No one knows anyway!"

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