"Who is hiding behind the woman? We were just whispering!" Seeing that he was discovered, Lin Yu simply stopped hiding and stood up boldly.

What kind of eyes does this girl have? With so many people, why did she just see him?
Song Jiaojiao was very polite, and immediately agreed, "That's right, we're whispering, you can control it!"

It was only then that He Cancan noticed the woman beside Lin Yu, and sized her up from bottom to top, "I'm talking to Lin Yu, who are you, meddle in your own business!"

Song Jiaojiao didn't do it anymore, she was even more arrogant than her with her arms around her shoulders, "Then who are you?"

Looking directly at it, she really recognized it.

Isn't this He Jingyao's unruly and willful eldest niece?

She had heard from Lin Yu before that she had been tricked by this girl, and she even took a day trip to the police station because of this.

I didn't expect this girl to have such abilities at such a young age, but she underestimated the He family, and couldn't afford to provoke them, nor could she hide them.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was not right, Lin Yu dragged Song Jiaojiao away, "Let's go back first!"

The two of them, plus Shen Zhiyi, the three of them grew up together, and their relationship is closer than that of iron buddies who wear a pair of trousers. Besides, Lin Yu has long since stopped treating Song Jiaojiao as the opposite sex, so he has nothing to do with her. Scrupulous, just such a random movement of pulling the arm, in their eyes, it was perfectly normal, but in He Cancan's eyes, it suddenly blocked her heart.

"Stop!" He Cancan pointed at Song Jiaojiao with an aggrieved expression, "What is your relationship with her? Why are you so close?"

Lin Yu raised his forehead, "My eldest lady, can you control my relationship with other people? We don't know each other well, okay?"

He Cancan stopped him from leaving, "Lin Yu, I really misjudged you. I thought you were some kind of gentleman, but you are just a pervert, hmph!"


Song Jiaojiao couldn't stand it anymore, and pulled Lin Yu aside, "You're not a good thing, so don't talk about anyone, it's okay, get out of the way, we're leaving!"

"I'm talking to Lin Yu, why are you interrupting?" He Cancan did his part, fearing nothing, the daughter of Qianjin would carry her arrogance to the end.

Song Jiaojiao didn't let her go, and said with a smile, "Lin Yu is my boyfriend, do you think I have the right to interrupt!" As she spoke, she pulled Lin Yu over, and the two of them stuck together for her to see.

Lin Yu couldn't keep up with her rhythm, so he was slow to react, but he still disliked Song Jiaojiao, so he quietly pulled Song Jiaojiao away from an angle that no one could see.

He Cancan looked at the picture of the two sticking together, biting his lower lip unwillingly.

That's it?

Is this what Lin Yu's vision is?
This woman is nothing more than that, she is far from He Cancan.

But the eldest lady also wants dignity, if she breaks out now, how will she mess around in the future?
Besides, this brat doesn't deserve her to do that.

"It's all right now? If it's all right, let's go?" Song Jiaojiao said, swaggeringly dragged Lin Yu out of here, and intentionally congratulated Cancan, "Let's go, Lin Yu, let's go to have a candlelight dinner !"

He Cancan could only watch Lin Yu being taken away by another woman, but she didn't even have the position or qualifications to stop her, and stomped her feet depressedly.

No one saw that Fang Huaizhou had appeared here for a while in a corridor that intersected.

Song Jiaojiao and Lin Yu?

when did they start?Why doesn't he know?What is he?What is Zheng Fanxing?
After co-authoring and bustling for a long time, Lin Yu was the first to get the moon by being close to the water. What about the promised friendship?

"Jiaojiao, are you saying that our relationship is not suitable?" After leaving the hospital, Lin Yu complained.

Song Jiaojiao rolled her eyes, "You think I want you to take advantage of me, I'm the future movie queen, we pretended to be a couple but you took advantage of it, didn't you see that girl staring at you Eyes? I'm saving you, understand?"

Lin Yu coughed lightly, "How can you be straightforward? Don't talk nonsense, I just have a personal grudge with her!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, come on, I'm not a fool, I can tell the difference between likes and dislikes!" Song Jiaojiao curled her lips, "Anyway, I have to remind you to stay away from this kind of rich lady. She is not from the same world!"

"You don't need to say that! Let's go!"

"Hey you..." Song Jiaojiao looked at Lin Yu's back gradually leaving, shook her head and sighed.

It seems that Lin Yu's luck is coming, but this peach blossom may make him allergic, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't come.


"Uncle!" He Cancan came in sleepily, called out sleepily, and sat on the sofa, listlessly.

Before Shen Zhiyi woke up, He Jingyao was leaning on the back of the sofa with his eyes closed and resting. When someone disturbed his rest, he opened his eyes with displeasure, "Why are you here?"

"Didn't you know that Shen Zhiyi had a car accident? I don't have class today, so I just wanted to come and have a look!"

"Are you sure you didn't use this to run out for fun?"

He Cancan grinned twice, "Sure enough, my uncle knows me best!"

She used the excuse that her brother-in-law was in the hospital, nominally to help him relieve his fatigue, but in fact, she came to check in and go crazy with her friends.

But who knew that he would run into Lin Yu here, and thought that everyone was destined, but who knew that he would bring his girlfriend here.

This result was unacceptable to He Cancan anyway.

Judging from the previous inquiring news, he has always been single, and he has never even been in a relationship, so why did he suddenly pop out with a girlfriend.

The more the little girl thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt.

It's clear that she has such good conditions, and she hinted at him before, and he didn't bat an eyelid. Oh, after a long time, it turns out that she has someone she likes.

"Uncle, that Lin Yu...do you know that he has a girlfriend?" He Cancan asked casually while holding a water glass.

He Jingyao raised his eyes, his expression as usual, "Why do I need to know this? What are you asking about this again? Don't tell me that you are now..."

"No, no, nothing, I just met him just now, so I just asked casually, I have such high vision and such good conditions, how could I fall in love with him, you say yes, uncle!"

"You better tell the truth!"

He Cancan held up three fingers, "It's absolutely the truth, I wouldn't dare to lie to you, Uncle!"

He mansion.

"Xiaobao, mom said she came to see me today, why hasn't she come? Did she go back on her word? Did she quarrel with dad?" Dashu stood in front of the French window, stretched out his small head and looked at the gate of He mansion. .

Shen Zhiyi had promised him before that today she would come to play with him at home all day.

Children have the best memory for the things they like, and they are the most persistent. They waited and waited for a whole day, but they still didn't get it. The excitement and anticipation that was full of excitement and expectations were cooling down a little bit with the passage of time.

The little guy was extremely wronged.

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