In the room, Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao stared with wide eyes.

The next second, the little girl ran back to her room with bare feet, and suddenly poked her head out, "Shen Zhiyi, I promise, I didn't hear anything!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." It seems that she heard everything, this girl is really...

After taking a breath, the little girl suddenly poked her head out again, "Actually... Uncle Qingyan is very good, damn it! Anyway, you adults have to deal with your adult affairs yourself, we children don't meddle in their own business." Well, good luck to you, Shen Zhiyi!"

The corners of Shen Zhiyi's mouth twitched, did this mean that he didn't hear anything?
I don't care about these anymore, anyway, my daughter will know some things sooner or later.

After changing her business attire, she came out in a set of home clothes, ready to make a good lunch, nothing is more important than eating.

While doing it, she felt uncomfortable, as if something was blocked in her heart, which made her almost suffocate.

I don't know if it's because of cutting the onion, the eyes keep secreting water, the more I rub it, the more I rub it, and I don't rub it at all.

"Shen Zhiyi, you WeChat!"

Hearing the little girl's voice, Shen Zhiyi wiped her hands and went to the living room.

Song Jiaojiao: [Zhizhi, come to Yunjing Hotel quickly, I have something very important to show you, otherwise you will regret it! 】

Shen Zhiyi frowned.

Isn't this girl at He Jingyao's wedding scene?If you don't enjoy this moment, what baby can you show her?
Worried about what happened to her, Shen Zhiyi immediately changed her clothes, took the car keys and went out.

While driving in the direction of Yunjing Hotel, she called Song Jiaojiao, but the phone showed that it was off.

Strange, could something really happen!
Shen Zhiyi panicked, and didn't care about the upcoming occasion, kicked the accelerator, and the car almost flew up.

The open space in front of Yunjing Hotel was full of top luxury cars, and Shen Zhiyi finally found a parking space and squeezed in.


As soon as he got out of the car, a piercing whistle almost pierced his eardrums.

Shen Zhiyi was startled, and when he turned his head, he saw a black off-road vehicle approaching rapidly.

She didn't care, and quickly turned sideways to make way for the other party, and then walked towards the hotel gate.

From the polished billboard on the side of the road, a group of black shadows could be seen quietly driving towards her.

Shen Zhiyi remained calm, clenched his palms, and quickened his pace.

The dangerous breath gradually approached, and she seemed to be gradually enveloped and swallowed by the black shadow.

A gust of wind came close to his face, and there was only a whistling sound in his ear. If Shen Zhiyi hadn't dodged in time, he would have flown a few meters away.

Before she recovered her senses, the car suddenly flew away, turned 180 degrees, and rushed towards her again.

Shen Zhiyi ran up the steps, the black off-roader was like a crazy beast, bit her tightly, jumped up the steps, and opened his bloody mouth at her.

Through the windshield, she saw the man in the cab, dressed in black, with black hair, eyes staring straight at her, the corners of his mouth slanted, and his smile appeared strange and frightening in the shadows, like hell The devil makes one's scalp tingle.

It was her...

In an instant, Shen Zhiyi's pupils widened.

When Shen Zhiyi regained his composure and wanted to escape from her clutches, his legs seemed to be bound, and he couldn't move. He could only watch the huge black vehicle gradually enlarge in his eyes.


The sound of tires rubbing against the ground resounded throughout the world...

at the same time.

The wedding scene in Yunjing Hotel is in progress.

After all the guests arrived, the host announced the official start of the wedding.

In an instant, the scene fell silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on the most dazzling stage. Here, two of the most eye-catching figures in Hangzhou will appear.

As the host announced the start of the wedding, the beautiful piano accompaniment came with the wind, and as the retro arched door of the hotel lobby slowly opened, Huang Runian, who was wearing a white gauze, walked lightly and gracefully, accompanied by two bridesmaids. The pace comes steadily.

The spotlight above her head moved as she walked. On the stage, she was all in white, with the brightest diamond necklace around her neck and the most dazzling crown on her head.

The corners of her mouth are slightly raised, she has the girl's longing and expectation for a bright future, and also has the shyness and nervousness of first marriage.

"Miss Huang is so beautiful today!"

"What's the use of beauty? Isn't a man someone else's?"

"how to say?"

"Don't you know? A few days ago, the media took photos of Mr. He visiting his ex-wife's house alone. If you say that the two of them are fine, I wouldn't believe it!"

Every sentence, every word clearly floated into Huang Runian's ears, but she ignored it and still showed her most beautiful side to everyone.

Today is the most important moment in her life. No matter what happens, she must keep smiling and be happy. She will save her most beautiful self for this day.

After the host stirred up a wave of atmosphere, he said, "The following is our groom today, that is, Mr. He will appear on the stage!"

There was a burst of warm applause from the audience, and the necks of the female guests were getting longer and longer.

To see the face of the male god, today's trip is worthwhile.

He Jingyao held a bouquet of flowers and walked towards Huang Runian expressionlessly.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. The moment Huang Runian saw him, his eyes were filled with stars, and they were all about him, and only him.

A smile bloomed on her face, and she remembered this moment with her heart, the moment when this man ran towards her.

She is about to become his wife.

"My son is here, why are you unhappy as a father, really!" Qiu Wanqing complained about her husband.

Father He shook his head, took a deep breath and said, "I don't think Ah Yao is happy at all!"

Why didn't Qiu Wanqing notice that from the moment her son appeared, his face was expressionless, like a robot with a system installed, just to complete the assigned work.

However, at this point in the matter, there is absolutely no room for loopbacks.

"Sooner or later, my son will know that we are doing this for his own good. What can Shen Zhiyi bring him?" Qiu Wanqing still looked contemptuous when talking about Shen Zhiyi.

The wedding is going on.

Host: "Groom, are you willing to love her, comfort her, and be faithful to her forever in your lifetime no matter whether you are poor or rich, sick or healthy?"

He Jingyao closed his eyelashes and said softly, "I am willing!"

Host: "Bride, are you willing to marry the groom as your husband? Whether in sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth, are you willing to love him, comfort him, and be faithful to him forever throughout your life? "

Huang Runian stared at the man in front of her with burning eyes, and said loudly, "I am willing!"

She is willing to risk everything for this man, willing to endure everything for this man, just to be able to accompany him for the rest of her life.

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