Because Canxing Entertainment has a cooperation with a subsidiary of the He Group, the company randomly selected two representative artists to attend the wedding of the He Family.

This casually, Song Jiaojiao was named.

She was absolutely unwilling to come, not to mention that the man of the wedding was her best friend's ex-husband, and she didn't want to give him such face when it came to He Jingyao himself.

But the agent has repeatedly emphasized that she must take advantage of this opportunity to increase the highlight rate, otherwise, she is likely to be eliminated by Canxing.

She didn't want her career to collapse, so she forced herself to come.

Of course, she specifically called Shen Zhiyi to ask for her opinion.

That's what Shen Zhiyi said at the time, "Of course you can't miss such a good opportunity. The matter between me and He Jingyao can't affect others. Don't worry about it. Make good use of this platform!"

With the support and encouragement of her good friends, she finally came along boldly. Up to now, she has often scolded He Jingyao secretly.

Shen Zhiyi has put in as much work as possible, but despite this, she has made mistakes several times.

Simply turn off the computer, turn off the mobile phone, put on the bag, and go home from get off work.

"Miss Shen leaves work so early?"

"Miss Shen, you don't look very well today, what's wrong with you?"

"Miss Shen, let's have Sichuan food together later?"

Facing the hypocrisy and gloating of the company's employees, Shen Zhiyi turned a deaf ear to it, walked steadily, and kept his back straight.

The more they want to see her laugh, she just doesn't like them.

She is not a woman who can be knocked down by a man, so what is a mere He Jingyao?
Lose a man, she will be able to get more.

She slipped to the supermarket near her home as usual, pushed the shopping cart, and bought daily necessities, fruits and vegetables, as well as snacks that she and Xiaobao loved.

Then pay, drive in the direction of home, everything is step by step.

After the car was parked, through the front windshield, a family of four could be seen passing by.

They are a young couple, a little boy and a little girl walking in the middle, holding the hands of their parents on each side.

The children are lively and cute, and the faces of their parents are full of happiness and satisfaction.

This is family, the warmth given by a lover.

Shen Zhiyi suddenly thought of herself, if so many things hadn't happened, could they also be together in harmony and happiness like this family?
However, everything can only exist in fantasy.

The two parallel lines, she and He Jingyao, were destined not to intersect.

After coming out of the elevator, she was stunned, "Master Qingyan?"

The man stood upright with his hands in his pockets, his eyebrows lowered, and the light cast over him, casting his own shadow on the ground.

He Qingyan has been here for nearly two hours. After he returned last night, he wanted to call Shen Zhiyi to apologize solemnly, but he didn't know what to say for a while, and he was afraid that he would not be able to show his sincerity on the phone, so he pushed back all the work. Come directly.

During these two hours, he thought a lot.

He has worries, guilt, and expectations.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt, and the moment he saw Shen Zhiyi, he became even more nervous.


Shen Zhiyi turned his face away, "He Jingyao is holding a wedding today, shouldn't you be there at this time?"

He Qingyan closed his eyes, "He has a lot of people's blessings, and I am a lot less!"

After finishing speaking, he took a step forward, "Zhizhi, I came here for a few days to apologize to you, and that night I..."

"It's nothing, you're drunk, I don't blame you, just pay attention in the future, well, it's nothing, you go back early, I want to rest early too!"

After Shen Zhiyi finished speaking, she was about to touch the key to open the door.

This kind of thing is said so easily by her, obviously it is not that simple.

After a moment of hesitation, He Qingyan stepped forward and held her arm, "Zhizhi, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I was impulsive, I shouldn't treat you like that, you can beat me and scold me, I have no complaints!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled and shook her head, "I told you, you just drank too much!"

"You're lying to me, you're looking into my eyes!" He Qingyan turned her shoulders and made her look directly at him, "You're angry, and very angry, right? I'm about hitting me! "

As he said that, he controlled Shen Zhiyi's hand and beat himself.

The latter hurriedly pulled back, "Don't do this!"

Shen Zhiyi took a deep breath, met He Qingyan's eyes again, and calmed down a bit, "Master Qingyan, some things are not resolved this way, I'm really not angry with you, I just think we are not suitable!"

He Qingyan grasped the importance all of a sudden, his heart skipped half a beat, "What do you mean by inappropriate? Shall we break up?"

Shen Zhiyi really couldn't bear to hurt him, but some things had to be said out loud, "You forgot, we've never been together, we're just trying to get to know each other!"

no relationship at all...

Just six words, like a sharp sword, pierced his heart at once, causing the city and fortress he had built with great difficulty to collapse, and all the beautiful things he imagined turned into bubbles.

The complex emotions of loss, injury, sadness, jokes, etc., rampaged and raged infinitely in his scarred heart.

The man tightened his palms to cover up all bad emotions, he was afraid of scaring the woman in front of him.

Throat rolled, he opened his lips, "I know, but you...can't you give me another chance? Zhizhi, you are really important to me, I just want to be by your side!"

Shen Zhiyi looked away, not looking at his light-colored eyes full of injuries, she was afraid that she would change her mind because she couldn't bear it.

Some people or things are not suitable from the beginning, so we must untangle them in the shortest possible time.

She shook her head, "Master Qingyan, in fact, you know me better than anyone else. From the beginning to the end, I have never forgotten that person in my heart, so I was unfair to you from the beginning. I don't want to pretend anymore, let alone hurt you!"

"You're wrong!" He Qingyan vetoed, "From the moment I chose, I didn't care about these things, and I'm telling you very seriously, as long as I can be with you, this is the greatest satisfaction for me, I don't care if you have me in your heart, and I don't care who you still love, Zhizhi, do you understand?"

Shen Zhiyi bowed her head in shame and guilt, and carried out her cruelty to the end, "Sorry, but I can't do it!"

She raised her head and looked at He Qingyan full of distress and self-blame, "Master Qingyan, you are excellent, so please don't be so inferior and wait for someone who is not worth waiting for you!"

The sound of closing the door rang in He Qingyan's ears, he belatedly wanted to call Shen Zhiyi to stop, and tried harder.

It's a pity that the door has been sealed tightly, separating him and Shen Zhiyi in two worlds.

He stood there helplessly like a child, thousands of complicated emotions burned him like a raging fire, and the pain made him unable to breathe...

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