Xiaobao patted him on the shoulder like an adult, "How could it be? I called her just now, and she said that she was on a business trip. She will come to your house to find you as soon as she comes back. I will come with her then, okay?"

"Really? She really went on a business trip? But why didn't she call me?"

"Excuse me..." The little girl thought hard, and finally came up with a very perfunctory excuse, "She is afraid that you will blame her, so she dare not tell you!"

The little guy scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "She is my mother, I don't want to blame my mother, well, then I will wait patiently for her for another two days!"

Xiaobao breathed a sigh of relief, "That's right, Shen Zhiyi is busy with work, we should understand her and support her work, right? Come on, drink up the mushroom porridge, and when you recover from your illness, we can go for fun together Go to the field, go swimming, go skiing, go to many places!"

"Okay! Xiaobao, just wait, I can go out right away!" The little guy drank the rice porridge in one go.

He wants to keep his body strong and go out with his mother and Xiaobao to have fun.

Song Jiaojiao has been very idle in the company recently. The advertisement was transferred to someone else, and the TV was robbed by someone. Except for some announcements that didn't make much sense, she was basically out of work.

Zheng Fanxing came to her excitedly, and took out a stack of materials, "I have a director friend who is preparing to shoot an ancient puppet, and the heroine is being selected. I recommended you to him. If you are free these two days, I will arrange to meet you." A face?"

Gu puppet, heroine...

At present, the trend of this type of film and television is that every shot is popular.

Song Jiaojiao was already incoherent with happiness, "Really? The heroine, me, can I do it? I have never photographed ancient costumes, ah, will I gain weight in these two days, or you can give me two days Time to lose weight, so I can make a good impression on others..."

Zheng Fanxing couldn't help laughing, "Sister Jiaojiao, you are so cute!"


"Cough! It's okay, I mean you don't have to be so nervous, just have a simple meal to get to know each other, I just recommend it, it's not a matter of success!"

Song Jiaojiao grasped his hand gratefully, "This is already very precious to me. After all, not everyone has this kind of opportunity. If this happens, don't mention it. I will treat you to whatever you want!"

"Okay, this is what you said, sister Jiaojiao, don't blame me for eating you poor by then!"

The two were chatting and laughing, and Fang Huaizhou, who was passing by here, happened to see that the back teeth were gnashing loudly.

I really don't understand this woman, yesterday she was sweet with Lin Yu, and today she is chatting and laughing with Zheng Fanxing, is she a queen?Catch any fish?

"Zheng Fanxing!" When Zheng Fanxing came out of the company, he heard someone calling him and turned around.

"Boss Fang! Is there something wrong?"

Although Zheng Fanxing and Fang Huaizhou didn't deal with each other, and no one could understand the other, they still maintained a harmonious atmosphere between the boss and their artists in public places.

"I advise you to keep your eyes open, don't be fooled by Song Jiaojiao!"

Zheng Fanxing wasn't pretending, he really didn't understand, "What does Mr. Fang mean by that?"

"It's nothing interesting. In short, although she doesn't like me, the person she likes won't be you, or she just regards you as a goal!"

Zheng Fanxing shook his head regretfully, "Do you know why Sister Jiaojiao didn't choose you?"

Fang Huaizhou's expression turned serious, "What did you say?"

"Because you don't even have the most basic trust in her!" When passing by him, Zheng Fanxing paused, "Now I feel that you have no threat to me at all!"

"What did you say, boy, stop!" Fang Huaizhou had never been provoked like this before, but he couldn't refute for a while.

The feeling of humiliation, provocation, and frustration blended together, making him feel powerless.

With a bang, he kicked over the trash can next to him.


"Tsk tsk! I really don't understand you more and more. Don't you hate Shen Zhiyi? Didn't you hold a wedding with Huang Runian? Then what are you doing now that you are so passionately in love?"

Yin Xingze leaned against the door frame with his arms around him, like a careless parent.

He Jingyao focused on wiping Shen Zhiyi's hands carefully with a wet towel, one by one, from the palm to the fingertips, turning a deaf ear to Yin Xingze's words.

"Hey, just tell me, do you still have feelings for Sister Zhizhi? I'm wondering about this. How about you get back together with her and live a good life with the two children, and the family of four will be happy together. Or treat Huang Runian well and start your own life again, but now you..." Yin Xingze wanted to call him a scumbag, but he was afraid that he would turn his back on him, so he simply endured it.

Isn't he just a scumbag, for the sake of his old love, he left the bride behind and replayed the role of an affectionate man. Before, he was cold-hearted to others, but in a blink of an eye, he seemed to be a different person.

It's all right now, he hurt two women at the same time, what a scumbag, worse than him!
He Jingyao changed his hand to wipe. His movements were very gentle and careful, as if he had devoted himself to a very serious job.

Yin Xingze's mouth completely let go of himself, "If I were Huang Ru Nian, I might cry in a corner. I can marry anyone in this life, and I will never marry a heartless person like you again. You are too easy to get." No……"

He Jingyao glanced over, his heart twitched, and he raised his hand in surrender, "Well, I'll just shut up!" Pulling open an orange, he stuffed it into his mouth.

Xiaomei came in at this time, and regretted it the moment she stepped in, and it was too late when she wanted to go back the same way.

"What a coincidence, Sister Xiaomei, you also came to visit Sister Zhizhi?" Yin Xingze was eating oranges. When he saw someone, he dropped the oranges and subconsciously stood up from his seat.

It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

He has been texting her on WeChat for a few days, but she just doesn't answer, and he can't make an appointment. Now it's all right, won't this be delivered to your door?

Xiaomei smiled unnaturally, "Yes, yes, since you are all here, I'll go first. Here is the clear porridge I cooked. If sister Zhiyi is still awake, you can eat it too!"

"Sister, don't worry!" Yin Xingze would not let go of such a good opportunity, he jumped forward and put an arm on the door frame, blocking Xiaomei, "Since you're here, let's sit for a while, it's not too late!"

"No, no, I still have something to do, Mr. Shen, Mr. Yin, I'm sorry, I really have to go!" Xiaomei bent down and slipped under Yin Xingze's arm and ran.

Yin Xingze realized later, and chased after him.

"Sister Xiaomei, how about I treat you to coffee?"

"No, I'm in a hurry!"

"That's impossible. We haven't seen each other for a long time, and you don't even give me this face?" Yin Xingze pretended to be angry.

The innocent Xiaomei mistook it for the truth, and while hesitating, she was dragged to a nearby cafe by Yin Xingze.

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